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Foerster, Josef Bohuslav

Foerster, Josef Bohuslav (1859–1951). Czech composer, writer and teacher, husband of Bertha Foerster-Lauterer (née Lautererová), singer at the Vienna Court Opera. The two moved to Vienna from Hamburg in 1903, where he taught composition at the New Vienna Conservatory; the couple returned to Prague in 1918 with the creation of Czechoslovakia. S came to know Foerster in 1903, and one letter from Foerster to S survives, dated September 10, 1908, acknowledging receipt of Beitrag zur Ornamentik from UE, and thanking S (OJ 11/5: Federhofer, Nach Tagebüchern, p.105).

Mentioned in:

WSLB 14, August 19, 1908 ("who himself gives instruction in the best circles, and is a strong supporter of me")

Foerster, Josef Bohuslav (1859–1951). Czech composer, writer and teacher, husband of Bertha Foerster-Lauterer (née Lautererová), singer at the Vienna Court Opera. The two moved to Vienna from Hamburg in 1903, where he taught composition at the New Vienna Conservatory; the...


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