[PART TEN] Marching in the Bhakkar region, fighting near Maldeo, marching with no water and an empty treasury, a stay in 'Umrkot, the birth of Akbar, a move to Jun; Mirza Kamran besieges Qandahar and the khutba is read in his name [[151-162]]

In 'Umrkot he left many people, and his family and relations, and also Khwaja Mu'azzam to have charge of the haram.  Hamida-banu Begam was with child.  Three days after his Majesty's departure, and in the early morning of Sunday, the fourth day of the revered Rajab, 949H., there was born his imperial Majesty, the world's refuge and conqueror, Jalalu-d-din Muhammad Akbar Ghazi.  The moon was in Leo.  It was of very good omen that the birth was in a fixed Sign, and the astrologers said a child so born would be fortunate and long-lived.  The Emperor was some thirty miles away when Tardi Muhammad Khan took the news to him.  He was highly delighted, and by way of reward and largesse for the tidings he forgave all soever of Tardi Muhammad Khan's past offences.  He gave the child the name he had heard in his dream at Lahore, the Emperor Jalalu-d-din Muhammad Akbar.  [[157-158]]

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