AcIS/CUL Imaging and Hypertext Projects

With the cooperation of various faculty members and the Columbia Libraries, AcIS has digitized approximately 2000 images. These images are available in the various categories below. The experiments include high-resolution PhotoCD images and low-resolution scanned images.

Oversized Color Images Project
This project attempts to identify the most acceptable preservation and access techniques available for oversize, color images.

Calatrava Bridges
As part of his course, Building Systems, Professor Anthony Webster, from the Architecture Department, was interested in providing the many images from the book Calatrava Bridges online. The photographs, originally slides of photos taken of the printed book, were converted into digital form using the Kodak PhotoCD process. The PhotoCD images were then converted to GIF format to be viewed by Mosaic.
A chapter of the book, written by Prof. Webster, has also been placed online. This chapter, originally a WordPerfect document, has been converted to html format, and it includes hyper-links to the images referenced by the text.

Digital Image Access Project (DIAP)
The Columbia University Libraries and AcIS are investigating methods of accessing image collections online. As part of this project, over 1200 images are being placed into a database for image retrieval at Avery Library on a standalone computer. The images here are an offshoot of the DIAP project. They are displayed along with catalog information describing the images. In addition, approximately 400 images from the Avery and Art History slide collections have been converted to PhotoCD format. All of these images are high resolution images. Hopefully, the image quality will be sufficient for use in the Art Humanities courses.

Call It Home: The House that Private Enterprise Built
A joint project with Academic Information Systems, Prof. Keller Easterling of the Graduate School of Architecture, and the Voyager Company. Prof. Easterling is working on converting this collection of images and textual materials into an online resource. Formerly developed for a laserdisc, the images were converted to Kodak PhotoCD and then placed online as GIF images.

Paris Maps
In spring 1993, Prof. Barry Bergdoll of Art History used Gopher to retrieve these Paris maps as part of a graduate studies course, as an alternative to using unwieldy paper maps and limited access slides. A subset of the images is also available here using Gopher.

Granger's Poetry
The hypertext version of The Columbia Granger's World of Poetry contains almost 100,000 poems. The entries are indexed by content and by author, title, first line, and subject. The user can also browse the list of authors represented in the collection.

Project Bartleby
Hypertext books and poetry.

Information About The Projects