A Mahâvâkya from the Rgveda

Aitareya Upanisad 3.3

prajnanam brahma

sarvam tat prajñânetram prajñâne pratisthitam, prajñânetro lokah prajñâ pratisthâ, prajñânam brahma.

Olivelle (p. 199): "Knowledge is the eye of all that, and on knowledge it is founded. Knowledge is the eye of the world, and knowledge, the foundation. Brahman is knowing."

Hume (p. 301): "All this is guided by intelligence, is based on intelligence. The world is guided by intelligence. The basis is intelligence. Brahma is intelligence."

Radhakrishnan (p. 523): "All this is guided by intelligence, is established in intelligence. The world is guided by intelligence. The support is intelligence. Brahma is intelligence."

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Class notes for Religion W4620 (Nonduality in Indian and Tibetan Thought), Fall 2002.
Last updated: Fri Aug 30 20:39:38 EDT 2002 by Gary Tubb, email [email protected]