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OJ 10/18, [18] : 5-21-39

Handwritten letter from Elias to Jeanette Schenker, dated May 21, 1939

Wien, 21/V-1939.

Liebe Frau Professor!1

Ich erhielt gestern Ihren lieben Brief2 und freute mich zu hören, daß es Ihnen in Rüb sehr gut geht3.

Was Ihren Vorschlag betrifft, tut es mir außerordentlich leid auf denselben nicht eingehen zu können. Ich bin in derlei Dingen selbst ganz unerfahren, wende mich in jeder Sache um Rat, so halte ich es in unser beider Interesse für das Beste, davon abzusehen.

Von mir gibt es nichts neues zu erzählen. Marianne werde ich morgen4 {2} sehen und ihr Ihre Grüße ausrichten. Hoffentlich schreibt Ihre Schwester5 wieder und hören Sie dann, daß es ihr gesundheitlich schon besser geht. Von Ihren Freunden werden Sie gewiß bald eine Nachricht haben.

Ihnen das Schönste für Ihren weiteren Aufenthalt wünschend grüßt Sie herzlichst.

[ sign’d: ] Angi Elias

© In the public domain.
© Transcription Michaela Rejack 2006.

Handwritten letter from Elias to Jeanette Schenker, dated May 21, 1939

May 21, 1939

Dear Frau Professor,1

I received your dear letter yesterday2 and was pleased to hear that everything is going well with you in Rüb.3

Regarding your suggestion, I am extremely sorry that I cannot go along with it. I myself am entirely inexperienced in such things; I ask for advice in every case, so I think it is in the best interests of both of us to give up the idea.

About me, there is nothing new to tell. I will see Marianne4 tomorrow {2} and will pass on to her your greetings. Hopefully your sister5 will write again and you will then hear that her health has improved. You will certainly soon get some news from your friends.

My best wishes for your further stay and most sincere greetings.

[ sign’d: ] Angi Elias

© Translated Michael Rejack, 2006.

Format: 2-p letter, holograph message and signature
Sender address: Vienna
Recipient address: --


1 "Frau Professor", lit. "wife of Professor".

2 No letter appears to have survived.

3 Rüb: location unknown.

4 Click on Marianne Kahn.

5 Rosa Schiff, who married Arnold Weil, from whom there is a substantial amount of correspondence with Heinrich and Jeanette between 1932 and 1939 (OJ 14/10).

E is unable to go along with JS's [unknown] suggestion.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Michaela Rejack 2006

Rejack, Michaela
Elias, Angelika
E is unable to go along with JS's [unknown] suggestion.
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
IPR: In the public domain; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Michaela Rejack 2006.
Elias, Angelika; Elias, Angi; Schenker, Jeanette; Rüb; Kahn, Marianne; greetings
Handwritten letter from Elias to Schenker, dated May 21, 1939
academic; musicology; music theory
OJ 10/18, [18]
This document is deemed to be in the public domain. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence@mus.cam.ac.uk.
holograph message and signature
Schenker, Jeanette (1939-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
IPR: In the public domain; Image: University of California, Riverside; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Michaela Rejack.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 21, 1939 1:00 AM.

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