Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1 Operations in the feld 3 Office work 9 Investigations in progress 14 Stratigraphic and areal maps 17 Miscellaneous 18 Present staff 21 Appendix I: Accessions 23 Exchanges 24 Collections 27 New York localities by counties 30 Index to formations 31 "Appendix 3: Type specimens of Paleozoic fossils, supplement 1" 43 Perce. J. M. Clarke 134 Upper Siluric and Lower Devonic Faunas of Trilobite Mountain. H.W. Shimer 173 "Contributions to the Fauna of Chazy Limestone on Valcour Island, Lake Champlain. G H Hudson" 270 Structure of Some Primitive Cephalopods 296 Notes on the Siluricor Ontaric Section of Eastern New York. C.A. Hatnagel 342 Explanation of plates 359 Index 385