
Each of the walls within Taian are composed of differently placed windows. The shitajimado windows provide usual brightness within the teahouse. The windows are not merely randomly placed, but are planned with precision. In the tearoom, windows are strategically placed to have light flow above the guest’s head. The most interesting innovation of the windows is clearly seen from the exterior. The windows expose the bamboo and reed foundation of the building. Although it seems that the wattle is the actual foundation, close analysis discovers that the wall has been plastered around the edges of the window. This image of exposed wattle emphasizes the rusticity of the room. The aesthetic qualities of the windows is seen when light shines through the windows. From the interior, the wattle projects a shadow upon the shoji that covers the window from inside. The simple windows are perfectly arranged to provide the atmosphere of a wabicha tearoom.       The window from the exterior

The window from the interior
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