
The semester-long project is an open-ended Internet measurement research project. Project topics are of your choice but should be related to Internet (or network) measurement. Projects should be done in groups of two (or three with permission of the instructor). I expect that most projects with involve analyzing either existing or new measurements.

Project Timeline

1/30: Post your project group in Piazza
2/13: Post your project proposal (single column, 2 pages at most)
3/25-3/29: Mid-semester project status meetings with instructor
5/1 (Last day of class): In-class project presentations
5/13: Email me your project report and put on Piazza. Put your code in dropbox
5/15: Post review of a different group's project report on Piazza.

Writing Papers

Papers must be written in LaTeX. Papers must be no longer than 6 pages, EXCLUDING references. Text should be formatted in two columns on 8.5-inch by 11-inch paper using 10 point fonts on 12 point (single-spaced) leading, and 1-inch margins. You should strongly consider using some type of version control software (e.g., Subversion or Git) for your project and the paper you write describing it.


The following resources may be helpful:


PlanetLab is a large-scale, distributed collection of machines that can be used for experiments and measurements. It has around 600 nodes scattered over about 350 sites. The machines run something linux-ish that you can login to and run programs, and there exist a variety of utilities for automatically distributing software to the nodes, running programs, and so on.

You must sign up to use a PlanetLab account. Please only sign up if you're going to use the account, since it imposes some management overhead on people not involved with the course.

Amazon EC2

We have a few credits from Amazon if you want to do a cloud-based measurement project. Contact me if you need credits to run experiments in Amazon.