IEOR 3608
Fall 2003

Introduction to Mathematical Programming

Professor Cliff Stein

Course Information


Teaching Assistants

Course Lectures


Recitations are required. You must go to one.



Electronic Mail

I will send various kinds of information by way of electronic mail addresses, and I will respond to questions from you sent by email. Please check your email frequently, and before working on an assignment, check whether I have sent out any changes.

I will assume that when I send email out to the class, you have read it.



There will be weekly written assignments, generally available on the web by Wednesday afternoon and due the following Wednesday, at the beginning of class.

Late Homework

will genereally not be accepted. Exceptions will be made only for exceptional extenuating circumstances (e.g. serious illness, family crisis).

Homework Policy

The main goal of the homework assignments is education, not evaluation. We must also be mindful of rules regarding academic honesty and plagarism. To facilitate these goals, we will use the following policy.

Homework Grading

In this course, each homework problem will be graded according to the following system. Note that the intention of the system is to reward good or excellent performance rather than to distinguish between different types of mistakes. The grades are:

Solution is "so beautiful that you want to cry." Gets substantial extra credit.
A perfect solution. It must be both correct and presented clearly.
* +
A very good solution. You answered all that is required and did it well. A student with all "+" grades has an "A" for the homework part of the grade. Any flaws are minor
A good solution. You basically got it but might have some flaws.
* -
A mediocre solution. You have some of the main ideas, but there are some moderately serious problems.
Something of value here, but major problems.
An attempt, but not much of value
Nothing turned in.



Hardware Requirements:

You will need access to a PC for some of the assignments. You can use the IEOR lab, or your own PC. There may be problems using LINDO in the IEOR lab. More information will follow soon.

Software Requirements:

You will need to use some software that solves linear programs. LINDO/LINGO is included with the book, and Excel also has this capability. You may want to use software such as Matlab to check you calculations.

Students with Disabilites

I encourage students with disabilities, including invisible disabilities such as chronic diseases and learning disabilities, to discuss with me any appropriate accommodations that I might make on their behalf.

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