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“Rare Ancient Featherwork.” Review of the exhibition Radiance from the Rain Forest: Featherwork in Ancient Peru, the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In press for January 2009 issue of the American Journal of Archaeology.

“Sacrifice as Reciprocity: Aztec and Inca,” in Adventures in Pre-Columbian Art: Illuminating the Past and Imagining the Future, Essays in honor of Elizabeth Benson. Julie Jones ed. The Pre-Columbian Society. In press.

“Una interpretación de la ceramica Teotihuacana,” in Artes de Mexico,
88 (2008): 60-63, 79-80.

“Teotihuacan: un paradis sur terre,” in Religions et Histoire,
7 (2006): 30-37.

“A Civilization Going Mad – The Aztecs in Western Thought,” in Arqueología e historia del Centro de Mexico- Homenaje a Eduardo Matos Moctezuma. Leonardo Lopez Lujan, David Carrasco and Lourdes Cue eds. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2006. Pp. 637-644.

“Aztec Poetry,” in The Nahua Newsletter 35, February 2003, pp. 20-23.

“Antecedents,” in Aztecs, exhibition catalogue. British Museum, 2002-2003. Pp. 93-118.

“Nostalgia for Mud,” in PARI Journal. Vol. II, no. 1, Winter 2001. Pp. 17-18 (Polemic Series).

“Truth in Forgery: The Western Concept of Pre-Columbian Art” published as a special issue of RES, 2002, pp. 159-165.

“The Portrait and the Mask: Invention and Translation.” In Olmec Art and Archaeology in Mesoamerica. Article presented at the Olmec Conference at the Center for the Advanced Study of the Visual Arts, 2001. Pp. 265-276.

“The Imaginary West.” In Pre-Columbian Arts Research Institute Newsletter, 1999, pp. 10-11.

“Pre-Columbian Aesthetics.” In Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Vol. IV. Michael Kelly, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Pp. 80-85.

Tükörkép vagy közvetítö. [Reflections or Mediator (Esther Pasztory interviewed by János Gyarmati)] in Tabula, no. 1, Ethnographic Museum of Budapest, 1998: 149-160.

“Sámánizmus és észamerikai indián müvészet.” [Hungarian translation of “Shamanism and North American Indian Art”, originally published in Native North American Art History: Selected Readings, A. Jonaitis and Z.P. Mathews, eds., 1982.] in Tabula, no. 1, Ethnographic Museums of Budapest, 1998: 130-148.

“Treason: Comments of Robert Farris Thompson.” In RES 32, (1997): 35-36.

“Andean Aesthetics.” In The Spirit of Ancient Peru. Kathleen Berrin, ed. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1997. Pp. 61-70.

“Aesthetics and Pre-Columbian Art.” RES 29/30, (1996): 318-325.

“El Arte.” In Historia Antiguo de México, Vol. III. L. Manzanilla and L.L. Lujan, eds., 1995.

“An Image is Worth a Thousand Words: Teotihuacan and the Meanings of Style in Classic Mesoamerica.” In Latin American Horizons, Don S. Rice, ed. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1993. Pp. 113-146.

“Abstraction and the Rise of a Utopian State at Teotihuacan.” In Art, Ideology and the City of Teotihuacan, Janet Berlo, ed. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1993.

“The Natural World as Civic Metaphor at Teotihuacan.” In The Ancient Americas: Art from Sacred Landscapes. Exhibition Catalogue, Richard Townsend, ed. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1992. Pp. 135-146.

“Strategies of Organization in Teotihuacan Art.” In Ancient Mesoamerica, 2:2 (1991), 247-248.

“Still Invisible: The Problem of the Aesthetics of Abstraction in Pre-Columbian Art and Its Implications for Other Traditions.” RES, 1990-91: 105-36.

“El poder militar como realidad y retórica en Teotihuacan.” In La Epoca Clásica: Nuevos Hallazgos, Nuevos Ideas, A. Cardos de Mendez, ed. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1990. Pp. 181-204.

“Identity and Difference: The Uses and Meanings of Ethnic Styles.” In Cultural Differentiation and Cultural Identity in the Visual Arts. Studies in the History of Art 27, Center for Advanced study in the Visual Arts. S. J. Barnes and W.S. Mellon,. Eds. Washington D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 1989. Pp. 15-40.

“The Aztec Tlaloc: God of Antiquity.” In Smoke and Mist: Mesoamerican Studies in Memory of Thelma D. Sullivan. BAR International Series, 402. J.K. Josserand and K. Dakin, eds. London, 1988.

“Texts, Archaeology, Art and History in the Templo Mayor: Reflections.” In The Aztec Templo Mayor, Elizabeth H. Boone, ed. Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1987.

“El Arte Mexica y la Conquista Espańola.” In Estudios de Cultura Nahuatl, 17 (1984): 101-126.

“The Function of Art in Mesoamerica.” In Archaeology, 37:1 (1984): 18-25.

“Art of Aztec Mexico: Treasures in Treasures in Tenochtitlan.” National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. exhibition review. Art Journal (1983): 390-393.

“Pre-Columbian Art of Latin America.” In Encyclopedia of World Art: Supplement. World Art in Our Times, B.S. Myers, ed. New York, McGraw Hill Book Co., 1983. Pp. 133-144.

“Three Aztec Masks of the God Xipe.” In Falsifications and Misreconstructions in Pre-Columbian Art, Elizabeth Boone, ed. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks, 1982.

“Shamanism and North American Indian Art.” In Native North American Art History: Selected Readings, A. Jonaitis and Z.P. Mathews, eds. Palo Alto: Peek Publications, 1982. Pp. 7-30.

“Masterpieces in Pre-Columbian Art.” In XLII Congrés International des Americanistes. VII, (1976): 377-390. Paris, 1980.

Book Review of Pre-Columbian Architecture of Mesoamerica by Doris Heyden and Paul Gendrop, in The Art Bulletin, Vol. 59 (1977): 655-656.

Book Review of The Mural Painting of Teotihuacan by Arthur G. Miller, in The Art Bulletin, Vol. 57 (1974): 118-120.

“The Iconography of the Teotihuacan Tlaloc,” in Studies in Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology, no. 15, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, 1974.

“The Xochicalco Stelae and a Middle Classic Deity Triad in Mesoamerica,” in Actas del XXIII Congreso Internacional de Historia de Arte, Granada, Vol. 1 (1973): 185-215.

Book Review of Prehistoric and Primitive Art by L. Pericot-Garcia, J. Galloway and A. Lommel, in Archaeology, Vol. 26 (1973): 76-77.

“The Gods of Teotihuacan: A Synthetic Approach in Teotihuacan Iconography,” in Atti del XL Congresso Internazionale degli Americanisti, Rome, Vol. 1 (1973): 147-159.

“The Historical and Religious Significance of the Middle Classic Ball Game,” in Religion in Mesoamerica, XII Mesa Redonda, Mexico: Sociedad Mexicana de Antropologia, 1972. Pp. 441-455.

“Hieratic Composition in West African Art,” in The Art Bulletin, Vol. 52 (1970): 299-306.

Catalogue entries dealing with Pre-Columbian and Oceanic art, in Early Chinese Art and the Pacific Basin. Douglas Fraser, ed. New York: 1968. Pp. 23-26, 44-45, 78-80, 92, 102, 108

Lisa and Bernard Selz Professor
in Pre-Columbian Art History
and Archaeology

Department of Art History
and Archaeology
814 Schermerhorn Hall

Columbia University
in the City of New York

[email protected]
(212) 854-5681