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Rosenthal, Moriz

Rosenthal, Moriz (1862–1946). Galician (Ukrainian) concert pianist. Like Schenker (who was also born in Galicia), he was educated in Lemburg (L’vov), and like him studied piano with Chopin’s pupil and assistant Karol Mikuli (from 1872). He moved to Vienna with his family in 1875. At one point he retired from music to study philosophy at Vienna University. He emigrated to the USA in 1938, living in New York. ( NGDM ).

Schenker and he knew one another from at least 1894, when their correspondence begins, and when Rosenthal already addresses Schenker as “Dear Sir and Friend”; they quite possibly knew each other from Lemburg days. On November 10, 1912, Rosenthal wrote to Schenker to say that he had heard nothing more of the “organization for creative and performing artists” (OJ 13/29, [9], quoted Federhofer, Nach Tagebüchern, pp.195–96.).

His letters to Schenker are preserved as OJ 13/29, [1]-[12.]

He is also mentioned in:
WSLB 118, June 4, 1912 (S to Hertzka)
WSLB 120, June 9, 1912 (S to Hertzka)
WSLB 121, June 13?, 1912 (S to Hertzka)

Rosenthal, Moriz (1862–1946). Galician (Ukrainian) concert pianist. Like Schenker (who was also born in Galicia), he was educated in Lemburg (L’vov), and like him studied piano with Chopin’s pupil and assistant Karol Mikuli (from 1872). He moved to Vienna with...


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