0. Title slide: Prince Shôtoku’s Temple: The Riddles of Hôryûji (view of Middle Gate pillars from inside) 
1. View of Middle Gate pillars from inside at Hôryûji
2. Map of transmission of Buddhism through Asia
3. Prince Shotoku on a ¥10,000 note and George Washington on a $1 bill
4.  Portrait of Shôtoku with younger brother and elder son. 
5. Comparison of Shôtoku portrait with that of a Chinese emperor
6. Image of Shôtoku lecturing on the sutras
7. Map showing routes from continent with inset of Yamato Basin
8. Aerial view of Hôryûji
9. Aerial plan showing sites of original and rebuilt Hôryûji
10. Comparison of the Yamadera and Hôryûji
11.  Aerial of Hôryûji from the south
12. Comparison of pagoda at Bodh Gaya with that of Hôryûji
13. Cross-section of pagoda showing grotto in red
14.  Plan of four scenes in the grotto
15. Grotto scene of Yuima and Monju
16. Comparison of images of Yuima and Shôtoku
17. Detail of nirvana scene in the grotto
18. Exterior of Golden Hall (Kondô) 
19. View of Golden Hall ceiling 
20. Detail of heavenly musicians 
21. Plan of the Golden Hall interior
22. Mural painting of Amida paradise 
23. Detail of Kannon from mural painting 
24. Plan of main images in Golden Hall 
25. Shaka Triad in Golden Hall 
26. Interior of Golden Hall 
27. Aerial plan, including the Yumedono 
28. Exterior view of Yumedono
29. Interior of Yumedono
30. Yumedono Kannon
31. Face of the Yumedono Kannon
32. Yumedono Kannon as seen from below
33. Comparison of halo mounting on Yumedono Kannon and Kudara Kannon 
34. Approach to the Middle Gate 
35. Close-up of Middle Gate
36. Elevation of Middle Gate façade
37. Plan of entire compound of Hôryûji
38. View of Middle Gate pillars from inside at Hôryûji
39.  End slide: Jeweled reliquary in hands of Yumedono Kannon