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Walter, Bruno

Walter, Bruno (1876–1962). German conductor, who worked at the Vienna Court Opera with Mahler from 1901, became an Austrian citizen in 1911, premiered Mahler’s Ninth Symphony in Vienna in 1912, but left Vienna in 1913 for Munich and elsewhere, returning in 1933 but leaving for the USA in 1939.

Walter later claimed to have been influenced by the “deeply perceptive theorist and music philosopher Heinrich Schenker” (Walter, Thema und Variationen (Frankfurt, 1947), p.37; Federhofer, Nach Tagbüchern, p.264). Schenker is also mentioned in his article "Stehen wir an einem Wendepunkt?" (unidentified periodical of around 1931: OC 2/82). He was peripherally involved in the abortive attempt by Schenker and others to set up an "organization of creative and performing artists" in 1912.

No correspondence between Walter and Schenker is known to survive; there is correspondence with Moriz Violin (OJ 70/44).

He is mentioned in:

WSLB 118, June 4, 1912 (Schenker to Hertzka)
WSLB 120, June 9, 1912 (Schenker to Hertzka)
March 12, 1916 (Schenker to Vrieslander)

He is also mentioned in:
OC 1/6, p.32, January 27, 1907 (diary)
Other diary entries are cited in Federhofer, pp.264-66, dated: March 5, 1916; September 8, 1917; October 26, 1929; May 24, 1931; May 25, 1931.

Walter, Bruno (1876–1962). German conductor, who worked at the Vienna Court Opera with Mahler from 1901, became an Austrian citizen in 1911, premiered Mahler’s Ninth Symphony in Vienna in 1912, but left Vienna in 1913 for Munich and elsewhere, returning...


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 14, 2005 10:28 AM.

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