In the picture on the right, some of the constituting features are the stone lantern, the pond, the bridge, and the trees. Each of these elements are made from natural materials, that is, if they do not already exist in their pure form. For example, although the stone lantern is a man- made element, its raw material is stone. In this way, everything from the pond to the bridge crossing over it is an example of the intrinsic connection between nature and the Japanese garden as well as between architecture and the garden.
Each element holds an individual symbolic content. This is why it is not enough to understand the garden itself as simply a combination of parts. The aesthetic principles are embedded in the spiritual and intellectual experience.
The specific organization of the garden space within its natural environment contributes to a different aura for each garden. In this way, the particular implementation of the elements contributes to a unique experience for each visitor.

C O N T E N T S:
Ponds, Waterfalls, Wells, Bridges
Stepping Stones, Garden Paths
Stone Water Basins, Stone Lanterns
Garden Plants and Trees
Fences and Walls

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Garden Types