AI, Games, and Markets - Fall 2024

Course Summary

This course will cover the basics of game theory and market design, with a focus on how AI and optimization enables large-scale game solving and markets. We will cover the core ideas behind recent superhuman AIs for games such as Poker. Then, we will discuss how AI and game theory ideas are used in marketplaces such as internet advertising, fair course seat allocation, and energy markets. This is intended to be an advanced MS level and senior undergraduate course for students in Operations Research and Financial Engineering.

Admin stuff

Course Info

  • Instructor: Christian Kroer
  • Time: Mondays & Wednesdays 10:10-11:25 am
  • Location: 313 Fayerweather
    • Professor Office hours: Wednesday 9-10 am Mudd 314
    • TA Office hours: Wednesday 4:30-5:45 pm
  • Courseworks site: courseworks site


  • Mathematical maturity; ability to follow proofs
  • Linear algebra: vector and matrix algebra, eigenvalues
  • Calculus: gradients, optimality conditions, Lagrange multipliers
  • Optimization: linear programming, mixed-integer programming, some convex optimization (these can potentially be learned along the way). If you are coming from outside IEOR/have not taken classes on these topics, then you should take a look at e.g. this book to get a sense for LP, LP duality, convexity, etc.
  • For IEOR undergraduate majors, it is strongly recommended that you take IEOR 3608 before this class, and ideally IEOR 3609 as well.

Course Structure

The course will be lecture-based, with Christian Kroer giving the lectures. We may also include a few guest lectures from other researchers. At the end of the course there will be a few lectures of project presentations by students.

Readings will be from my textbook draft, which is freely available as a pdf (see link in textbooks section). Supplementary readings will also be suggested, though these are optional.

Students will complete a project, which should be done in groups of 2-4 students (project grading will be done proportional to group size). Special permission is needed to do a 1-person project, and it must be an ambitious research-oriented project.

There will be two tests: a midterm and a final. Both will be during class, one early’ish in the semester, and one in late November/early December. Both tests will be relatively short, since there will only be 1h25m to complete each test.

Grading will be as follows:

  • 30% final project write-up
  • 15% homework (there will be 4-5 homeworks)
  • 13% midterm 1, 13% midterm 2, 14% final
  • 5% Project proposal
  • 5% Project milestone report
  • 5% Final project presentation (I may drop presentations depending on how many groups there are)

Final grades are calculated as follows: a total score is calculated according to the percentages above. Based on these scores, grade cutoffs are chosen to very roughly match a 40%/40%/20% distribution on A/B/C (lower scores like D/F are only used if someone performs far below the rest of the class). For a small elective class such as this one, I may have more A and B scores than the typical 40/40/20 distribution suggests, since average student performance tends to be higher.

Exam dates: midterm 1 is Oct 9th, midterm 2 is Nov 6th, final is Dec 2nd or 4th.

Bonus credit: Find mistakes in my textbook! Anyone who discovers a mistake in the textbook will be awarded extra credit applied after grade cutoffs are calculated (if a mistake is discovered by more than one person then credit will be split proportionally). If you have improvement suggestions then please share those as well. I will also award extra credit for these if I end up incorporating them. In any case I would love to hear them.


Homeworks will be posted on courseworks.

Homework lateness policy:

  • All homeworks due at midnight on stated date
  • Everyone gets 3 late days
  • If you are handing in late, you must email the TAs and me to say that you are using a late day. Include in the email how many you have used.

Course Content


A rough outline is as follows (this is grouped by topic, the presentation ordering will be different):

  • Intro to game theory and market design
  • No-regret learning
  • Nash equilibrium
    • Zero-sum games, minimax theorem
    • Imperfect-information games and poker AIs
  • Stackelberg equilibrium, applications to homeland security and wildlife protection
  • Market design and the internet
    • Internet advertising auctions
    • Recommender systems
    • Bias and fairness in machine learning and internet advertising
    • Electricity markets
  • Fair Resource Allocation
    • Fair division via competitive equilibria
    • Fair course seat allocation
    • Allocating food to food banks


The primary text will be my book draft. I will also fequently mention complementary reading from the AGT book:

Additionally, we may use some sections of the following books. They are also recommended for supplementary reading:

If you want to practice problem-solving in order to prepare better for the exam, you can find exercises in the following books:


Students will complete a half-semester project on topics related to the course. This project can be applied, theoretical, or a mixture. Students are encouraged to formulate their own project proposals. That said, I will also provide some candidate project topics on courseworks.

Project rules:

  • Teams should have 2-4 students. Solo projects require instructor permission and an ambitious scope.
  • A one-page project proposal is due November 11th
  • A 2-page progress report is due November 25th
  • A 5-10 page whitepaper, formatted as a NeurIPS conference paper, is due December 22nd
  • Each team must make a ~10m presentation of their project

Tentative Schedule

9/4 Course intro CK Ch 1
9/9 Intro to game theory CK Ch. 2, AGT Ch 1, 2 (optional)
9/11 Continue GT intro
9/16 Intro to auctions CK Ch. 3, AGT Ch 9, 10
9/18 Continue auctions
9/23 Regret minimization CK Ch. 4 (you may skip the proofs of Theorems 7 and 8)
9/25 Continue regret
9/30 Nash eq. from regret min. CK Ch. 6
10/2 Extensive-form games intro CK Ch. 8 (8.5-8.6 optional), AGT 3.1-3.2, 3.7 - 3.11 (optional)
10/7 Continue EFG intro
10/9 Midterm I
10/14 Fair division CK. Ch 10
10/16 Continue fair division
10/21 Fair indivisible allocation CK. Ch 11
10/23 Position auctions CK. Ch 12
10/28 Auctions with Budgets CK. Ch 13, Sec 13.1-13.4
10/30 continue budgets
Election holiday
11/6 Midterm II
11/11 Demographic Fairness CK. Ch 15
11/13 Stackelberg Equilibrium CK. Ch 16
11/18 SE + Security Games CK. Ch 16
11/20 Fair Combinatorial Allocation CK. Ch 17
11/25 Electricity Markets Intro CK. Ch. 19
Thanksgiving holiday
12/2 Electricity Markets - Unit Commitment CK. Ch. 20
12/4 Final exam
12/9 Project Presentations

Below is a list of related courses.

Instructor Title Year    School
Gabriele Farina Topics in Multiagent Learning 2023 MIT
John P. Dickerson Mechanism Design 2022 UMD
Gabriele Farina & Tuomas Sandholm Computational Game Solving 2021 CMU
Christian Kroer Economics, AI, and Optimization 2020 Columbia
John P. Dickerson Applied Mechanism Design for Social Good 2018 UMD
Fei Fang Artificial Intelligence Methods for Social Good 2018 CMU
Yiling Chen Topics at the Interface between Computer Science and Economics 2016 Harvard
Vincent Conitzer Computational Microeconomics: Game Theory, Social Choice, and Mechanism Design 2016 Duke
Sanmay Das Multi-Agent Systems 2016 Wash U
Ariel Procaccia Truth, Justice, and Algorithms 2016 CMU
Milind Tambe Security and Game Theory 2016 USC
Constantinos Daskalakis Games, Decision, and Computation 2015 MIT
Tuomas Sandholm Foundations of Electronic Marketplaces 2015 CMU
Tim Roughgarden Algorithmic Game Theory 2013 Stanford
Christian Kroer
Christian Kroer
Associate Professor