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OC 52/391 : 6-20-04

Typed letter from Josef Weinberger and Bernard Herzmansky (UE) to Schenker, dated June 20, 1904

[UE letterhead]

Wien, am 20. Juni 1904.

Hochwolgeboren Herrn
Prof. Heinrich Schenker,
W i e n.

Hochgeehrter Herr!

In höflicher Erledigung Ihres gesch. Schreibens gestatten wir uns Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass wir Sie bezüglich des Honorars für aufgeklaert hielten,1 das ja ohnedies das höchste für vierhaendige Arrangements ist, das wir bisher überhaupt zugestanden haben und zwar von Kronen 6.– für die Doppelplatte.2

Eine Erhöhung dieses Honorars ist zu unserem Bedauern ausgeschlossen und hat in diesem Sinne auch das Comité in seiner letzten Sitzung entschieden.–

Ihrem Wunsche wegen Flüssigmachung der laut Vertrag bei Ablieferung des Manuscriptes3 fälligen Hälfte des Honorars werden wir selbstverstaendlich gerne nachkommen und erwarten nur von der Druckerei, welche bereits das Manuscript besitzt, Nachricht über den Umfang des Bandes, worauf wir die Auszahlung der entfallenden Summe sofort vornehmen werden.–

{verso } Wir hoffen diesbezüglich bis morgen seitens der Druckerei Mitteilung zu erhalten und zeichen inzwischen mit

vorzüglichster Hochachtung
[ stamp: ] “Universal-Edition” Actiengesellschaft
[ sign'd/stamp:? ] Josef Weinberger
[ sign’d: ] B. Herzmansky

© Universal Edition A.G., Wien.
© Transcription Ian D. Bent 2004.

Typed letter from Josef Weinberger and Bernard Herzmansky (UE) to Schenker, dated June 20, 1904

[UE letterhead]

Vienna, June 20, 1904

Prof. Heinrich Schenker, Esq.
V i e n n a

Most Honored Sir,

In respectful response to your est’d letter, we take the liberty of informing you that we thought we had made clear1 where your honorarium is concerned that this is the highest that we have ever agreed to pay, under any circumstances, for four-hand arrangements, namely 6 Kroner per double-plate.2

Any raising of this honorarium is, we regret, out of the question, and this was the verdict of the committee at its last meeting.

We will gladly comply with your wish as regards liquidating the half of your honorarium due, as per contract, at handover of the manuscript,3 and are merely awaiting information from the printers, in whose hands the manuscript currently is, as to the extent of the volume, whereupon we will promptly execute payment of the outstanding sum.

{ verso } We hope to receive information regarding this from the printer by tomorrow, and in the meanwhile remain

Most respectfully yours
[ stamp: ] Universal Edition & Co
[ signed/stamp:? ] Josef Weinberger
[ signed: ] B. Herzmansky

© Translation Ian D. Bent 2004.

Format: 2-p letter, single sheet recto and verso; UE printed letterhead, Italic typed body of letter, holograph signatures
Sender address:
Recipient address: Vienna


1 Presumably in a face-to-face conversation, or perhaps in the contract.

2 "Kronen ... Doppelplatte" underlines by S.

3 i.e. of vol.1, since the MS of vol.2 seems not have been completed.

[Handel Organ Concertos, vol..2:] UE cannot exceed 6 Kr. per double plate for “arrangements”; will execute payment of second half-honorarium [on vol.1].

© Commentary, Footnotes, Summary Ian D. Bent 2004.

Bent, Ian
Weinberger, Josef
Herzmansky, Bernhard
[Handel Organ Concertos, vol..2:] UE cannot exceed 6 Kr. per double plate for “arrangements”; will execute payment of second half-honorarium [on vol.1].
Cambridge University Faculty of Music-Ian Bent
IPR: Universal Edition A.G., reproduced here by kind permission; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent 2004.
Weinberger, Josef; Herzmansky, Bernhard; Schenker, Heinrich; Handel, Georg F.; organ concertos; vol.1; vol.2; arrangements; honorarium; printer
Typed letter from Josef Weinberger & Bernhard Herzmansky (UE) to Schenker, dated June 20, 1904
academic; musicology; music theory
OC 52/391
email from Aygün Lausch (Universal Edition) to Ian Bent, 2004-09-09, confirming UE's ownership of IPR and granting permission to post to pilot website
UE letterhead; typed body of letter; holographic signatures
Schenker, Heinrich (1904-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)
IPR: Universal Edition, A.G.; Image: New York Public Library, New York; Transcription, Translation, Commentary, Footnotes, and Summary: Ian D. Bent.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 20, 1904 1:00 AM.

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The next post in this blog is OC 52/392 : 6-20-04.

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