Contact Ton Dieker
Ton Dieker
Associate Professor
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Data Science Institute
Office: Mudd 419
500 W 120th St
New York NY 10027
dieker (at symbol)
For prospective PhD students
I receive many emails about opportunities in our PhD program. If you intend to send me such an email, thank you for your interest! However, due to the number of such requests, I will not be able to answer your email in a meaningful way. You'll have the highest chances if you apply through the official channels, if your research interests are aligned with those in our school, and if you have strong letters of recommendation. Please see the IEOR website for more information.
If you are interested in becoming a PhD student, read this advice from Mor Harchol-Balter. If you are a student in my class and you are contemplating asking me for a recommendation letter for a PhD program, read this advice by Rajit Manohar first since it describes my views as well.
For internship applicants
Unfortuntely, I am unable to reply to requests for internships unless they are initiated by professors or student advisors.