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Robert, Richard

Richard Robert (1861-1924). One of Vienna's leading piano teachers around the turn of the century, his pupils including Clara Haskill, Rudolf Serkin, George Szell, Theo Buchwald, Vally Weigl (Pick), Hans Gál, Alfred Rosé, Wilhelm Groß, Rudolf Schwarz, and Victor Zuckerkandl; also music critic and composer.

Robert knew Brahms personally, and became President of the Vienna Tonkünstler-Verein. He had studied at the Vienna Conservatory (Akademie für Musik und Darstellende Kunst), but did not teach there; he gave courses at the New Vienna Conservatory (Neues Konservatorium der Stadt Wien, founded 1909), of which he was briefly director. He edited the journal Musikalische Rundschau from 1885 to 1891, and was later music critic for the Wiener Sonn- u. Montags-Zeitung the Illustriertes Wiener Extrablatt.

There is a small amount of correspondence from Robert to Schenker: OJ 13/26 (1902, 1910, 1914), and the diary records a letter dated May 25, 1909.

Robert is mentioned in, among others, the following letters:

CA 60, December 3, 1906 (Schenker to Cotta: complimentary copy of Harmonielehre )
OJ 12/27, [2], December 4, 1906 (Cotta to Schenker)
WSLB 51, February 6, 1910 (Schenker to Hertzka)
OC 52/424, February 7, 1910 (Hertzka to Schenker)
WSLB 52, February 7, 1910 (Schenker to Hertzka)
WSLB 66/67, October 19, 1910 (Schenker to Hertzka: complimentary copy of CF&F )
WSLB 149, March 18, 1913 (Schenker to Hertzka)
WSLB 213, May 17, 1914 (Schenker to Hertzka): complimentary copy of LfS 110 )
WSLB 228, September 27, 1914 (Schenker to Hertzka)

Schenker also mentions Robert in his diary (OJ 1/6, p.45).

(Federhofer, Nach; NGDM 2001; La Grange, Mahler, vol.3; other sources)

Richard Robert (1861-1924). One of Vienna's leading piano teachers around the turn of the century, his pupils including Clara Haskill, Rudolf Serkin, George Szell, Theo Buchwald, Vally Weigl (Pick), Hans Gál, Alfred Rosé, Wilhelm Groß, Rudolf Schwarz, and Victor Zuckerkandl;...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 20, 2006 2:12 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Batka, Richard.

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