Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated April 11, 1934 {recto} Absender: Schenker [An:] H [/] Dr [/] Oswald Jonas [postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 11 IV 34 20 | * 4f * || [For message-continuation, see below] {verso} Geehrter, lieber Herr Dr Jonas! Zum 2ten Mal brachte H.1 Ihre Arbeit2 zur Sprache, er rühmte sie sehr, sehr, vorbehaltlos, nach jeder Richtung hin, “Sie werden sehr zufrieden sein!” sagte er mir öfter. “ Ihr [vertically in left margin:] © In the public domain. |
Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Jonas, dated April 11, 1934 {recto} From: Schenker [To:] Dr. Oswald Jonas [postmark:] || 3 WIEN 40 | 11 IV 34 20 | * 4f * || [For message-continuation, see below] {verso} Dear Dr. Jonas, Hoboken1 mentioned your work2 for the second time; he praised it very, very unconditionally, this way and that—you “will be very pleased” he told me often. “BUT . . .” he doesn’t want to increase his subvention, he would rather stipulate the condition that the examples be set at the end of the text; he has been instructed that presentation in the text would certainly have to make the book more expensive. It is clear that he has settled on a figure for both of our works that he will never overstep. That this figure would not even cover 4 months of alimony {recto} for the divorced wife,3 that he throws away such amounts for stupidities and whims of the worst kind—all of that doesn’t make him any better. Money, his money, has to feed snobbery or (through resale and the like), once paid out, feed back to him! With best greetings, Yours, [vertically in left margin:] © Translation John Rothgeb 2006. |
COMMENTARY: FOOTNOTES: 1 Click on Anthony van Hoboken. 2 Jonas’s Das Wesen des musikalischen Kunstwerks: Eine Einführung in die Lehre Heinrich Schenkers (Vienna: Saturn-Verlag, 1934). 3 See OJ 5/18, 13, September 7, 1932. SUMMARY: © Commentary, Footnotes, Summary John Rothgeb 2006.