Updating the Climate Science

What Path is the Real World Following?

Makiko Sato & James Hansen

Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions (CSAS)
Columbia University Earth Institute
475 Riverside Drive (Room 520-C)
New York, NY 10115
[email protected]

It seems that this site is still working after Makiko Sato's retirement. (We don't know how long.) I updated several pages, but I will not do anymore. Please go to Data & Figures page on Dr. Hansen's site for updates.

Our aim is to help people understand global climate change — and how the factors that drive climate are changing. We start with climate diagnostics — people are usually most interested in climate change itself. But cause-and-effect analysis requires also data on climate forcings (which drive climate change) and feedbacks (which amplify or diminish climate change). Future climate depends on how climate forcings change — human-made greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, and forcings that are not yet well measured, especially aerosols. The speed and degree of climate change also will depend upon how fast amplifying feedbacks, such as Arctic sea ice, the large ice sheets, and methane hydrates come into play.

Table of Contents

Critical Climate Diagnostics and Feedbacks

Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions and Energy Use

Climate Forcings


Books by James Hansen

"Storms of My Grandchildren"

"Sophie's Planet"


Recent Publications

Efficacy of Climate Forcings (2005)

Target Atmospheric CO2 (2008)

Energy Imbalance (2011)

Perceptions and Dice (2012 and 2013)

Climate Sensitivity, ... (2013)

Assessing "Dangerous Climate Change" (2013)

Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms (2016)

Climate Change and Responsibilities (2016)

Young People's Burden (2017)

Japan and Germany after "Fukushima" (2019)

Global Warming in the Pipeline (2023)

Global Warming Has Accelerated (2025)

List of Publications

Hansen (2023-1966), Google Scholar
Sato (1977-2023), Google Scholar, Twitter