Clinical Cases: Part II

Case One: Mark Guttman is a 39 year old white male living in Stamford, Connecticut. Mr. Guttman is here to see you for a follow up to an initial routine health care maintenance exam.

Question 4:

What treatment strategies for hyperlipidemia should be offered to Mr. Guttman?

  1. None
  2. Initiate and maintain therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC)only
  3. Initiate and maintain therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) and consider adding LDL lowering drug if LDL is >130 after 3 months of TLC.
  4. Initiate and maintain therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) and consider adding LDL lowering drug if LDL is >130 after 3 months of TLC; and assess for the presence of metabolic syndrome and its management after maximal response to LDL treatment.
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The correct answer is D.  Mr. Guttman has 2 risk factors and a 10-year risk category of 10-20%. He should initiate and maintain therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) and consider adding LDL lowering drug if LDL is >130 after 3 months of TLC; you should assess for the presence of metabolic syndrome and its management after maximal response to LDL treatment.

Case Two: Maria De Los Santos is a 67 year old Dominican female living in Washington Heights. She has been your patient for 8 years and is here to discuss the results of her fasting lipid panel.

Question 5:

Aside from therapeutic lifestyle changes, should LDL lowering drug therapy be offered to Mrs. De Los Santos?

  1. No - because her LDL is not greater than 160.
  2. It is an option because her LDL is 100 – 129.
  3. No – because her HDL is within normal limits.
  4. Yes – because her blood pressure is not at target control
  5. No – her triglycerides too high to calculate an adequate LDL
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The correct answer is B.  Mrs. De Los Santos has an LDL of 115 and a >20% 10-year CHD risk. According to ATP III recommendations, initiating LDL lowering drugs is an option.

Case Three: Nelson Nguyen is a 43 year old Vietnamese male living in Castro Valley, CA. He has been your patient for 5 years and is here to discuss the results of his fasting lipid panel. He had been lost to follow up to your practice for 2 years. He was taking only hydrochlorathizide (was buying it on own over past 2 years – you added a second hypertension med at the last visit)

Question 6:

What is Mr. Nguyen’s 10-year cardiovascular risk category?

  1. None
  2. Initiate and maintain therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) only
  3. Initiate and maintain therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) and consider adding LDL lowering drug if LDL is >130 after 3 months of TLC only
  4. Initiate and maintain intensive therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) and initiate LDL lowering drug simultaneously only
  5. Initiate and maintain intensive therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) and initiate LDL lowering drug simultaneously; also maximal control of other risk factors
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The correct answer is E. Mr. Nguyen should initiate and maintain intensive therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) and initiate LDL lowering drug simultaneously; also maximal control of other risk factors should be achieved including his hypertension and smoking cessation.


Identify metabolic syndrome and treat, if present, after 3 months of TLC.

Clinical Identification of the Metabolic Syndrome – Any 3 of the following must be present:

Table from Adult Treatment Panel III. Executive Summary of the Third Report
of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation,
and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults JAMA, May 16, 2001

Treatment of the metabolic syndrome

More information on metabolic syndrome is available in the library.


ATP III Classification of Serum Triglycerides (mg/dL):
<150 Normal
150-199 Borderline high
200-499 High
≥500 Very high

Treatment of elevated triglycerides (≥150 mg/dL)

Comparison of LDL Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol Goals for Three Risk Categories

Risk Category

LDL Goal (mg/dL)

Non-HDL Goal (mg/dL)

CHD and CHD Risk Equivalent (10-year risk for CHD >20%)



Multiple (2+) Risk Factors and 10-year risk ≤20%



0-1 Risk Factor




If triglycerides 200-499 mg/dL after LDL goal is reached, consider adding drug if needed to reach non-HDL goal:

If triglycerides ≥500 mg/dL, first lower triglycerides to prevent pancreatitis:

Treatment of low HDL cholesterol (<40 mg/dL)
First reach LDL goal, then:

ATP III Resources For Physicians and Students

Once you understand the principles behind the ATP III, you don’t have to memorize all these steps. Several resources are available for physicians and students that can be used during patient care:

National Cholesterol Education Program

ATP III At A Glance

ATP III Palm OS Interactive Tool

10 Year Risk Calculator

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