2009 Holloway, Ralph L., Sherwood, Chet C., Hof, Patrick R. and Rilling, James K., Evolution of the Brain: In Humans--
Paleoneurology. The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, in Springer.[view pdf]
2009 Holloway, Ralph L., Sherwood, Chet C., Hof, Patrick R. and Rilling, James K, Evolution of the Brain: In Humans--
Specializations in a Comparative Perspective. The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, in Springer. [view pdf]
2009 Holloway, Ralph L. Brain Fossils: Endocasts. In: Squire LR (ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience,
volume 2, pp. 353-361. Oxford: Academic Press. [view pdf]
2004 Holloway, Ralph L., Yuan, M. S., and Broadfield, D.C.The Human Fossil Record: Brain Endocasts: The Paleoneurological
Evidence. New York. John Wiley & Sons Publishers.*won the 2005 Association of American Publishers Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Professional and Scholarly Publishing [view cover] [section I][section II]
2008 Holloway, Ralph L. "The Human Brain Evolving: A Personal Retrospective." Annual Review of Anthropology
37.1 (2008): 1-19.[view pdf]
2007 Schoenemann, P. Thomas, et al. "Validation of Plaster Endocast Morphology through 3D CT Image Analysis" s
Annual Review of Anthropology. (37.1 (1-19). [view pdf]
2005 Holloway, R.L., et al."Planum Parietale of Chimpanzees and Orangutans: A Comparative Resonance of
Human-Like Planum Temporale Asymmetry." The Anatomical Record Part A: Discoveries in Molecular,
Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology. 287A.1 (1128-41). [view pdf]
2004 Holloway, R.L., et al."Posterior Lunate Sulcus in Australopithecus Africanus: Was Dart Right?"
Comptes Rendus PALEVOL 3.4 (287-93)[view pdf]
2003 Holloway, R.L., Broadfield, D.C., Yuan, M.S."Morphology and Histology of Chimpanzee Primary Visual
Striate Cortex Indicate That Brain Reorganization Predated Brain
Expansion in Early Hominid Evolution."
Anatomical Record: 237 A. 594- 602. [view pdf]
2002 Holloway,
R.L, Yuan, M.S, Broadfield, DeGusta,D, Richards, GD, Silvers, A.,Shapiro, JS,
White, TD."The
Missing Omo L-338y-6 Occipital Marginal Sinus Drainage Pattern:
Ground Sectioning , CT Scanning, and the
Original Fossil Fail to Show It." Anatomical Record 266: 249-257. [view pdf]
2002 Holloway,
R.L, "Brief Communication: How Much Larger Is the Relative Volume of Area 10 of the Prefrontal
Cortex in Humans?" American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 118.4. [view pdf: page 1] [page 2] [page 3]
2002 Holloway, R.L. Commentary: Head to head with Boas: Did he err on the plasticity of head form? Vol. 99 No.
23. [view pdf]
2001 Holloway, R.L., Broadfield, D.C., and Yuan, M.S. Revisiting Australopithecine
visual striate cortex: newer
data from chimpanzee and human brains suggest it could have been reduced
during Australopithecine times.
In D. Falk and K. Gibbon (eds.), Evolutionary Anatomy of the Primate Cerebral
Cortex. Cambridge
University Press, pps. 177-186.. [ view pdf ]
2001 Holloway, R.L., "Does Allometry Mask Important Brain Structure Residuals Relevant to Species-Specific
Behavioral Evolution?" Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24.2: 286. [view pdf]
2001 Holloway, R.L., Brain, evolution of. In N.J. Smelser and P.B. Baltes (Eds.-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of
the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 2, pp. 1338-1345. Oxford: Elsevier Science. [view pdf]
2001 Broadfield, D.C., Holloway, R.L., Mowbray, K., Silvers, A., and Marquez,
S. The endocast of
Sambungmacan 3 (Sm3): A new Homo erectus from Indonesia. The Anatomical
Record, 262: 369-379.
[view pdf ]
2000 Brain. In E. Delson, I. Tattersall, J. Van Couvering, and A.S. Brooks (eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Evolution
and Prehistory, 2nd edition. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., pps. 141-9 [view pdf]
1999 Holloway, R.L., et al. "Hominid Brain Volume." Science 283.5398: 34-35. [view pdf]
1998 "Relative Size of the Human Corpus
Callosum Redux: Statistical Smoke and Mirrors? Comments [On Fitch,
R.H. and
Denenberg, V.H.). A Role forOvarian Hormones in Sexual Differentiation of
the Brain. Behavioral
and Brain Sciences, 21(3): 311-52. [view pdf]
1998 Gannon,
PJ, Holloway, R.L., Broadfield, D.C., and Braun, A.R. "Asymmetry of chimpanzee
temporale: humanlike pattern of Wernicke’s brain language area homolog. Science 279: 220-2.
1997 Holloway, R.L., Comparative Neuroanatomy. In Spencer, F. (ed.), History of Physical Anthropology: An Encyclopedia, Vol. 2
(M-Z) New York: Garland Publishing., pp. 732-43. [view pdf]
Chapter 4. New York: Oxford University Press. pps.74-116. [ view pdf ]
Holloway, R.L., Anderson, P.J., Defidine, R., and Harper, C. "Sexual dimorphism
of the human corpus
callosum from three independent samples: relative size of the corpus callosum.
American Journal of
Anthropology, 92:481-98. [view pdf ]
Another primate brain fiction: brain (cortex) weight and h omogeneity. Comments [On Dunbar, R.I. (1993.)
Coevolution of neocortical size, group size and language in humans. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16:681-735]
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 16:707-8. [view pdf]
Holloway, R.L., Shapiro, Jill S., "Relationship of Squamosal Suture to Asterion in Pongids: Relevance to Early
Hominid Brain Evolution." American Journal of
Physical Anthropology 89.3: 275-82. [view pdf]
1992 Holloway, R.L., "Culture: A Human Domain." Current Anthropology 33.1: 47-64 .[view pdf]
1991 Holloway, R.L., "On Falk's 1989 Accusations Regarding Holloway's Study of the Taung Endocast: A Reply."
American Journal of
Physical Anthropology 84.1: 87-88. [view pdf]
1990 Sexual dimorphism in the human corpus callosum: its evolutionary and clinical
implications. In G.H.
Sperber (ed.), From Apes to Angels: Essays in Anthropology in Honor of
Phillip V. Tobias. New York:
Wiley-Liss, Inc., pps. 221-8. [view pdf ]
1990 Falk’s radiator hypothesis. Comments [On Falk, D. (1990). Brain evolution in Homo: the "radiator" theory.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13:333-81]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 13:360.[view pdf]
1988 Brain. In I. Tattersall, E. Delson, and J. Van Couvering (eds.), Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory. New York
and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., pps. 98-10. [view pdf]
1986 Holloway, R.L. and de LaCoste, M.C. Sexual dimorphism in the human corpus callosum: an extension and replication
study. Human Neurobiology, 5:87-91.[view pdf]
1985 The poor brain of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis: see what you please... In E. Delson (ed.), Ancestors: The Hard Evidence
[Proceedings of the Symposium held at the American Museum of Natural History, April 6-10, 1984, to mark the opening of the exhibition
"Ancestors: Four Million Years of Humanity"]. New York: A.R. Liss, Inc., pps. 319-24.p [view pdf]
1985 The past, present, and future significance of the lunate sulcus in early hominid evolution. In P.V. Tobias (ed.),Hominid Evolution:
Past, Present, and Future [Proceedings of the Taung Diamond Jubilee International Symposium, Johannesburg and
Mmabatho, Southern Africa, 27th January - 4th February, 1985]. New York: A.R. Liss, Inc., pps. 47-62.[view pdf]
1983 Cerebral brain endocast pattern of Australopithecus afarensis hominid. Nature, 303:420-2. [view pdf']
1983 Human paleontological evidence relevant to language behavior. Human Neurobiology, 2:105-14. [view pdf ]
1983 Human brain evolution: a search for units, models, and synthesis. Canadian Journal of Anthropology, 3(2):215-32.[view pdf]
1982 Holloway, R.L. and de LaCoste-Lareymondie, M.C. Brain endocast asymmetry
in pongids and hominids:
some preliminary findings on the paleontology of cerebral dominance. American
Journal of Physical
Anthropology, 58:101-10. [view pdf ]
1982 de
LaCoste-Utamsing, C. and Holloway, R.L. "Sexual dimorphism in the human corpus
Science, 216:1431-2.
1982 Holloway, R.L. and Post, D.G. The relativity of relative brain measures
and hominid mosaic evolution. In
E. Armstrong and D. Falk (eds.), Primate Brain Evolution: Methods and Concepts.
New York: Plenum
Publishing Co., pps. 57-76. [view pdf ]
1981 Holloway, Ralph L. "Exploring the dorsal surface of hominid brain endocasts by stereoplotter and discriminant analysis."
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London). B. 292: 155-66. [view pdf]
specimen, with some notes on Neandertal brain size. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 55: 385-94. [view pdf]
1981 Holloway, R.L.,"Revisiting the South African Taung Australopithecine endocast: the position of the Lunate sulcus as determined
by the stereoplotting technique." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 56: 43-58. [view pdf]
1981 Indonesian "Solo" (Ngandong) endocranial reconstruction: some preliminary observations and comparisons with Neandertal
and Homo erectus groups. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 53: 285-95. [view pdf]
1980 Stereoplotting hominid brain endocasts: some preliminary results. [NATO symposium on "Application of Human Biostereometrics",
July 9-13, 1978, Paris, France; published 1980 by S.P.I.E. as Vol. 166] S.P.I.E., 16: 200-205. [view pdf]
1980 "Within-species brain-body weight variability: a reexamination of the Danish
data and other primate species."
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 53:109-21. [ view pdf ]
1976 Paleoneurological evidence for language origins. In S.R. Harnad, H.D. Steklis, J. Lancaster (eds.), Origins and Evolution
of Language and Speech. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 280:330-48.
[ view pdf ]
1973 The evolving brain. Book Review: The Brain in Hominid Evolution, by P.V. Tobias. New York and London: Columbia
University Press, 1972. Nature, 241:221-2.[view pdf]
1973 New endocranial values for the East African early hominids. Nature, 243:97-9. [view pdf]
1972 New Australopithecine Endocast, SK 1585, from Swartkrans, S. Africa. American Journal of Physical Anthropology
37 (2): 173-86.
[view pdf]
1972 Australopithecine endocasts, brain evolution in the Hominoidea and a model of hominid evolution. In R. Tuttle (ed.),The Functional
and Evolutionary Biology of Primates. Chicago, New York: Aldine/Atherton Press. pps. 185-204. [view pdf]
1970 Australopithecine endocast (Taung specimen, 1924): a new volume determination. Science, 168: 966-8.
[view pdf]
1969 Holloway, R.L. "Culture: a human domain." Current Anthropology, 10(4):395-412. [ view pdf ]
1969 Some questions on parameters of neural evolution in primates. In J. Petras and C. Noback (eds.), Comparative and
Evolutionary Aspects of the Vertebrate Central Nervous System. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
167(1):332-40.[view pdf]
1968 The evolution of the primate brain: some aspects of quantitative relationships. Brain Research, 7:121-72.
[view pdf]
1967 Tools and teeth: some speculations regarding caninine reduction. American Anthropologist, 69: 63-7.
[view pdf]
The evolution of the human brain: some notes toward a synthesis between
neural structure and the evolution
of complex behavior. General Systems, XII:3-19. [
view pdf ]
* For a complete list of publications see CV.