Authors are listed in English alphabetical order.


Detailed Ghalibiana

Abdul Latif: sayyid ((abd ur-la:tiif -- ;Gaalib -- Hyderabad, 1932: on the rekhta.org site.

Abdur Rahman Bijnori: ((abd ul-ra;hm;aan bijnorii -- ma;haasin-e kalaam-e ;Gaalib -- Anjuman Taraqqi-e Urdu Hind, 1925: on the rekhta.org site; also 1935: on the rekhta.org site.

Abdul Vajid, Jamal: jamaal ((abd ul-vaajid -- ;Gair-mutadaavil kalaam-e ;Gaalib -- New Delhi: Ghalib Academy, 2016.

Abdul Vudud, Qazi: qaa.zii ((abd ul-vuduud -- jahaan-e ;Gaalib -- Patna: Khuda Bakhsh Library, 1995: on the rekhta.org site.

Abidi, Vazir ul-Hasan: vaziir ul-;hasan ((aabidii;Gazaliyaat-e faarsii — Lahore: Punjab University, 1969.

Abidi, Sayyid Taqi: sayyid taqii ((aabidii -- kulliyaat-e ;Gaalib faarsii -- New Delhi: Ghalib Institute: on the rekhta.org website: *volume 1*; *volume 2*

Ahmad, Aijaz: i((jaaz a;hmad -- momin-o-;Gaalib -- on the rekhta.org site.

Ahsan uz-Zafar: sayyid a;hsan ul-:zafar -- bedil-o-;Gaalib -- New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, 2012: on the rekhta.org site.

Anvari, Asad Ali: asad ((alii anvarii -- qatiil-o-;Gaalib -- New Delhi: Maktaba Jamia, 1939: on the rekhta.org site.

Arshi, ed.: imtiyaaz ((alii ((arshii -- makaatiib-e ;Gaalib -- Bombay 1937: rekhta.org site. Rampur 1945: on the rekhta.org site.

Arshi: imtiyaaz ((alii ((arshii -- farhang-e ;Gaalib -- Nazim Kitab Ghar, Rampur: on the rekhta.org site.

Chughtai: diivaan-e ;Gaalib mu.savvir , muraqqa((-e chu;Gtaa))ii -- on the rekhta.org site. Another edition, Jahangeer Book Club: on the rekhta.org site.

Da'udi, ed.: ;xaliil ul-ra;hm;aan daa))uudii -- majmuu((ah-e na;sr-e ;Gaalib urduu -- Lahore: Majlis Taraqqi-e Adab: on the rekhta.org site.

Farman Fatahpuri: farmaan fat;hpuurii;Gazaliyaat-e ;Gaalib, shar;h-o-matn — Karachi: Baikan Books, 2000.

Faruqi: shams ur-ra;hmaan faaruuqiiurduu ;Gazal ke aham mo;R, iihaam, ri((aayat, munaasibat — New Delhi: Ghalib Academy, 1996. Second edition: 2001.

Ghalib: ;Gaalib kaa mansuu;x diivaan -- ed. Muslim Ziya'i, Karachi 1969: on the rekhta.org site. A merging of published and unpublished verses.

Ghalib (Persian): mahr-e niim-roz (history of Timurids), ed. Shadan Bilgrami -- Mubarak Ali, Lahore, 1925: on the rekhta.org site.

Ghalib (Persian): qaa:ta((-e burhaan (polemical pamphlet) -- Naval Kishor Press: on the rekhta.org site.

Ghalib (Persian): sabad-e chiin (poetry) -- New Delhi: Maktaba Jamia, 1938: on the rekhta.org site.

Ghalib: ((uud-e hindii (a collection of his letters): Lala Ram Narayan Lal, Allahabad: on the rekhta.org site. Matba Anvaar Ahmadi, Allahabad: on the rekhta.org site. Majlis Taraqqi-e Adab, Lahore: on the rekhta.org site.

Ghalib: urduu-e mu((all;aa (a collection of his letters): Lala Ram Narayan Lal, Allahabad, 1921: on the rekhta.org site. Another edition: Matba Karimi Press, Lahore, 1930: on the rekhta.org site: *vol. 2*

Ghalib: ;xu:tuu:t-e ;Gaalib -- ed. 'Abd us-Sattar Siddiqi; Hindustani Academy, Allahabad, 1941: on the rekhta.org site: *volume 1*

Ghalib: kulliyaat-e maktuub-e faarsii-e ;Gaalib . Ed. by Ram Gopal Misr. Islamabad: National Book Foundation, 2008: on the rekhta.org site.

Ghalib: divaan-e ;Gaalib -- a late 1800's divan from the Matba' Ahmadi: on the rekhta.org site.

Ghazanfar: ;Ga.zanfar ((alii ;Ga.zanfar -- shar;h-e diivaan-e ;Gaalib -- Farman Ali and Sons, Lahore: on the rekhta.org site.

Jafri, Sardar: ((alii sardaar ja((frii diivaan-e ;Gaalib — Bombay: Hindustani Book Trust, 1958. Facing text in Devanagari: [site].

Jafri, Sardar: ((alii sardaar ja((frii pai;Gambaraan-e su;xan : kabiir miir aur ;Gaalib — Karachi: Maktaba Daniyal, 1983: on the rekhta.org site.

Jamal Abdul Vajid: jamaal ((abd ul-vaajid -- kashf-e alfaa:z-e diivaan-e ;Gaalib , mutadaaval ;Gazaliyaat -- New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, 2002. [A concordance of the words in the divan.] *On this site.*

Jamal Abdul Vajid: jamaal ((abd ul-vaajid -- kashf-e alfaa:z-e diivaan-e ;Gaalib , ;Gair-mutadaaval ;Gazaliyaat -- New Delhi: Author, 2004. [A concordance of the words in the unpublished divan.] *On this site.*

Jamal Abdul Vajid: jamaal ((abd ul-vaajid -- ;Gair-mutadaaval kalaam-e ;Gaalib : ;Gazaliyaat , mu;xammas , rubaa((iyaat -- New Delhi: Ghalib Academy, 2016. [A complete inventory of the unpublished Urdu poetry.] *On this site.*

Jamal Abdul Vajid: jamaal ((abd ul-vaajid -- An introduction to a forthcoming commentary on the unpublished divan: *the introduction* and *a sample of the contents*.

Jam'i, Hakim Fayyaz Husain: ;hakiim fayyaa.z ;husain jaama((ii -- shar;h-e diivaan-e ;Gaalib urduu -- Delhi: Nai Zindagi Book Depot, 1954: on the rekhta.org site.

Javed Rahmani: jaaved ra;hmaanii -- ;Gaalib tanqiid -- Delhi: Anjuman Taraqqi-e Urdu (Hind), 2006: on the rekhta.org site.

Kirmani: vaari;s kirmaanii;Gaalib kii faarsii shaa((irii — New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, 2001: on the rekhta.org site.

Malik Ram: maalik raam -- fasaanah-e ;Gaalib -- New Delhi 2011 [1977]: on the rekhta.org site.

Malik Ram: maalik raam -- diivaan-e ;Gaalib -- Delhi 1957: on the rekhta.org site; Delhi 1969: on the rekhta.org site.

Malik Ram: maalik raam -- ;zikr-e ;Gaalib -- New Delhi: Maktaba Jamia, 1950: on the rekhta.org site.

Mihr, ed.: ;Gulaam rasuul mihrGaalib — Lahore: Mubarak Ali, 1946: on the rekhta.org site. Delhi, Ghalib Institute, 2005: on the rekhta.org site.

Mukhtar ud-Din Ahmad: mu;xtaar al-diin a;hmadmirzaa ;Gaalib kii ta.sviire;N — in his edited volume a;hvaal-e ;Gaalib New Delhi: Anjuman Taraqqi-e Urdu, 1986 [1953]; on this site (courtesy of Satyanarayana Hegde); also the whole volume (1953 ed.) is on the rekhta.org site.

Naseem Abbasi (Hindi): diivaan-e ;Gaalib sampuurn vyaakhyaa sahit (in Devanagari script): Delhi, Ghalib Academy, 2009: on the rekhta.org site.

Nazir Ahmad: na;ziir a;hmad;Gaalib ke urduu diivaan kaa diibaachah — Ghalib-namah 20,1 (Jan. 1999), pp. 11-20; *on this site* (courtesy of Satyanarayana Hegde)

Nazm Tabataba'i: ((alii ;haidar na:zm :tabaa:tabaa))ii -- i.slaa;haat-e ;Gaalib -- Ejaz Printing Press, Hyderabad, 1966: on the rekhta.org site.

Nisar Ahmad Faruqi, ed.: ni;saar a;hmad faaruuqii -- ;Gaalib kii aap-biitii -- New Delhi: Ghalib Institute, 1997: on the rekhta.org site.

Premchand: munshii prem chand -- aahang-e ;Gaalib ya((nii diivaan-e ;Gaalib kii bihtariin-o-mukammal shar'h ma(( savaan-;hayaat-o-tanqiid-e kalaam -- Lahore: Do Aba: on the rekhta.org site.

Qadiri, Hamid Hasan: ;hamiid ;hasan qaadirii — “ ;Gaalib kii shar;he;N ” — In: ;Gaalib kii urduu na;sr aur duusre ma.zaamiin — ed. by ;xaalid ;hasan qaadirii — Karachi: Idarah-e Yadgar-e Ghalib, 2001. Pp. 47-80.

Raza, Kalidas Gupta: kaaliidaas guptaa ra.zaa -- ;Gaalib kii ba((.z ta.saaniif ke baare me;N -- Bombay, 1990: on the rekhta.org site.

Raza, Kalidas Gupta: kaaliidaas guptaa ra.zaa -- ;Gaalib -- Bombay: Sakar Publications, 1998: on the rekhta.org site.

Rohila, Partav: partav ruhelaa -- kulliyaat-e maktubaat-e ;Gaalib-e faarsii ma(( urduu tarjumah . Islamabad: National Book Foundation, 2008; on the rekhta.org site.

Shaukat: haafi:z a;hmad ;hasan shaukat mera;Thii;hal-e kulliyaat-e urduu-e mirzaa ;Gaalib dihlavii — Meerut: Matba Shaukat ul-Mataba, 1899.

Valah: ((abd ul-((alii vaalah dakaniishar;h-e diivaan-e ;Gaalib vu.suuq-e ;xaraa;hat — Hyderabad: Matba Nami Fakhr ul-Nizami, 1893.

Yaganah Changezi: yagaanah changezii -- ;Gaalib shikan -- 1935: on the rekhta.org site.



Other Research Materials

Fallon, S. W., 1817-1880. A new Hindustani-English dictionary, with illustrations from Hindustani literature and folk-lore. Banaras, London, Printed at the Medical Hall Press; Trubner and Co., 1879. On the DSAL website.

Nur ul-Hasan Nayyar Kakorvi (1865?-1936): nuur ul-;hasan nayyar kaakorvii -- nuur ul-lu;Gaat (4 vols.) -- Lucknow: Halqah-e Isha'at, 1917. Online through the archive.org site : vol. 1; vol. 2; vol. 3; vol. 4.

Sayyid Ahmad Dihlavi (1846-1920): sayyid a;hmad dihlaviifarhang-e aa.sifiyah (4 vols.) — Delhi: Taraqqi Urdu Board, 1974 [1896]: available through the archive.org site.

Shakespear, John (1775-1858). A dictionary, Hindustani and English: with a copious index, fitting the work to serve, also, as a dictionary of English and Hindustani. 3rd ed., much enl. London: Printed for the author by J.L. Cox and son : Sold by Parbury, Allen, & co., 1834. On the DSAL website.

1969 special death-centenary Ghalib issues of literary journals, on the rekhta.org site:

*Aligarh Magazine* -- *Furogh-e Urdu* -- *Huma* -- *Nuqush* -- *Sahifah part 1*; *Sahifah part 2*; *Sahifah part 3* -- *Urdu* -- *Urdu Adab* -- *Urdu-e Mu'alla*


General Studies of Urdu Poetry and Poetics

Faruqi et al. —dars-e balaa;Gat — New Delhi: Taraqqi-e Urdu Bureau, 1981.

Najm ul-Ghani: maulvii najm ul;Ganii raampuuriiba;hr ul-fa.saa;hat — Lucknow: Rajah Ram Kumar Buk Depot, 1925 [1885-86]. Also: an annotated edition ed. by Sayyid Qudrat Naqvi (Lahore: Majlis Taraqqi-e Adab, 2011, 5 vols.).

Sheftah: navaab mu.s:taf;aa ;xaan sheftahgulshan-e be-;xaar — trans. by Hamidah Khatun; New Delhi: Council for the Promotion of the Urdu Language, 1998 [1834]: [excerpts on this site]


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