Do not cite.  For workshop simulation only.
Updated Thursday, 09 November 2000 .


HR 4477
Legislative Summary

Literature Review

Issue Background

Program Design

Midterm Briefing

Organization and Staffing




Final Briefing

Final Report

The Team



Organization and Staffing


I.  Introduction

Appointed by the Board of Trustees and reporting to the Digizone Administrator, the President and his/her staff possess the ultimate responsibility and strategic leadership for the efficient and equitable implementation, outreach, disbursement, and monitoring of the Digital Divide Trust Fund within his or her respective region.  The President will possess substantial knowledge of digital divide issues within the region as well as the managerial expertise to be able to carry out effectively the mandate of the legislation. The President will be responsible for appointing the experts, financial officer, state liaisons and regional coordinator, for the hiring of his staff as well as coordinating the communication between these three functions.  Moreover, the incumbent will, oversee the day-to-day operations of running the administration and grants programming of the region’s technology centers.

II.                Major Duties and Responsibilities

a) Responsible for overseeing the administrative and financial programming of the nine programs as dictated in the Digital Bridge Trust Fund.

b) Responsible for making sure that the mandate of the legislation is obeyed accordingly.  This will include overseeing that the budget and operations stay within the allotted amount and that the programs are targeting the intended population and accomplishing the intended mission.

c) Responsible for representing the region to the Digizone Administrator on the region’s progress on administering the federal grants allotment.  This will include attending regular meetings with the Digizone Administrator to relate the difficulties and achievements of the program’s regional operations.  The President will also serve as counsel to the Board of Trustees on appointing an outside evaluator to the region’s operations.

d) Responsible for collecting and reviewing monthly reports from the Financial Officer and the Regional Coordinator.  

Regional Coordinator

e) Responsible for serving as the liaison between the state liaisons and the President of each Digizone.  The Regional Coordinator is the highest-ranking administrative officer working directly on the programming for the Community Technology Centers.  The Regional Coordinator acts as the eyes and ears on the progress of the grant program in each state, and will convey information about the state-level program operations to the President. 

f) Responsible for coordinating the various efforts/interests of the state liaisons in their outreach effort/implementation and disseminating the grant guidelines.  The Regional Coordinator is an expert on the administrative details and grants guidelines of the Digizone Technology Center Grants Program.  Will be an administrative source of information from the President to the state liaisons and will assist the state liaisons in publicizing the guidelines. 

g) Responsible for making the decision on the final round of applications with the counsel of the Review Board. 

h) Responsible for recommending to the President the state liaison for each state for the President’s approval.  Includes conducting research on prospective candidates. 

Review Board

i) The Review Board consists of four experts (one in urban, one in rural, one on Native-American, and one in technical).  The primary responsibilities of the Review Board are to conduct a needs assessment; identify and strategize on outreach in the most underserved areas and populations of the region to apply for grants; counsel the Regional Coordinator on funding decisions on grant proposals; and monitor awardees’ progress reports.  In this capacity, the Review Board will seek to approve grant proposals in accordance with the results of the need assessment.   The intended goal of having representation of the targeted population in the experts on the Review Board will have a more client-centered effective approach to maximizing the effectiveness of this technology outreach. 

Financial Officer

j) Responsible for monitoring the operational expenditures of the nine programs in the Regional Digital Divide Trust Fund.  Includes keeping a financial calendar of federal grant money disbursed to the region and the regional disbursement of grant money to the state.  Keeps track of the Office’s operational expenses as well as the timely disbursement of approved grant money to the awardees.  The Financial Officer and his/her staff have the primary responsibility of keeping and maintaining a regional and state budget and financial calendar.  Coordinates with the President and the Regional Coordinator on translating program goals into/within financial commitments/restraints.

k) Responsible for reporting to the President with monthly financial status reports.  The Financial Officer is the chief financial liaison to the President and thereby keeps him/her informed as to the financial situation of the Digizone Projects.  The financial officer and his/her staff will work with the President in formulating a budget for each office (regional coordinator’s office, financial officer’s office, state liaison’s office) and will be responsible for approving expenses over a specified material amount. 

State Liaison

l) Responsible for disseminating to the potentially interested CBOs, NGOs, NPOs, and local governments the grant guidelines.  The State Liaison should work with the region’s public relations officer in a series of publicity outreach efforts to the underserved communities.  Includes coordinating meetings with civil society leaders to gather grassroots support and publicity. 

m) Responsible for making the first round cut on the grant applications before the applications are reviewed by the Regional Coordinator.

n) Responsible for networking awardees experiencing any technical assistance/difficulties they may need or encounter in their program implementation with the region’s experts or the state’s experts.  The State Liaison and his/her staff of project managers will serve as a demand-driven support task force for grant awardees and potential grant awardees.

o) Responsible for the collection, review, and evaluation of awardees’ semi-annual reports.  The State liaison shares with the project managers in grant renewal decisions.  However, she or he must regularly report to the Regional Coordinator on the general progress of projects throughout the state.

p) Responsible for hiring the project managers.

Project Managers

q) Responsible for working directly with the communities and community leaders in publicizing, implementing and monitoring the Digital Divide programs.  The Project managers work at a grassroots field level and should be well connected with the civil society and local government leaders.  The Managers are also responsible regular meetings with stakeholders and civil society leaders on their input of the Technology Center Grants Program.  They perform grassroots work to create a demand to be connected, and hence a need for the technology community centers.

r) Responsible for working directly with the awardees or grant applicants on any technical or grant difficulties and questions by making regular site visits.  Include serving as the communications link of the community centers to the State Liaison.

s) Responsible for sharing the decision with the state liaison on the grant renewal of projects.




Do not cite.  For workshop simulation only.