Note: These books are all in Butler Library either on reserve or in the Reference Room. The selections other than Hamilton have also been brought together in a folder labelled "Early Advaita," multiple copies of which are on departmental reserve in the Religion Department.
This is the best treatment of the connections between Gaudapada and the Buddhists. (On reserve in Butler Library.)
An interesting treatment of the connections between Gaudapada, Bhartrhari, and the later Kashmiri Saiva philosopher Abhinavagupta. (On reserve in Butler Library.)
Summarizes the rift between the shramanic/ascetic and
householder/ritualist streams in early Vedanta, and gives a
glimpse into the Difference-and-Nondifference
(bhedabheda) brand of Vedanta that preceded (and
survived) the rise of Advaita.
By an expert on Gaudapada, discussing the connections between
the tradition headed by Gaudapada and the concerns of modern
thinkers, including European philosophers and scientists.