Table of Contents
Table of Contents 269 Summary of geologic history 272 Precambric history 273 Early Paleozoic history 279 Later Paleozoic changes of level 285 Paleozoic disturbances 286 Paleozoic igneous activity 287 Paleozoic erosion 288 Mesozoic history 289 Cenozoic history 290 Glacial history 292 Postglacial history 293 "The rocks, Precambric rocks" 294 Paleozoic rocks 354 "Rock structures, Foliation" 399 Folds 402 Faults 403 Joints 412 "Topography, Introduction" 416 Prepotsdam topography 418 Paleozoic topography 419 Appalachian uplift 421 Mesozoic base-leveling 423 Peneplains 425 Main axis of elevation 427 Lake belt 429 Faults as topographic features 430 North plain 433 Northern hills and valleys 434 Streams 437 Lakes 445 Index 449