City College of New York BSc 1968 Chemistry
City University of New York PhD 1972 Physical Chemistry
USA. (Immigrated 1948. Born, American Zone- Germany, stateless refugee)
Academic Appointments
1980 - present Department of
Health Policy and Management, Columbia University Mailman School of Public
Health. Professor Clinical Public Health
Deputy Chair (1997 – present);
Director, General Public Health track, (2000-present.)
1975–80 University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Clinical Associate Professor of
Research Medicine. Member of Graduate Group in Epidemiology
1971–75 Rutgers Labor Education Center, Rutgers University. Adjunct Professor.
1969–72 City College of New York. Instructor, Department of
Other Appointments
1998–2003 Treasurer, International Relief and
Development Inc.
1991-1998 International
Labor Organization, Geneva Switzerland (on leave and by special arrangements with Columbia University). Editor, ILO Encyclopaedia of
Occupational Health and Safety, 4th Edition.
Consultant, Agent Orange Veterans Payment Program, U.S. Eastern District Court
(Judge Weinstein presiding).
1988-present Founder and
President, Foundation for Worker, Veteran and Environmental Health
1971–75 Assistant
to President for Health and Safety, Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers
International Union.
Honors: Awards
1999 Honoree,
New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH)
– 20th Anniversary
1996 Distinguished Alumni Award, City University of New York
1991 Appointed
by United Nations, International Labor Organization, as Editor-in-Chief,
Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, 4th ed.
1990 The American Legion Meritorious
Service Recognition Award
1990 Vietnam Veterans of America Special Recognition Award
1990 Personal papers donated to
Schlesinger Library of Radcliffe College, by invitation
1989 American Society of Safety
Engineers (Long Island) Annual Service Award.
1988 Guggenheim Fellowship
1980–85 Preventive Oncology Academic Award,
National Cancer Institute (5 year)
1980 MS. Magazine: One of “Eighty
Women to Watch in the 80’s”
1972 Sigma Xi, Chemical Honor
1970–72 New York State Regents Fellow
1969 National Science Foundation
Graduate Traineeship
1968 National Aeronautics and Space
Administration Traineeship
1964 New York State Regents Scholarship; National Merit Finalist
Listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in American Women
Fellowships and Grant Support
Current: Co-Principal Investigator, US Army Medical
Research and Materiel Command Grant No. PC020527
"Prostate Cancer Mortality and Herbicide Exposure in Vietnam Veterans." (2003-2005) First year direct costs: $398,512.
Current: Principal
Investigator (80%), Subcontract to the National Academy of Sciences. “Characterizing
Exposure of Vietnam Veterans to Agent Orange and other
Herbicides in Vietnam.” 5/1/98-6/30/03 $5,004,708.
Director CSPH-American Cancer Society Cooperative
Evaluation Fellows Program,$18,000 – 2000,
$18,400-1999; $13,000-1998 [funded through direct contracts to fellows and PI].
Co-Principal Investigator (15%), NYC Department of
Health, “Development and Feasibility Testing of Interventions to Increase
Health Seeking Behaviors in, and Health Care for, Populations at High Risk for
Gonorrhea.” 1996-1997. $248,200.
Principal Investigator. American Cancer Society, “Epidemiology and Statistics
Department Grant: Analysis of Women’s Health Experience in CPSII.” 1988-1989. $15,000.
Guggenheim Fellowship: “A Chemical Systems Approach to
Toxicology.” 1988–89. $26,000.
Principal Investigator: Ontario Provincial Service Employees Union contract. “Health and Well-Being of Provincial Employees.” $100,000.
Principal Investigator: National Cancer Institute:
Preventive Oncology Academic Award, 1K07-CA-
00730, 9/30/80-8/31/85; $283,153.
Principal Investigator: National Institute for Mental
Health: “Stress and Mental Health in Open Office Environments,” MH33622,
1/15/80–10/31/83. $120,739.
Principal Investigator: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: “Epidemiological and
Environmental Study of Ethylene Oxide Exposure Among
Health Care Workers,” EPA- CR808429010, 10/20/80-10/19/83. $95,738.
Principal Investigator: U.S. Department of Labor: “Women’s Occupational Safety and
Health Competency Project,” OSHA E9FOD456, 9/29/79–9/29/85. $479,476.
Principal Investigator: University of Pennsylvania: Cancer Center Biomedical Research Grant: $5,000,
Principal Investigator: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
Assessment of Health Effects of Arsenic,” contract 1978-9; $25,000.
Principal Investigator: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: “Assessment of
Health Effects of Coke Oven Emissions,” contract, 1978-9 $25,000.
Principal Investigator: United Church Board of
Homeland Ministries. “Women’s Occupational Health Resource Center General
Support.” $20,000.
Principal Investigator: Ford Foundation: Women’s
Occupational Health Resource Center Pilot Project Support, 1978. $25,000.
Professional organizations and societies
American Industiral Hygiene
Association, American Public Health Association; American Chemical Society;
American Physical Society; American Association for the Advancement of Science;
New York Academy of Sciences; International Commission for Occupational Health;
Sigma Xi.
Columbia University Departmental
and University Committees
Chair, Health Policy and Management 1997 – current; Director General Public
Health 2000 - current
and Contracts Procedure Review Committee: 2002-present
Committee 2001- current
Committee, School of Public Health 1996-1998
Doctoral Committee, Division of Health Policy and Management, 1988-1991.
Chair, Administrative Committee: Division of Health Administration,
1987-89, Comprehensive Cancer Center: 1981-1986: Assistant Director for Cancer Control; Tumor
Registry Committee;
Scientific Liaison for Tumor Registry to Presbyterian Hospital; Cancer; Center Computer Committee
Other Professional Activities
Guest Co-Editor:
Prev and Social Medicine issue on organization of work (in preparation)
Editor, Women and Health: 1985 - current
Editor, Women’s Occupational Health Resource Center
News (1979-1990)
Guest Editor: Occupational Health Nursing Journal:
October, 1982
Guest Editor: Preventive Medicine: September,
Contributing Editor: Environment: 1975-1976
Editorial Boards:
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 1994 – 2000
Hospital Employee Health, 1985–94
Women and Health: 1983–85
Industrial Hygiene Safety News: 1982–90
Professional Committees and Consultations—Governmental
National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences,
US-Vietnam Scientific Conference on Human Health and Environmental Effects of
Agent Orange/Dioxins, Environmental Health Advisory Commmittee, 2002
Health Canada, Peer Reviewer-Study Section, National Centres of
Health Excellence, 2001.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health:
Ad Hoc Study Section, 2000.
National Occupational Research Agenda, Member
Organization of Work Committee, 1996-2001
Health, Human Services, Occupational Health Panel Member,
U.S.-Canada Women’s Health Conference, Ottawa, August 1996
Health Canada, Peer Reviewer-Study Section, National Centres of
Women’s Health Excellence, 1996
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,
Panel National Occupational Health Research Agenda, 1996
Health Canada,
Peer Reviewer-Study Section, National Centres of Health Excellence, 1995
World Health Organization: Group Leader, Expert Panel
on Guidelines for Health of Healthcare Workers and AIDS, Geneva, October 2-4, 1989
Office of Technology Assessment: Expert Panel on
Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace, 1984-85; Expert Panel on Impact of New
Technology on the Office, 1984-85
National Cancer Institute-Expert Panel Women and
Smoking-1984; National Cancer Institute: Merit Peer Review Committee, Cancer
Control, 1979-81
World Health Organization—Temporary Advisor 1984–85,
Women’s Occupational Health
New York State Department of Health Advisory
Committee, 1982–86
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey: consultant on environmental impact of proposed
construction project, 1983–84
Tennessee Valley Authority: Office of Safety and Health, consultant
and lecturer, 1980–82
U.S. Surgeon General’s Office: Work group on
Occupational Health, Taskforce on Preventing Disease/Promoting Health, 1979
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health:
Technical Review Committee for the Benzene, Sulfur Dioxide, Mercury and Cadmium
Criteria Documents; peer reviewer and site visitor for Educational Resource
Centers, 1978-79
Professional Committees and Consultations—Non-Governmental:
American Cancer Society (NY Div.), Research Evaluation
Committee, October 1999 - current
Women’s Health: Occupation, Cancer and Reproduction, Reykjavik, May 1998: Organizing and Scientific Committee Member
American Psychological Association–NIOSH 1998 Stress
in the Workplace, Steering Committee member, 1997 - 1998
National Commission on Working Women: consultant and
collaborator, 1985–88
American Hospital Association: Advisory Board, Reproductive Hazards in
Health Care, 1986–87
American Co-Coordinator, International Scientific
Conference: Working with Video Display Units, Stockholm May 1986
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey:
Continuing Education Advisory Board, 1984–88
March of Dimes: Chair, Taskforce on Reproductive
Hazards in the Workplace, 1980–84; Member, 1984-86; consultant on Environmental
Reproductive Hazards Continuing Education Module for Physicians, 1985-89
American Occupational Health Nurses Association:
Continuing Education consultant and lecturer, 1983-89
Hospital Employee Health, Advisory Board Member, Third
Annual Conference on Hospital Employee Health, 1984.
American Lung Association: Environmental Health
Taskforce, 1976-80; Occupational Health Advisory Board 1984-90
American Public Health Association: Governing Council,
Service Employees International Union:
consultant, 1981-88
Coalition of Labor Union Women: Scientific Consultant
National Union of Hospital
and Health Care Workers: Scientific Consultant, 1975-88
American Chemical Society: Chair, Taskforce on
Benzene, 1978-79; Committee on Chemical Safety, 1973-79; Taskforce on Safe
Laboratory Practices 1978-79
American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Expert Panel for Guidelines on Pregnant Working Women,
Selected Congressional
1989 Hospitals
and Health Care Subcommittee, House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, GV
Montgomery, Chairman
1989 Human
Resources and Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee, House Committee on
Government Operations, Ted Weiss, Chairman
1983 Committee on Science,
Research and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Invited Testimony on
The Quality of theWorkplace Panel, Washington, DC, June 14.
1980 Investigation
and Oversight Subcommittee, House Science and Technology Committee, Al Gore,
Books, Chapters and Monographs:
Stellman, J.M., Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopaedia
of Occupational Health and Safety, 4th edition, International Labor Office,
Geneva Switzerland, 1998 French translations in progress; Chinese and Russian
available in electronic formats).
Stellman, J.M., Editor-in-Chief, Enciclopedia
de salud y seguridad en el trabajo, 4ta edición, Oficina Internacional del
Trabajo, Ginebra Suisa, 1998.
Westlander, G and JM Stellman, eds.: Women and Health: The Swedish Alternative, New York: Haworth, 1988.
Stellman, JM and MS Henifin, Office
Work Can Be Dangerous to Your Health, Revised Edition, Ballantine-Fawcett,
N.Y., 1989; 1st edition: Pantheon NY 1984
Stellman, JM, Women’s Work,
Women’s Health: Myths and Realities, New York, Pantheon, 1978. (Italian translation, Milano,
Feltrinelli, 1981) (Japanese translation, UNI Agency, Inc. 1983) (French
translation, Quebec, Parti Pris Inc. 1983)
Stellman, JM and S Daum, Work Is
Dangerous to Your Health: A Handbook of Health Hazards in the Workplace and
What You Can Do About Them, 2nd edition, New York, Pantheon (in
preparation). 1st edition: New York,
Pantheon 1973. (Italian translation, Feltrinelli, 1975; Portuguese translation,
Editoria Pedagogica e Universitaria Ltd, Sao Paulo, 1975; French translation,
Quebec, Parti Pris, 1979; Spanish translation, Mexico: Siglo Veintiuno
Editores, Sa de CV, 1986).
Chapters and Monographs
JM and A Lucas. “International
Perspectives on Women’s Work”, in Goldman, M and Hatch, M, Women and Work, Academic Press, 2000.
Stellman, JM,
“Women Workers,” in R.M. Bowler and
JG Cone (eds.) Occupational Medicine
Secrets, Hanley and Belfus, Philadelphia, 181-184, 1999.
Stellman, JM,
“Foreword,” in K. Messing, One Eyed
Science, Temple University Press, Philadelphia, ix-xii, 1998
Stellman, JM and Warshaw, LJ, Chapter Editors, “Work
and Workers,” Encyclopaedia of
Occupational Health and Safety, 4th edition, International Labor Office, Geneva Switzerland, 24.2-24.17, 1998.
Stellman, JM and Osinsky, D, Chapter Editors, “Using, Storing and
transporting Chemicals,” Encyclopaedia of
Occupational Health and Safety, 4th edition, International Labor Office,
Geneva Switzerland,61.2-61.23, 1998.
Osinsky, D and Stellman, JM, Chapter Editors,
“Minerals and Agricultural Chemicals,” Encyclopaedia
of Occupational Health and Safety, 4th edition, International Labor Office,
Geneva Switzerland, 62.2-62.16, 1998.
Stellman, JM and McCann, M, Chapter Editors, “Chemical Processing,” Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and
Safety, 4th edition, International Labor Office, Geneva Switzerland,
77.2-77.35, 1998.
Stellman, JM, “Overview of Chemical Hazards in Health
Care,” Encyclopaedia of Occupational
Health and Safety, 4th edition, International Labor Office, Geneva Switzerland, 97.47, 1998.
Stellman, JM, Osinsky, D and Markkanen, P,Chapter
Editors, “Guide to Chemicals,” Encyclopaedia
of Occupational Health and Safety, 4th edition, International Labor Office,
Geneva Switzerland, 104.5-104.414, 1998.
Stellman, JM and SD Stellman, “Agent Orange, 2,4-D
and 2,4,5-T,” in Environmental and
Occupational Medicine, W Rom, ed., New York: Little Brown, 3rd edition, 1998.
Stellman, JM and
SD Stellman , “An
appraisal of military records available for research on the health effects of
herbicides used during the Vietnam War.” Report to the Institute of Medicine, February 4, 1993.
Stellman, JM, “Overview: Gender and Occupational Health,” in Proceedings of the Research Round Table on
Gender and Workplace Health,” Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa,
Stellman, JM and Stellman, SD, “Agent Orange, 2,4-D and
2,4,5-T,” in Environmental and
Occupational Medicine, W Rom, ed., New York: Little Brown, 2nd edition, 1992.
Zoloth, S and JM Stellman, “Hazards of Healing: Occupational Health and
Safety in Hospitals,” in Women and Work,
Vol II, A Stromberg, L Larwood and B Gutek, eds., Beverly Hills: Sage, 1987.
Stellman, JM, S Klitzman, GR Gordon, and BR Snow, “A Comparison of the
Health and Well-Being of Clerical Workers and VDT Operators,” in B Knave and PG
Wideback, eds., Work With Display Units
86, Amsterdam: Elsevier 605-613, 1986.
Kipen, H and JM Stellman, Core
Curriculum Guide on Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace, American
Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Atlanta, 1986.
Stellman, JM, “Science, Social Perspectives, Social Problems and the
Formation of a Career,” in The Alice Hamilton
Symposium on Women in Occupational Health, American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati, 1985.
Stellman, JM, “Are current standards setting procedures adequate and
valid,” Prentice-Hall Labor Relations Guide Service, 40,203-40,207, 2- 8-85,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Stellman, JM and J Messite, Introduction to Encyclopedia of Industrial Medicine, Methuen, New York, 1986.
Stellman, JM, “Leukemia and Lymphoma Among
Hospital Workers,” Environmental Protection Agency Final Report, 1985.
Stellman, JM and BR Snow, “Occupational Safety and Health Hazards and
Psychosocial Well-Being of Workers,” in Health
and Industry—A Behavior Medicine Approach Wiley, New York, 1986.
Snow, BR, J Berek, D Legrande, J McMahon, R Wilford, and Stellman, JM,
“Behavior Medicine In Industry: A Labor Perspective,” in Health and Industry—A Behavior Medicine Approach, Wiley, New York, 1986.
Stellman, JM, “Chemical Hazards,” in R Lewy, ed., Highlights of the Medical Center Employee
Health Conference, Excerpta Medica Princeton 1984
Stellman, JM and J Messite, “A Dental Workplace Health and Safety
Guide,” in Occupational Hazards in
Dentistry, H Goldman, ed., Yearbook Chicago, 1984
Stellman, JM and MS Henifin, three-part series based on excerpts from
above, Working Woman, March, April
Stellman, JM, A Rosenberg, B Aufiero and MS Henifin, “Personal
Protective Equipment for Women: The State of the Art,” Proc. 1984 Int’l Conference on Occupational Ergonomics.
Stellman, JM, J Caravanos, and RN Taub, “Development
of an Interactive Inter-State Community Hospital Based Regional Tumor Registry,” Proc. of the International Cancer Congress,
Seattle, 1982.
Stellman, JM and MS Henifin, “No Fertile Women Need Apply: Employment
Discrimination and Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace,” in Biological Woman—The
Convenient Myth, R Hubbard, MS Henifin, and B Fried, eds. Boston: Schenckman, 1983.
Stellman, JM “Reproductive Effects of Workplace Exposures,” in Environmental and Occupational Medicine,
Rom, Wm. ed, New York, Little Brown, 1982.
Stellman, JM, “La rançon économique du travail des femmes: les risques
professionnels.” in Médecine et sociètè les anneès 80. L Bozzini, M Renaud, D
Gaucher, and J Llambias-Wolff, eds. Laval,
Quebec: 1980, pp. 248-270.
Stellman, JM and SD Stellman, “Smoking, Women and
Occupational Health,” in Report of the
Surgeon General, U.S. PHS, Washington, 1980.
Stellman, JM, “Biological Aspects of the Effects of Toxic Agents on
Reproductive Outcome,” in Inudstry and
Health Care IX, R. Egdahl, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1980
Stellman, JM and G Kabat, “An Assessment of the Health
Effects of Arsenic Germane to Low-Level Exposure,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, 1978.
Stellman, JM and G Kabat, “An Assessment of the Health
Effects of Coke Oven Emissions Germane to Low Level Exposure,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, 1978.
Woodward, AE, SB Ng and JM Stellman, “Chain Folding and the Location of
the Amorphous Component in Poly (trans-1,4-butadiene) Single Crystals,” in Advances in Polymer Science and Engineering,
KD Poe et al. eds., New York, Plenum Press, 1972.
Stellman, JM,
Tomasallo, C., Christian,
R., Benjamin, F and Stellman, SD Military Unit Mobility as a Conceptual Approach for
Evaluating Environmental Exposures among Military Personnel. (submitted).
Stellman, SD and Stellman, JM. Exposure Opportunity Models For Agent Orange,
Dioxin, And Other Military Herbicides
Used In Vietnam, 1961-1971. (submitted)
Stellman, JM, Stellman, SD, Christian RC, Weber, TW and Tomasallo, C. The
extent and patterns of usage of Agent Orange and other herbicides in Vietnam. Nature,422, 681-687, 2003 (cover article).
Koenen, KC, Stellman, JM, Stellman, SD, Sommer, JF. Persistence of Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder Symptoms among Vietnam Veterans. (submitted)
Koenen, KC,
Stellman, JM, Stellman, SD, Sommer, J. Risk Factors for Course of PTSD Among
Vietnam Veterans: A 14-year Follow-up of American Legionnaires. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, in press.
Stellman, JM*, Stellman* SD, Weber, T, Tomasallo C, Stellman AB, Christian R. A Geographic Information System for
Characterizing Exposure to Agent Orange and Other Herbicides in Vietnam/ Env. Health Perspectives, 111(3), 321-328, 2003. (* equal contributions)
M., Manderson, L. and Stellman, JM, "Welfare reforms in Australia; How will they affect women’s Health?" JAMWA 57, 49053, 2002.
JM. Perspectives on women's occupational health.
[Journal Article] Journal of the American Medical Womens
Association. 55(2):69-71, 95, 2000 Spring.
Kelaher, M.
and Stellman, JM, “The Impact of Medicare Funding on the Use of Mammography
among Older Women: Implications for Improving Access to Screening,” Preventive
Medicine, 31, 658-664, 2000.
JM, “Women Workers: The Social Construction of a Special Working Population and
the Hazards They Face on the Job,” in State
of the Art Reviews, 14 (3) p. 559-581, 1999.
Stellman, JM and SD Stellman, “Cancer and the
Workplace,” CA-A Cancer Journal for
Clinicians, 46, 70-92, 1996.
Stellman JM. Women's health perspectives from the ILO
Encyclopedia of Occupational Health Safety. Epidemiologia
e Prevenzione. 20(2-3):191-3, 1996 Apr-Sep.
Stellman, JM and SD Stellman, “Social Factors, Women
and Cancer,” Seminars in Oncology Nursing,
11, 103-108, 1995.
Stellman, JM, “Where Women Work and the Hazards They May Face on the
Job.” Journal of
Occupational Medicine 36(8), 814-825, 1994.
Klitzman, S and JM Stellman, “The Impact of the Physical Environment on
the Psychological Well-Being of Office Workers.” Social Sci & Med 29(6), 733-749,
Stellman, SD, JM Stellman, JF Sommer, Jr., “Combat and Herbicide
Exposure in Vietnam Among American
Legionnaires.” Environmental
Research 47(2), 112-128, 1988.
Stellman, JM, SD Stellman, JF Sommer, Jr., “Social and Behavioral
Consequences of the Vietnam Experience Among American Legionnaires.” Environmental Research,
47(2), 129-149, 1988.
Stellman, SD, JM Stellman, JF Sommer, Jr., “Health and
Reproductive Effects of Combat and Herbicide Exposure in Vietnam Among American
Legionnaires.” Environmental
Research, 47(2), 150-174, 1988.
Snow, B, JM Stellman, SD Stellman, JF Sommer, Jr., “Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder in Relation to Military Service in Vietnam Among American
Legionnaires.” Environmental
Research, 47(2), 176-192, 1988.
Stellman, JM, SD Stellman, JF Sommer, Jr.,
“Utilization Attitudes, and Experiences of Vietnam Era Veterans with Veterans
Administration Health Facilities.”
Environmental Research,
193-209, 1988.
Stellman, JM, S
Klitzman, GR Gordon, and B
Snow, “Work Environment and the Well-Being of Clerical and VDT Workers,” J. Occupational Behaviour, 8, 95-114,
Stellman JM. The working environment of the working poor: an analysis
based on workers' compensation claims, census data and known risk factors. Women
& Health, 12(3-4):83-101, 1987.
Stellman, JM, “Protective Legislation, Ionizing Radiation and Health: A
New Appraisal and International Survey,” Women
and Health 12(1), 105-125, 1987.
Stellman, JM, “Spread of Chemotherapeutic Agents at Work: Assessment
through Simulation,” Cancer Investigation,
5(2), 75-81, 1987.
Stellman, SD. and JM Stellman, “Estimation of Exposure to Agent Orange
and Other Defoliants among American Troops in Vietnam: A Methodological Approach,” Amer. Journal Industrial Medicine, 9:305-321,1986
Stellman, JM and SR Zoloth, “Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agents as
Occupational Hazards: A Literature Review,” Cancer
Investigation 4(2), 127-135 (1986).
Stellman, JM, “Environmental Agents and Birth
Outcomes,” Annals of New York Academy
of Sciences 11/730, 216-221, 1986.
Stellman, JM, S
Klitzman, G Gordon, and B
Snow, “Air Quality and Ergonomics in the Office: Survey Results and
Methodologic Issues,” American Industrial
Hygiene Association Journal, 46(5),286-293, 1985
Stellman, JM, “Practical Problems of Designing Cohort Studies to
Identify Occupational Hazards with Health Care as an Example,” National Cancer Institute Monograph Number
67, NIH Pub. #85-2713, 1985.
Stellman, JM and SD Stellman, “Occupational Lung Disease and Cancer
Risk in Women,” Occupational Health
Nursing, 40-46, November 1983
Stellman, JM, B Aufiero and RN Taub, “Assessment of
Potential Exposure to Antineoplastic Agents in the Health Care Setting,” Preventive
Medicine (13), 245-255, 1984.
Soskolne, C, E Zeighami, N Hanis, L Kupper, N Hermann, J Amsel, J
Mausner, and Stellman, JM, “Laryngeal Cancer and Occupational Exposure to
Sulfuric Acid,” Amer. J. of Epidemiology
120(3), 358-369, 1984.
Taub RN. Stellman JM. “The Columbia Cancer Center Cancer Control Program. Progress in Clinical &
Biological Research. 121:73-4, 1983.
Stellman JM. Aufiero B. “Screening, education and industrial hygiene
interventions for the control of cancer in health care workers.” Progress in Clinical & Biological Research.
121:125-6, 1983.
Stellman JM. Stellman SD. “Occupational lung disease
and cancer risk in women.” Occupational Health Nursing. 31(11):40-6, 1983 Nov.
Stellman, JM and LR Andrews, “The Assessment of Toxic Exposures in the
Workplace.” Toxic Substances Journal,
(2), Fall 1982.
Stellman, JM, “Safety in the Health Care Industry,” Occupational Health Nursing, Oct 1982,
30:10, p. 7.
Murphy, DC, MS Henifin and JM Stellman, “Personal Protective Equipment
for Women: Results of a Manufacturers’ and Suppliers’ Survey,” American Industrial Hygiene Association
Transactions, 1981.
Stellman JM. “Finding a chair that fits.” Occupational Health & Safety. 50(1):43-5, 1981
Stellman, SD and JM Stellman, “Women’s
Occupations, Smoking, and Cancer and Other Diseases,” Ca—A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 1981, Vol.31, 29-43.
Freedman, AP, S Robinson, K O’Leary and JM Stellman,
“Non-Invasive Magnetopneumiographic Determination of Lung Dust Loads in Steel
Arc Welders,” Brit J of Ind Med 1981, Vol. 38, 384-88.
Stellman, JM, “Occupational Health and Women Workers: A Review,” Labor Studies Journal, Spring 1981, Vol.
6, No. 1,16-28.
Stellman, JM and G Epler, “Reproductive Health in the Workplace:
Scientific and Policy Considerations,” Toxic
Subs J,1(4),316-331, 1980.
Stellman, JM, “The Effects of Toxic Agents on Reproduction,” Occupational Health and Safety, 37-43,
April 1979.
Stellman, JM, “Occupational Health Hazards of Women: An Overview,” Preventive Medicine 7(3), 1978.
Stellman, JM, SD Stellman, J Berek and A
Ezraty, “The Role of the Union Health and Safety Committee in Evaluating the
Health Hazards of Hospital Workers, A Case Study,” Preventive Medicine 7(3), 1978.
Stellman, JM, “The Hidden Health Toll: The Cost of Work to the American
Woman,” Civil rights Digest 10:32-41, Fall 1977.
Stellman, JM, “Industrial Health and the Developing World,” Technology Review p. 15, January, 1977.
Stellman, JM, “Current Concepts in Standard Setting: Are They Working?”
Professional Safety 22:36-41, 1977.
Stellman JM. “Are standards doing the job?.” Occupational Health & Safety. 45(6):30-1,
1976 Nov-Dec.
Stellman, JM, “Industrial R & D’s Role in Occupational Safety and
Health: A Labor View,” Research
Management 18(3): 8, 1975.
Stellman, JM, AE Woodward and SD Stellman, “Thermodynamic Properties of
Poly(trans-1,4-butadiene) Crystals: Relationship to Molecular Structure,” Macromolecules 6:330,1973.
Ng, SB, AE Woodward and JM Stellman, “The Location and the Amorphous
Component in Poly (trans-1,4-butadiene) Crystals,” J. Polymer
Science B7:539, 1973.
Newman, B, JM Stellman and AE Woodward, “Further Studies on Chain
Folding in Poly (trans-1,4-butadiene) Crystals,” J. Polymer
Sci B2 2311, 1972
Stellman, JM, “Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of the
Structure and Properties of Poly (trans-1,4-butadiene)
Crystals,” PhD Dissertation, City University of New York,
Stellman, JM and AE Woodward, “Chain Folding in Poly (trans-1,4- Butadiene) Crystals Grown from Various Solvents,” J. Polymer Sci A2:9,1971.
Stellman, JM and AE Woodward, “Chain Folding in Poly (trans-1,4- butadiene) Crystals,” J. Polymer
Science B7:755, 1969.
Letters, Commentary, Columns:
Stellman, JM and Koenen, “War: Is A Mental Health Ceasefire Possible?”, Social and Preventive Medicine 46(2), April 15 2001.
Bertin JE. Ashford NA. Bellinger D. Landrigan PJ. Legator MS. Mattison
DR. McBeath WH. Rosen JF. Stellman JM. “The goal: safety and equality.”
[Editorial] American Journal of Industrial Medicine.
21(4):463-5, 1992.
Stellman, JM and Bertin, J, “Science’s Anti-Female
Bias”, op-ed The New York Times, June
4, 1990.
Stellman JM. Personal health practices. Women
& Health. 16(1):1-3, 1990.
Stellman, JM “Editorial Overview,”
Women and Health 12(1), 1987
Stellman, JM “Editorial Overview,”
Women and Health 11(2):1-2, 1986.
Stellman, JM, “Editorial Overview,”
Women and Health 11(1):1-6, 1986.
Stellman, JM, “Workplace Hazards—Even in the Office,” An Interview by U.S. News & World Report, March 29, 1982.
Stellman, JM and GC Kabat, “Arsenical Air Pollution and Lung Cancer,” Lancet, i:211,
Bahn, AK, I Rosenwaike, N Hermann, P Grover, JM Stellman, K O’Leary,
“PCB’s Exposure and Melanoma,” New
England J Med 295:450, 1976.
Stellman JM. Hoffmann D. “Occupational bladder
cancer.” Lancet. 2(8037):563-4, 1977 Sep
Stellman, JM, “Commentary on Mercury Criteria
Document,” J Occ Med 15:913, 1973.
Stellman, JM, “Standards for Carcinogens,” Science 181:109, 1973.
Women’s Occupational Health Resource
Center News, “From the Director’s
Desk,” November/December 1984 1991
Service Employee, Monthly Newspaper of Service Employees Int’l Union,
“Staying Alive: Workplace Safety and Health.” 1980–82.
The Paperworker, Monthly Newsletter of the United Paperworkers Int’l
Union, “Your Work—Your Health: A column devoted to
answering questions about the health effects of working conditions.” 1976–79.
Selected Recent
Professional Presentations:
Messing, K. and Stellman, J. M. Women and Men and
health and safety. International Think Tank on
Gender, Sex and Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. February 28,
Messing, K. and Stellman, J. M. Women and men and
health and safety. 1st International Seminar on Safety, Health, and
Environment ----Challenges and Opportunities for Women^R, sponsored by the
Society for Working Life of India and the Confederation of Indiaan Industry.
New Delhi, India, Feb. 6, 2003.
JM, Stellman, SD, Stellman, A, Christian, R, Tomasallo, C, Weber, T. Visualization
of US Army Military Unit Locations in Relation to Herbicide Spraying during the
Vietnam War, Intl Society for Exposure Analysis/Intl Soc for Environmental
Epidemiology, Vancouver 2002.
SD, Stellman JM, Christian R, Weber T, Stellman AB. Effect of
Varying Soil Typology on Estimates of Residual Exposure To Herbicides and
Dioxins in Vietnam – a Sensitivity Analysis. US-Vietnam Scientific Conference on Human Health and Environmental
Effects of Agent Orange/Dioxins (invited speaker), Hanoi, 2002.
Stellman, JM, Stellman, SD, Christian, R., Weber, T,
Tomasallo. C, Stellman, AB. The Extent and Usage Patterns of Military Herbicides
in Vietnam, 1961-1971: A Summary: Reanalysis Based on Examination of Newly
Analyzed Primary Source Materials. US-Vietnam Scientific Conference on Human
Health and Environmental Effects of Agent Orange/Dioxins (invited speaker),
Hanoi, 2002.
Koenen, K.C., Stellman, J.M., Stellman, S.D., & Sommer, J.F. (2000,
November). Course and risk factors for PTSD in Vietnam
veterans. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Meeting
of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, San Antonio, Texas.
Stellman, J.M., Stellman, S.D., Koenen, K.C., & Sommer, J.F.
(2000, November). Persisting social and
behavioral effects of exposure to combat in Vietnam veterans. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Meeting
of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, San Antonio, Texas.
J.M., Stellman, S.D., Koenen, K.C., & Sommer, J.F.
(2000, November). Experiences of Vietnam
era veterans with VA health care facilities. Paper presented at the 16th Annual
Meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, San Antonio, Texas.
Stellman, JM, Stellman, Tomasello, CD, Christian, RC, Stellman, SD, ”Mobility Factor Analysis”: A Mission-Job Exposure
Methodology for Modeling Troop Exposures to Environmental Factors”, presented
at a International Society for Exposure Analysis meeting, Monterey, August 2000.
Stellman, SD and Stellman, JM, “Modeling Veterans’ Exposure
Opportunity for Herbicides in Vietnam using Expanded and Cleaned HERBS Data Files”
presented at a International Society for Exposure Analysis meeting, Monterey, August 2000.
Karestan Koenen, PhD, Stellman, JM and Stellman, SD, “Social Stress Factors: Essential Components of
Military Environmental Modeling:, presented at a
International Society for Exposure Analysis meeting, Monterey, August 2000.
Invited Addresses and Presentations
Panel Chair, NIOSH/APA Occupational Stress Conference, March, 2003. Toronto.
and Work Panel, Second Hispanic Forum for a Safe and Health Environment, San Diego, Oct 7-9, 2002.
Bound by Conception: Perennial problems in sex-based models of
medical research. (Plenary Keynote).
European Association of Women's Health Research, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 16-18, 2002.
Keynote Address: 11th International Congress on
Women’s Health Issues. San Francisco,
January 27, 2000.
American Psychology Association. “Critical
Issues for Women in the Millenium” invited panelist. Boston, September, 1999.
Institute of Medicine, Invited Presentation “Environmental Workplace Exposures,” Workshop on
Gender Differences, May 1997
Hassan Fathy Institute for Construction Workers: Conference on Safety
and Health in Construction in Central and Eastern Europe, “Chemical Hazards in Construction,” Budapest, May, 1994.
Opening Address, National Cancer Institute International Symposium
“Where women work and the hazards they may face on the job.” Baltimore, 1994.
New York Academy of Sciences Environmental Sciences Section:
“Incorporating Environmental Health into an Occupational Health Framework,” November 16,
Care Conference, Swedish National Board for Occupational Safety and Health:
“Chemical Exposures and health care workers,” invited plenary address, Stockholm, June, 1994.
and Welfare Canada: Keynote Address, “Research Roundtable on Gender and
Workplace Health,” Ottawa, 1992.
Institute of Medicine, Invited Presentation to Committee to Review Health Effects in Vietnam Veterans of Exposure to Herbicides, 1992
Women’s City Club: Marta Fraenkel Symposium Panel: “Sexism in
Formulation of Policy, New York,
December, 1990.
University of Iowa Labor Center, Series of lectures on: “Occupational Health Issues: Old
Problems waiting for new priorities,” Iowa City, Iowa, March, 1989.
Mount Sinai Environmental Health Sciences Seminar Series, “Building Bridges Between Chemistry and
Toxicology,” New
York City,
February, 1989.
Washington State Association of Occupational Health Nurses,
“Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace,” Seattle, January, 1989.
Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety (University of Washington Consortium), “Office Environment: Effects of Office Automation,”
lecturer, Seattle, January, 1989.
Department of Health Intern Program, Graduation Address, New York City, June, 1989.
Clearinghouse On Women’s Issues, Featured speaker:
“Women’s Occupational Health Problems,” Washington, D.C., October, 1989.
First Annual Vietnam Veterans Reunion, on Veterans’ exposure to
herbicides, keynote address. Mitchell, South Dakota, November, 1989.
B.C. Government Employees’ Union, Seminar on Health and Safety
Issues of the 80s—Office Workers,” keynote speaker, Victoria, British Columbia, January, 1989.
PHILAPOSH Conference (Philadelphia Area Project on
Occupational Safety and Health), “Your job and child-bearing,” Keynote address,
Philadelphia, October, 1988.
Telecommunications Workers Union Health and Safety
Seminar, Keynote address, Vancouver, October, 1988.
Voice for Food and Health Policy, “Women Taking Charge,” conference: “Women’s
Health: An examination of workplace risks,” Washington, DC., February, 1988.
Brooklyn Museum, “Radium City” Film series expert speaker, Brooklyn, June, 1988.
Workers of America, National Community Services/OSH Conference,
“Occupational Stress and VDTs,” Las Vegas, Nevada, February, 1988.
and Welfare Canada: Symposium on Changing Patterns of Health and Disease
in Canadian Women, “Wrap-Up” Speaker, Ottawa, April, 1988.
Mawr College Series on Occupational Health and Human Values, “Reproductive
Health Hazards in the Workplace: More than a Woman’s Issue,” Bryn Mawr, March,
of Dimes Editors’ Luncheon, “The 1988 Woman: In the Workplace and Pregnant.” Lincoln Center, New
York City,
December, 1987.
Center for the American Woman and Politics,
“Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace,” workshop panel. San Diego, California, November, 1987.
University of Virginia Medical Center, Antineoplastic Chemotherapy
Conference, “Chemotherapy Epidemiology, Hazards and Risks.” Charlottesville, November, 1987.
Council for Environment & Health, International Conference on Indoor Air
Quality Panel: “Epidemiology of Passive Smoking,” Tokyo, November, 1987.
Hill Chemical Week Seminar: Electronic Chemical News, New York, October, 1987.
American Lung Association, Keynote address, “Health
Hazards in the World of Work,” New York, September 1987.
Academy of Sciences and Rutgers Forum on Reproductive Laws for the 1990s,
“Reproductive Health Hazards in the Workplace,” New York City, May, 1987.
School for Social Research Forum on Science, Technology and Power: “Genetic
Screening in the Workplace,” NYC, April, 1987.
Federation of Chemical, Energy and General Workers’ Unions, Women’s World
Conference: “Chemicals—Hope and Responsibility,” Speaker and workshop leader, Brussels, October, 1987.
British Columbia Federation of Labor, Keynote Address, “Chemical
Hazards in the Workplace,” Vancouver,
March, 1987.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters Conference on
Women in the Workplace, Washington,
November, 1986.
Network Public Affairs Program The
Journal: “The office—Is it making you sick?,” Edmonton, February, 1986.
American Hospital Association, “Chemical Hazards in Hospitals,” Boston October, 1986.
Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Southern Connecticut Chapter, Keynote Address and Workshop Leader:
“Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace,” Fairfield CT, September, 1986.
Society Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Keynote Address:
Smoking Policies in Vancouver, Implications and Impacts, Provincial Meeting, Vancouver, September, 1986.
Institute, Gesell Day Lecturer, “Environmental Hazards,” New Haven, May, 1986.
VDU Conference, “Office Action Plan,” Continuing Education Program full-day
session leader, Stockholm Sweden, May, 1986.
Institute of Public Health, “VDT’s and Health: A Research Update,” Rome,
Italy, October. 1985 Ohio Planned Parenthood, “The Effects of the Workplace
Environment on Reproductive Health,” Columbus Ohio, April, 1986.
Tennessee Committee on Safety and Health Statewide Meeting,
Keynote Address Nashville November, 1984.
Central Labour Council National Health and Safety Meeting, Main Address, Winnipeg September, 1984.
Ontario Federal of Labour Stress Institute Keynote Address, Hamilton, October, 1984.
Industrial Workers, Keynote address, “Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace,” Milwaukee, March, 1984.
International Congress International Association of Medical Women, Closing
Address, Arnhem The Netherlands, June, 1985.
Department of Civil Service Annual Educational Session, “The Sick Building Syndrome,” Albany
NY, May, 1985.
Greater New York Association of Occupational Health
Nurses, Mary Delahanty Lecture, “Making corporate health decisions without
enough data,” New York, March, 1985.
Occupational Health Conference, “Environmental Hazards to Hospital Employees,”
cont. ed seminar, Kansas City, April, 1985.
Rutgers University of Medicine and Dentistry, Distinguished Lecture,
“Soft Data and Soft Tissues: The Track Record of Toxic Chemical Case
Resolutions,” Piscataway, March, 1985.
American Academy of Compensation Medicine, “Office Work: The New
Challenge for Compensation Medicine?” New York, March, 1985.
Annual NIH Research Safety Symposium, “Medical Surveillance of Workers,” Bethesda, January, 1985.
Yale University Indoor Air Pollution Conference, “Problems in the
Office Environment,” New
Haven November,
Ohio Hospital Association, “Chemical Hazards in Hospitals,” Columbus November, 1984.
Tufts Medical School Occupational Medicine Visiting
Lecture Boston October, 1984.
Long Island Jewish Hospital Annual Health and Safety Institute, September, 1984.
American Occupational Health Nurses
Annual Meeting, Keynote Address; Reproductive Hazards Continuing Education, Los Angeles April, 1984.
Association of Women Dentists Annual Meeting, New York, November, 1983.
Cancer Society, Workshop on Cohort Studies, New York, October, 1983.
St. Louis University Medical Center, Continuing Nursing Education “WARNING: Working in a
Hospital Can be Hazardous to Your Health,” Invited Faculty, St. Louis, September, 1983.
Employee Health—1983, Second National Conference, Invited Faculty, Chicago, July, 1983.
American Society of Law and Medicine, “The Value and
Utility of Biological Monitoring in Occupational Health,” Washington, D.C., May, 1983.
Long Island Jewish Hospital-Occupational Health Symposium, “Reproductive Hazards,”
New Hyde Park, NY, May, 1983.
Industrial Hygiene Association—Plenary Session Address, “Overview of
Reproductive Effects of Solvents,” Philadelphia, May, 1983.
Occupational Medicine Association, Annual Meeting “Update on Ethylene Oxide
Exposures,” Washington, D.C., April, 1983.
Occupational Medicine Association: Continuing Education Course Leader:
“Chemical Hazards in Hospitals, Washington, D.C., April, 1983.
University of North Carolina-Annual Women’s Week
Keynote Speaker: “No Fertile Women Need Apply,” Charlotte, NC April, 1983.
22nd Annual Community Conference, 17th Congressional
District, Dinner Speaker, New York,
March, 1983.
New York Academy of Sciences, “Health Effects of Exposure to
Radiofrequency Radiation,” New York,
March, 1983.
Industrial Hygiene Association and The American
Society of Safety Engineers of New Jersey “Women in the Workplace,” New Jersey, March, 1983.
of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Invited Plenary Address “Occupational
Safety and Health Hazards and the Psychosocial Well-Being of Workers,” Baltimore, March, 1983.
Ohio AFL-CIO Labor Education and Research Service, Fifth
Annual Workers’ Safety And Health Institute Banquet Address, December, 1983.
York Business Group on Health, “Health Promotion at the Worksite: Does it Work?
Does it Pay Off?”—Invited Speaker, New York, May, 1983.
Columbia Federation of Labour, Health and Safety Conference, Keynote Address,
Vancouver, BC, March, 1983.
and Health Round Table Invited Address “Occupational Health for Women Workers, Washington, DC, December, 1982.
Federation of Labour, Second annual Health and Safety Conference, “Studies You
Can Do,” Winnipeg, March, 1982.
Conference on Office Work and New Technology, Invited Address “Impact of
Automation on Office Health and Safety, Boston, October, 1982.
Educational Resource Center, Guest Lecturer, New York, September, 1982.
of Dimes Annual Meeting, “Environmental Causes of Perinatal Morbidity and
Mortality,” Birmingham, AL, June, 1982.
Occupational Medical Association, Annual Meeting Invited Address “Office Safety
in a Health Care Setting,” Toronto,
April, 1982.
Wilson College, Women Who Dare Series, “Occupational Health,”
Keynote Speaker, Chambersburg, PA April, 1982.
Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley, Guest
Faculty for Addresses and Symposia, March, 1982.
for Social Medicine, Presentation of the North American Paper on “Protection of
Women Workers: A Double Standard?” Rome, January, 1982.
Hastings Center, Project on Ethical Issues in
Occupational Health and Safety, panel presentation. Hastings,
November, 1981.
Occupational Health Nurses Association Conference, “Chemicals and Toxic
Substances, “ Atlanta, May, 1981.
Stamford Hospital, “Occupational Health Hazards,” Darien,
CT May, 1981.
Cancer Society, Annual Campaign Kickoff, Cable Network News: Occupational
Health as a Cancer Issue April, 1981.
Food and Beverage Trades / AFL/CIO, Annual Convention, “Women in the
Workplace,” New
York, November,
Service Employees International Union Women’s
Conference, Plenary Session Address, Storrs, CT June, 1981.
Manitoba Federation of Labour, Keynote Address “Hazards of
Working,” Winnipeg, April, 1981.
Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, Keynote Address: Women’s
Work/Women’s Health Conference, Milwaukee, February, 1981.
Workers of America, Annual Health and Safety Meeting, “Equal Employment
and Workers Health,” New
York, January,
Canadian Paperworkers Union/CLC, Labour/Management
Safety Conference, “Hazardous Chemicals in the Pulp and Paper Industry and
Regulations Governing Them,” Vancouver, BC, November, 1980.
& Work Committee, Halifax, Nova
Scotia, Keynote
Address, October, 1980.
St. Louis University, “Women and the Workplace,” Keynote Address,
Continuing Education Program, November, 1980.
Valley Authority, Office Health and Safety, 3-Day Speaking Tour, October, 1980.
Society of Human Genetics, Plenary Address, “Genetic Screening in the
Workplace,” New
York, September,
Psychological Society Annual Meeting, “Health Implications of Environmental
Factors in the Office Workplace,” Montreal, September, 1980.
Women’s Bureau 60th Anniversary Labor Day
Conference, Invited Address, “Occupational Health as a Women’s Issue,” Washington, DC, September, 1980.
Lung Association/New Jersey Annual Meeting “Health Hazards in the Workplace and
What You Can Do About Them,” Keynote Address, Jamesburg, NJ, May, 1980.
University of Manitoba, Distinguished Scholars Series, Annual Guest Lecturer, Winnipeg, March, 1980.
Humber College for Labor Studies, Women’s Work: Keynote Address, Toronto, December, 1978.
British Columbia Federation of Labour-Annual Address Vancouver, November, 1979.