New York State Museum Bulletin Viewing Instructions

There are three ways to view the online Museum Bulletin text pages:
  1. HTML for On-Screen Viewing: Each page of the bulletin corresponds to an individual HTML page. An inline GIF image of each page has been created, optimized for on-screen viewing. This image, approximately 600x1000, is a 4-bit grayscale image that provides good readability for today's desktop systems. It does not, however, provide good printing results (see next item).

  2. PDF for Printing and Viewing: Each bulletin page has also been converted into the Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, this page can be printed to a laser printer at 300dpi resolution. Using Amber, Adobe's Netscape Navigator plug-in, the PDF file may also be viewed from within Netscape Navigator. (Get Acrobat Reader now).

  3. TIFF: Each page was scanned at 600dpi, and stored as a TIFF formatted file, using CCITT Fax 4 compression. You should only choose this option if you need to work with the original files, and have a system capable of working with images that are typically 3000x4000 pixels in size.

NYS Museum Bulletins | Columbia University Home Page
Columbia University Libraries/Academic Information Systems
Revised: 10/26/96, URL: