Curriculum Vitae

Michael I. Weinstein
Professor of Applied Mathematics,
Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics;
Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics
Columbia University
200 S.W. Mudd MC4701
New York, NY 10027

Tel: (212) 854 3624
Fax: (212) 854 8257


B.Sc. (Mathematics), Union College, summa cum laude, 1977
M.Sc. (Mathematics), Courant Institute - NYU, 1979
Ph.D. (Mathematics), Courant Institute - NYU, 1982
Thesis advisor: George C. Papanicolaou


2004 - present, Professor of Applied Mathematics (APAM-SEAS)
2014 - present, Professor of Mathematics (Mathematics Dept - Arts and Sciences)
Columbia University

1998 - 2005
MTS - Fundamental Mathematics Research Department
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies

1993 - 2000
Professor of Mathematics
1988 - 1993
Associate Professor of Mathematics (tenured)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Princeton University

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Stanford University
Postdoctoral advisor: Joseph B. Keller

Research Interests

Partial Differential Equations, and Analysis;
Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics; Multiscale Phenomena;
Waves in Nonlinear, Inhomogeneous and Random Media;
Applications to Quantum systems, Optics and Photonics, Fluid Dynamics, Geosciences


Simons Foundation Math + X Investigator Award, 2015-2025
Martin D. Kruskal Prize Lecture - SIAM, 2018
Bergman Visiting Professor, Stanford University, Winter, 2018
Fellow of the AMS, 2014
SIAM Fellow, 2010

Selected Invited Lectures

Course at Summer School on Mathematical Challenges in Quantum Mechanic, Lake Como, Italy - June, 2022
NSF Distinguished Lecture Series in Mathematical and Physical Sciences - January, 2020
Bergman Memorial Lecture, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, February, 2018
Joe Keller Lecture, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University, April, 2017
Van Winter Lecture in Mathematical Physics, University of Kentucky, March, 2017
Plenary Lecture, 12th Int'l Conf. on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, Karlsruhe, Germany, July, 2015
Plenary Lecture, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Orlando, December, 2013;
Plenary Lecture, Nonlinear Waves - Theory and Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, June, 2013;
Plenary Lecture, Applied Analysis for the Material Sciences, CIRM - Luminy, France, May, 2013
Plenary Lecture, Analytic and Computational Techniques in Spectral Theory, Gregynog, Wales, 2011
Plenary Lecture, NY Conference on Applied Mathematics, SUNY Buffalo, 2011
Plenary Lecture, Ohio River Analysis Meeting, 2011
Plenary Lecture, VIII Americas Conference on Differential Equations, Veracruz, Mexico, 2009
Distinguished Lecture in Applied Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, October, 2009;
Plenary Lecture, Conference on Multiscale Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Michigan State University, 2008
Plenary Lecture, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Orlando, 2004;
Invited Course on Nonlinear Dispersive Waves and Applications, Colloque Trimester - Institut Henri Poincare, May-June, 2009
Invited Tutorial: ``Waves in Microstructures'', Int'l Conf. on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave Phenomena, University of Georgia, 2007;
Invited Lecturer, U.S. National Academy of Sciences Symposium on Frontiers in Science; Irvine, CA, 2001

Visiting Positions

2023-2024, Academic Year
Visiting Member
School of Mathematics
Institute for Advanced Study, and
Visiting Fellow
Department of Mathematics
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ

2018, Winter Quarter
Bergman Visiting Professor
Stanford University
Department of Mathematics

Ordway Distinguished Visiting Professorship
University of Minnesota

Spring, 2010
Visiting Professor
Courant Institute, NYU

June, 2010, June 1992 and May, 1989
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
Universite de Paris Sud, Orsay

May-June, 2009
Visiting Professor
Centre Emile Borel
Institut Henri Poincar'e, Paris

July, 2009
Visiting Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics
and Computer Science
Weizmann Institute of Science
Rehovot, Israel

Visiting Professor of Applied Mathematics
Princeton University

October, 1994
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
Institut Mittag Leffler
Djursholm, Sweden

June-July, 1993 Visiting Professor of Mathematics
E. Landau Center for Mathematical Analysis
Hebrew University
Jerusalem, Israel

June, 1992 Visiting Member
Institute for Advanced Study - Princeton

Editorial Boards

Editorial Board: Pure and Applied Analysis (2018-)
Editorial Board: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (2004-2017)
Editorial Board: Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (2012-2017)
Editorial Board: Studies in Applied Mathematics (2014-2018)
Editorial Board: AMS Mathematical Surveys and Monographs (2010-2018)
Editorial Board: Journal of Nonlinear Science (Senior Editor, 2012-2016)

Service (Committees, Organization...)

Workshop on Mathematical Aspects of Condensed Matter Physics
Pauli Center, ETH - Zurich, July, 2023
Organizing committee (w/ GM Graf, A Sagiv J Shapiro)

Workshop on Free Boundary Problems
Columbia University, May, 2023
Organizing committee (w/ D De Silva, Q Du, C-C Lai, K Ren, O Savin, J Scott)

Workshop on Mathematics of Topological Insulators
American Insitute of Mathematics and Columbia University, online December, 2020
Organizing committee (w/ D Freed, GM Graf, R. Mazzeo)

Workshop on Transport and Localization in Random Media: Theory and Application
Columbia University, May, 2018
Organizing committee (w/ I Corwin, A Drouot, H Shen)

Workshop on Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Toplogically Protected States
Columbia University, May, 2017
Organizing committee (w/ J Lu, S Jin)

Chair, Special Year on "Mathematics and Optics" (2016-17)
NSF- Institute for Mathematics and its Applications at U. Minnesota

Distinguished Colloquium Series in Interdisciplinary and Applied Mathematics, 2013-present
Columbia University
Chair, Organizing committee

T. B. Benjamin Prize Committee - SIAM Activity Group on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures -- 2016

M.D. Kruskal Lecture Committee - SIAM Activity Group on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures -- 2014

W. T. and Idalia Reid Prize Committee (SIAM)- 2012-2016

SIAM Activity Group on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures - Vice Chair 2009-2011

National Science Foundation Panels in Applied Mathematics, Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics

Simons Foundation, Reviewer of Grant Proposals, 2011-

New York Academy of Sciences Judge, Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists, 2008-

Co-organizer (with J. Colliander and V. Zharnitsky)
Conference on Analysis of Nonlinear Wave Equations and Applications
Banff International Research Station; Banff, Canada, August, 2009

External Review Committee
Temple University Mathematics Department, 2007

Co-organizer (with I.M. Sigal, A. Soffer and J. Froehlich)
Conference on Evolution of Microscopic and Macroscopic Fields
Banff International Research Station; Banff, Canada, September, 2006

Co-organizer (with D.F. Parker and C.A. Stuart)
Conference on Mathematical Problems in Nonlinear Optics and Microstructure Media,
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Edinburgh, 2004

U.S. National Academy of Sciences
First Middle East Symposium on Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey -2004
Organizer, Applied Mathematics Session, ``Mathematics of Complex Fluid Phenomena''

U.S. National Academy of Sciences
Symposium on Frontiers in Science; Irvine, CA
Organizing Committee - 2002,2003, and speaker 2001


Students, Postdocs