On a policy note: My research straddles the divide between academic research and contribution to policy debates. Some of my projects have been commissioned by policy organizations such as the Inspection and Evaluation Division of the United Nations’ Office of Internal Oversight Services or the Folke Bernadotte Academy of the Swedish government.
These projects have also been carried out in various levels of partnerships with international agencies such as the World Bank�s Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program (MDRP), the United Nations De mocracy Fund (UNDEF) as well as prominent local CSO and government agencies such as Ligue Iteka (Burundi), the Ligue Ivorienne des Droits de l�Homme (Cote d�Ivoire) and the Liberia Institute of Statistics & Geo-Information System (Liberia).
These projects have helped derive specific, actionable results based on rigorous inferential strategies and could serve as the basis for evidence-based discussions of policy options.
Please click on the link below to read some of the policy reports from these studies.
Policy Reports:
� �Laying a Foundation for Peace? A Quantitative Impact Evaluation of the United Nations Mission in Liberia� (with Cyrus Samii).
--Final report for a local population survey commissioned by IED-OIOS.
--The results of the study were used in the preparation of the following report to the United Nations General Assembly ( GA report A/63/713)
� �Quantitative Impact Evaluation of the United Nations Mission in Liberia: Final Report� (with Cyrus Samii).
--Final report for a local population survey commissioned by IED-OIOS.
--The results of the study were used in the preparation of the following report to the United Nations General Assembly ( GA report A/64/712)
ONUB Report, Forthcoming
� �Laying a Foundation for Peace? A Quantitative Impact Evaluation of the United Nations Operation in Burundi� (with Cyrus Samii)
FBA Report
� "Stabilizing the Postwar Environment in Burundi: Preliminary Results and Recommendations from a 2006 Pilot Survey" (with Cyrus Samii and Gwendolyn Taylor)
USIP Report
• "Making and Committing to Peace: Political Vulnerability and Civil War Termination" (forthcoming.)