Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Cube, dated September 7, 1927 {recto} [ panel stating aims of the Deutscher Sprachverein1] Absender: Schenker An: H Prof [/] Felix von Cube [ in another hand: ] Nahe Be[...] [ postmark: ] || 3/3 WIEN 40 | [illeg] || {verso} Wien, 7. 9. 27 Lieber Herr von Cube! Sehr bald nach Ihnen überraschte uns mein Neffe, (der sogar in Galtür noch verblieb, nachdem wir abreisen mussten, um einen Besuch abzustatten). Herzlich danke ich Ihnen, nun vorgestern nach Wien zurückgekehrt, für alle Ihre lieben Karten, für die Erinnerung der gewissen Brücke, die Mitteilung aus Frkf a/M., die leider noch zu wenig Festes zeigt, usw. Gleich nach Ihrer Abreise kam eine Karte für Sie, ich gab Ihre Adresse an u. hoffentlich ist sie schon in Ihrer Hand.2 Aufruf, Prospekt werden Sie bestimmt erhalten,3 Hob.4 ist noch nicht soweit, er weilt soeben in Frankf. a/M., um mit H. Koch|5 zu sprechen. Haben Sie die Güte, auch Ihrer Firma Scheuermann|6 die bestimmte Zusage zu machen, sie schrieb mir drum am 29. 8. Nur ein wenig Geduld noch! Ich u. meine Frau grüßen Sie auf das Beste Ihr [ sign’d: ] H Sch © In the public domain. |
Handwritten postcard from Schenker to Cube, dated September 7, 1927 {recto} [ panel stating aims of the Deutscher Sprachverein1] Sender: Schenker To: Professor Felix von Cube [ in another hand: ] Region [...?] [ postmark: ] || 3/3 WIEN 40 | [illeg] || {verso} Vienna, September 7, 1927 Dear Mr. von Cube, Soon after you left, my nephew surprised us (he actually stayed on in Galtür, after we had to leave in order to pay an a visit. Having returned to Vienna only yesterday, I thank you warmly for all your lovely cards, for the recollection of that particular bridge, the communication from Frankfurt (which, unfortunately, gives too little in the way of concrete indications), etc. As soon as you had departed, a card arrived for you; I gave your forwarding address and hope that it has already arrived.2 You will certainly receive the appeal and prospectus.3 Hoboken4 has not gotten so far; he is staying at this moment in Frankfurt, in order to speak with Mr. Koch.5 Please be so kind as to make the definite acceptance for Scheuermann, the company you know; they wrote to me about it on August 29.6 Just a bit more patient. My wife and I send our best greetings. Yours, © Translation William Drabkin, 2006. |
COMMENTARY: FOOTNOTES: 1 Click on Deutscher Sprachverein. 2 Cube had visited the Schenkers in Galtür during the summer. Schenker inserts an emdash at this point and continues writing without paragraph-break. 3 Click on Aufruf. This was a printed appeal to manuscript collectors and and libraries, the idea being to bring together as many as possible photographic reproductions of autographs by major composers, and house them in a special archive at the Austrian National Library in Vienna. The project was financed by Schenker’s pupil and patron Anthony van Hoboken, himself a collector of autographs and early editions of music. 4 Anthony van Hoboken [create biogfile and link]. 5 Louis Koch, manuscript collector. 6 Scheuermann: the leading bookseller in Cube’s home town of Duisburg. In the summer of 1928, Cube organized an exhibition of Schenker’s writings and editions in the windows of Scheuermann’s bookshop; see the correspondence for that year, passim. SUMMARY: © Commentary, Footnotes, Summary William Drabkin 2006.