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3.    Comorbidity of psychiatric and substance use disorders in treatment settings.

  Hasin D, Grant BF, Endicott J: Lifetime psychiatric comorbidity in hospitalized alcoholics: subject and familial correlates. International Journal of Addictions 23:827-850, 1988.

Hasin D, Grant BF, Endicott J: Treated and untreated suicide attempts in substance abuse patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders 176:289-294, 1988.

Hasin D, Endicott J, Keller MB: Alcohol problems in psychiatric patients: 5-year course. Comprehensive Psychiatry 32:303-316, 1991.

Mueller T, Lavori P, Keller M, Swartz A, Warshaw M, Hasin D, Coryell W, Endicott J, Rice J, Akiskal H: Prognostic effect of the variable course of alcoholism on the 10 year course of depression. American Journal of Psychiatry 151:701-706, 1994.

Hasin D, Nunes, E: Comorbidity of alcohol, drug and psychiatric disorders: epidemiology. In Kranzler H, Rounsaville B (eds): Dual Diagnosis and Treatment: Substance Abuse and Comorbid Medical and Psychiatric Disorders. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1997.

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