Religion W4620. Nonduality in Indian and Tibetan
Columbia University, Fall 2002
Tuesday, October 8
Nagarjuna and Transcendent Wisdom
Assigned Reading
- Nagarjuna, Wisdom: The Fundamental Stanzas on the Middle
Way (Mulamadhyamakakarika) (entire), in the draft translation
by R. Thurman, available in the file of the same name in the "Class
Files" section for this course on Courseworks@Columbia.
- Optional: Nagarjuna's "Sixty Verses on Philosophy" at the end of
the same file, in the draft translation by R. Thurman and J. Loizzo.
- R. Thurman, The Central Philosophy of Tibet, pp. 99-111
(Introduction) and 253-264 (Chapter 3).
Related Material
- E. Conze, The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand
Lines (or another version of the Prajnaparamita Sutra).
Western Relevance
- Joe Loizzo, "Intersubjectivity in Wittgenstein and Freud": an
article applying a Centrist view of the modern therapeutic
philosophy of language to a critique of dualism in modern psychology
and medicine.
Links of interest
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