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OC 52/426 : 10-29-10

Typed letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated October 29, 1910

[UE letterhead]
Wien, 29.Okt.1910.

Wohlgeboren [/] Herrn Prof. Dr. Heinrich S c h e n k e r
W i e n

Sehr verehrter Herr Doktor !

Leider habe ich Sie heute früh verfehlt. Herr v. Wöss1 hat mir Ihre Wünsche mitgeteilt und insbesondere, dass Sie bei einer event. Notiz über die “Chromatische Fantasie” das Wort “Erläuterungen” eingeschaltet haben wollen2. [in left margin: !!]

Ich bin eben dabei, an die grossen Musik-Zeitschriften und wichtigeren Persönlichkeiten eine Art Waschzettel zu verschicken, nachdem ein derartiger Faulenzer3 sich in vielen Fällen als sehr wohltätig erweist. Vielleicht hätten Sie die Güte, mir behilflich zu sein und mir eine etwa acht – zehn Zeilen-Notiz4 zu entwerfen und einzusenden.

Ich fahre morgen auf drei Tage nach Prag und Berlin, bin aber Donnerstag schon wieder hier; dann hoffe ich Sie5 bestimmt sprechen zu können, um die Sache über die IX. Symphonie6 zum formellen Abschluss zu bringen und auch bzgl. der Beethoven- {right} Sonaten7 Näheres zu hören. Ich habe vorgestern mit Direktor Bopp8 in dieser Sache eine längere Besprechung gehabt und wenn das Unterrichts-Ministerium kann und will,9 dann wird die Angelegenheit ohne Schwierigkeit zu lösen sein. Gleichzeitig gehen zwei Exemplare10 an Ihre w/. Adresse.

Mit besten Grüssen
in Hochschätzung
[ sign’d: ] Hertzka

© Universal Edition A.G., Wien.
© Transcription Ian D. Bent 2006.

Typed letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated October 29, 1910

[UE letterhead]
Vienna, October 29, 1910

Prof. Heinrich S c h e n k e r, Esq.,
V i e n n a

Greatly revered Doctor,

Unfortunately, I missed you this morning. Mr. von Wöß1 told me of your wishes, and in particular that in any future notice about the Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue you want to have included the word “Elucidations”2. [ in left margin: !!]

I am on the point of sending a kind of blurb to the major music periodicals and important personages, since in many cases such a piece of paper3 proves highly beneficial. Perhaps you might be so good as to help me by drafting and sending me an 8–10-line notice.4

I am off tomorrow for three days to Prague and Berlin, but shall be back by Thursday. I then very much hope5 to speak with you in order to bring the matter of the Ninth Symphony6 to formal closure, and also {right} to hear more concerning the Beethoven Sonatas.7 The day before yesterday, I had a long conversation with Director Bopp8 on this matter, and if the Ministry of Education is able and willing,9 then the matter should be resolved without difficulty. Two copies10 are going off to your address as I write.

With best wishes,
And kind regards,
Yours truly,
[ sign’d: ] Hertzka

© Translation Ian D. Bent 2006.

Format: broadsheet format, typed in left and right columns, with printed letterhead top left, holograph signature
Sender address:
Recipient address: Vienna


1 Click on Josef Venantius von Wöß

2 “Erläuterungen ... wollen” underlined in crayon, presumably by S.

3 “Faulenzer”: in German this means a “do-nothing, lay-about”; however, in Austrian usage it is a synonym for “Linienblatt,” a sheet of lined paper.

4 Supplied by S on November 1, WSLB 69/71. — Strictly speaking, the word “Erläuterungen,” requested by S, does not appear in his text, although the verb “erläutern” does.

5 “aber Donnerstag ... Sie” underlined in crayon, presumably by S.

6 “die IX. Symphonie” underlined in crayon, presumably by S. By “die Sache” H means the settling of the terms of contract for S’s monograph Beethovens Neunte Sinfonie (Vienna: UE, 1912).

7 “Beethoven-Sonaten” underlined in crayon, presumably by S. The reference is to plans for what eventually became Die letzten fünf Sonaten von Beethoven (Vienna: UE, 1913–1920). For further details of the plan to issue this and Book II of the Well-tempered Clavier in alternation, see WSLB 69/71, November 1, 1910.

8 Wilhelm Bopp [create biogfile and link].

9 Allusion is presumably to the prospective awarding of a grant or subvention by the Ministry to S so that he can devote more time to producing these works by reducing his teaching load, a plan that never materialized.

10 of the Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue.

[J. S. Bach: Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue:] H requests copy for a publisher's blurb. —He hopes to conclude terms of Ninth Symphony contract and hear more about the Beethoven [late piano] sonatas; has spoken with Bopp.

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Ian D. Bent 2006

Bent, Ian
Hertzka, Emil
[J. S. Bach: Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue:] H requests copy for a publisher's blurb. —He hopes to conclude terms of Ninth Symphony contract and hear more about the Beethoven [late piano] sonatas; has spoken with Bopp.
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
IPR: Universal Edition A.G., reproduced here by kind permission; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent 2006.
Hertzka, Emil; UE; Schenker, Heinrich; Bach, J. S.; Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue; CF&F; wording; blurb; Prague; Berlin; Beethoven; Ninth Symphony; monograph; contract; sonatas; Bopp, Wilhelm; Ministry of Education; complimentay copies
Typed letter from Hertzka (UE) to Schenker, dated October 29, 1910
academic; musicology; music theory
OC 52/426
email from Aygün Lausch (Universal Edition) to Ian Bent, 2004-09-09, confirming UE’s ownership of IPR and granting permission to post to pilot website.
broadsheet format; UE letterhead; typed body of letter; holograph signature
Schenker, Heinrich (1910-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)
IPR: Universal Edition, A.G.; Image: New York Public Library, New York; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 29, 1910 1:00 AM.

The previous post in this blog was OC 52/59 : 10-28-10.

The next post in this blog is WSLB 69/71 : 11-1-10.

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