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Kahn, Marianne

Kahn, Marianne. Pupil of Schenker's from at least 1907 (diary: September 23) until at least 1932. She appears in the Lesson Books 1913-31 (OC 4/2-4) and there are lesson notes for her 1931-32 (OC 16/35-37); and there is a letter from Schenker to her from 1934 (OC 44/23).

Mentioned in:

WSLB 14, August 19, 1908 (S to Hertzk/UE, compl. copy of Beitrag )

WSLB 66/67, October 19, 1910 (Schenker to Hertzka (UE): compl. copy of Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue )

OC 52/483, December 21, 1923 (Elias to Schenker)

OJ 10/18, June 19, 1935 (Elias to Jeanette Schenker)

OJ 10/18, [12], June 28, 1935 (Elias to Jeanette Schenker)

OJ 10/18, [13], August 1, 1935 (Elias to Jeanette Schenker)

Kahn, Marianne. Pupil of Schenker's from at least 1907 (diary: September 23) until at least 1932. She appears in the Lesson Books 1913-31 (OC 4/2-4) and there are lesson notes for her 1931-32 (OC 16/35-37); and there is a letter...


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