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OJ 9/31, [11] : 8-30-06

Handwritten letter from Cotta to Schenker, dated August 30, 1906
= CA 37|1

[Cotta letterhead]
STUTTGART, den 30. August. 1906

Herrn Dr. Heinr. Schenker,

Hochgeehrter Herr Doktor!

Wir beehren uns, Ihnen höfl. mitzuteilen, daß die Korrektur der letzten Bogen Ihres Buches2 ”Theorien und Phantasien” Ihnen im Laufe der nächsten vierzehn Tage zugehen wird. Sie wurden uns nun zu dank verpflichten, wenn Sie die Bogen immer recht bald erledigen wollten, damit der Druck schnell erfolgen kann. Wenn es irgend möglich ist, bitten wir größere Zusätze zu vermeiden,3 da in diesem Falle stets Neuumbruch nötig ist und {verso} eine Verzögerung zur Folge hat. Es liegt uns hohe daran, daß das Buch Mitte Oktober erscheint, und wir wären Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie uns unterstützten, dies zu erreichen.

Mit vorzügliche Hochachtung
Ihr sehr ergebenen
[ sign’d: ] J. G. Cottasche Buchhandlung Nachf.

© Heirs of Heinrich Schenker; reproduced here by kind permission of the Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Cotta-Archiv (Stiftung der Stuttgarter Zeitung), Marbach am Neckar.
© Transcription Ian D. Bent 2005.

Handwritten letter from Cotta to Schenker, dated August 30, 1906
= CA 37|1

[Cotta letterhead]
STUTTGART, August 30, 1906

Dr. Heinrich Schenker,

Most honored Doctor!

We have the honor of informing you that the proofs of the final gatherings of your book2 Theories and Fantasies will reach you in the course of the next two weeks. We should be greatly obliged if you would deal with these gatherings as quickly as possible so that printing can go ahead quickly [thereafter]. If at all possible, we ask you to refrain from making large-scale additions,3 since in this event a new page make-up is always necessary and {verso} a delay results. We are concerned that the book appear in mid-October, and we should be grateful to you if you would assist us in achieving this.

With kind regards,
Yours very truly,
[ sign’d: ] Heirs of J. G. Cotta’s Bookdealership

© Translation Ian D. Bent 2005.

Format: Handwritten letter, holograph signature, 2pp oblong left-right
Sender address: Stuttgart and Berlin
Recipient address: Vienna


1 CA 37 = Cotta’s carbon copy (it has a number ending in “5” written in crayon, but most is cut off on photocopy).

2 The last gatherings referred to are 17-20, in CA 34, August 18, so the remaining gatherings are likely to be 21–29 = pp.321–452.

3 CA 18, April 2, referred to insertions of commentaries between music examples; CA 22, May 16, enclosed “a major quantity of new manuscript”; and the present letter is being written against the background of the “Afterword” having expanded from 1 gathering to “seven or eight,” so Cotta may have felt reason to be concerned about continued additions to the volume.

[ -NMTP_ = Harmonielehre:] Remaining gatherings will reach S in next two weeks; urges speed, avoidance of long insertions, predicts mid-October publication.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Ian D. Bent 2005

Bent, Ian
Cotta, J. G.
[ NMTP = Harmonielehre:] Remaining gatherings will reach S in next two weeks; urges speed, avoidance of long insertions, predicts mid-October publication.
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
IPR: In public domain; reproduced here by kind permission of the Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Cotta-Archiv (Stiftung der Stuttgarter Zeitung), Marbach am Neckar; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent 2005.
Cotta, J. G.; Schenker, Heinrich; NMTP; Harmonielehre; proofs; gatherings; insertions; publication
Handwritten letter from Cotta to Schenker, dated August 30, 1906
academic; musicology; music theory
OJ 9/31, [11]
CA 37

Cotta letterhead; handwritten body of letter; holographic signature
Schenker, Heinrich (1906-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1955)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1955-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
IPR: In public domain; reproduced here by kind permission of the Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Cotta-Archiv (Stiftung der Stuttgarter Zeitung), Marbach am Neckar; Image: University of California, Riverside; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 30, 1906 1:00 AM.

The previous post in this blog was CA 36 : 8-29-06.

The next post in this blog is OJ 1/5, p.19 : 8-31-06.

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