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4. Everson, R.B., Randerath,.E., Santella, R.M., Cefalo, R.C., Avitts, T.A., and Randerath, K. Detection of smoking related covalent DNA adducts in human placenta, Science, 231, 54-57, 1986.
5. Yang, X.Y., DeLeo, V., and Santella, R.M. Immunological detection and visualization of 8-methoxypsoralen-DNA photoadducts, Cancer Research, 47, 2451-2455, 1987
6. Young, T.L. and Santella, R.M. Immunologic detection of exposure to vinyl chloride: antibodies to ethenoadenosine and ethenocytidine, Carcinogenesis, 9, 589-592, 1988.
7. Yang, X.Y., Delohery, T. and Santella, R.M. Flow cytometric analysis of 8-methoxypsoralen-DNA photoadducts in human keratinocytes, Cancer Res., 48, 7013-7017, 1988.
8. Tromberg, B.J., Sepaniak, M.J., Alaire, J.P., Vo-Dinh, T. and Santella, R.M. Development of antibody-based fiber optic sensors for detection of benzo(a)pyrene metabolites, Anal. Chem., 60, 1901-1909, 1988.
9. Hsieh, L.L., Hsu, S.W., Chen, D.S. and Santella, R. M. Immunological detection of aflatoxin-B1-DNA adducts formed in vivo, Cancer Res., 48, 6328-6331, 1988.
10. Yang, X.Y., Gasparro, F.P., DeLeo, V.A. and Santella, R.M. 8-methoxypsoralen-DNA adducts in patients treated with 8-methoxypsoralen and ultraviolet A light, J. Invest. Derm., 92, 59-63, 1989.
11. Young, T.L., Habraken,Y., Ludlum, D.B. and Santella, R.M. Development of monoclonal antibodies recognizing 7-(2-hydroxyethyl)guanine and imidazole ring-opened 7-(2-hydroxyethyl)guanine, Carcinogenesis, 11, 1685-1689, 1990.
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13. Zhang, Y.J., Chen, C.J., Haghighi, B., Yang, G.Y., Hsieh, L.L., Wang, L.W., Santella, R.M. Quantitation of aflatoxin B1-DNA adducts in woodchuck hepatocytes and rat liver tissue by indirect immunofluorescence analysis. Cancer Research, 51, 1720-1725, 1991.
14. Vo-Dinh, T., Alarie, J.P., Johnson, R.W., Sepaniak, J.J. Santella, R.M. Evaluation of the fiber-optic antibody-based fluoroimmunosensor for DNA adducts in human placenta samples. Clin. Chem. 37, 532-535, 1991.
15. Zhang, Y.J., Chen, C.J., Lee, C.S., Haghighi, B., Yang, G.Y., Wang, L.W., Feitelson, M. and Santella, R.M. Aflatoxin B1-DNA adducts and hepatitis B virus antigens in hepatocellular carcinoma and non-tumorous liver tissue. Carcinogenesis, 12, 2247-2252, 1991.
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18. Rousset, S., Nocentini, S., Santella, R.M., Gasparro, F.P. and Mounstacchi, E. Immunological probing of induction and repair of 8-methosypsoralen photoadducts in DNA from Fanconi anemia and normal human fibroblasts: quantitative analysis by electron microscopy. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol., 18, 27-34, 1993.
19. Santella, R.M., Gomes-Nunes, M., Blaskovic, R., Perera, F.P., Tang, D., Beachman, A., Lin, J.-H., DeLeo, V.A. Quantitation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1-hydroxypyrene, and mutagenicity in urine of coal tar treated psoriasis patients and untreated volunteers. Cancer Epi Biomarkers & Prevent 3, 137-140, 1994.
20. Santella, R.M., Perera, F.P., Young, T.L., Zhang, Y-J, Chiamprasert, S., Deliang, T., Wang, L.W., Beachman, A., Lin, J-H, and DeLeo, V.A. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon DNA and protein adducts in coal tar treated patients and controls and their relationship to glutathione-S-transferase genotype. Mut Research, 334, 117-124. 1995.
21. Yin, B., Whyatt, R.M., Perera, F.P., Randall, R.C., Cooper, T., Santella, R.M. Determination of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine by an immunoaffinity chromatography-monoclonal antibody-based ELISA. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 18, 1023-1032, 1995.
22. Al-Atrash, J., Zhang, Y-J., Kin, D., Kadlubar, F.F., Santella, R.M. Quantitative immunohistochemical analysis of 4-Aminobiphenyl-DNA in cultured cells and mice: Comparison to gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy analysis. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 8, 747-754, 1995.
23. Hsu, T.M., Liu, T.M., Amin, S., Geacintov, N.E., Santella, R.M. Determination of sterospecificity of benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide-DNA antisera with site-specifically modified oliogonucleotides. Carcinogenesis 16, 2263-2265, 1995.
24. Yarborough, A., Zhang, Y-J., Hsu, T-M., Santella, R.M. Immunoperoxidase detection of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in aflatoxin B1-treated rat liver and human oral mucosal cells. Cancer Research 56, 683-688, 1996.
25. Curigliano, G., Zhang, Y-J., Wang, L-Y., Flamini, G., Alcini, A., Ratto, C, Giustacchini, M., Alcini, E., Cittadini, A., Santella, R.M. Immunohistochemical quantitation of 4-aminobiphenyl-DNA adducts and p53 nuclear overexpression in T1 bladder cancer of smokers and nonsmokers. Carcinogenesis 17, 911-916, 1996.
26. Widlak, P., Gryzbowska, E., Hemminki, K., Santella, R.M., Chorazy, M. 32P postlabelling of bulky human DNA adducts enriched by different methods including immunoaffinity chromatography. Chem.-Biol. Interactions 99, 99-107, 1996.
27. Hsu, T-M., Zhang, Y-J., Santella, R.M. Immunoperoxidase quantitation of 4-aminobiphenyl- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA aducts in exfoliated oral and urothelial cells of smokers and nonsmokers. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention 6, 193-199, 1997.
28. Rousset, S., Nocentini, S., Santella, R.M., Moustacchi, E., 6,4,4'-Trimethylangelicin photoadduct immunodetection in DNA: induction and repair in fanconi anemia and normal human firoblasts. J. Photochem. Photobiol. 38, 220-227, 1997.
29. Lunn, R.M., Zhang, Y.J., Wang, L.Y., Chen, C.J., Lee, P.H., Lee, C.S., Tsai, W.Y., and Santella, R.M. P53 mutations, chronic hepatitis B virus infection, and aflatoxin exposure in hepatocellular carcinoma in Taiwan. Cancer Res. 57, 3471-3477, 1997.
30. Zhang, Y.J., Geacintov, N.E., and Santella, R.M. Development of monoclonal antibody recognizing benzo[c]phenanthrenediol epoxide-DNA adducts: application to immunohistochemical detection of DNA damage. Chem. Res. Tox. 10, 948-952, 1997.
31. Romano, G., Mancini, R., Fedele, P., Curigliano, G., Flamini, G., Giovagnoli, M.R., Malara, N., Boninsegna, A., Vecchione, A, Santella, R.M., Cittadini, A. Immunohistochemical analysis of 4-aminobiphenyl-DNA adducts in oral mucosal cells of smokers and nonsmokers. Anticancer Research 17, 2827-2830, 1997.
32. Wang, L-Y, Chen, C.J., Zhang,Y-J., Tsai W-Y., Lee P-H., Feitelson, M.A., Lee, C-S., Santella, R.M. 4-Aminobiphenyl-DNA damage in liver tissue of hepatocellular carcinoma patients and controls. Amer, J. Epi. 147, 315-323, 1998.
33. Flamini, G., Romano, Gianpiero, R., Curigliano, G., Chiominto, A., Capelli, G., Boninsegna, A., Signorelli, C., Ventura, L., Santella, R.M., Sgambato, A., and cittadini, A. 4-Aminobiphenyl-DNA adducts in laryngeal tissue and smoking habits: an immunohistochemical study. Carcinogenesis 19, 353-357, 1998.
34. Zhang, Y.J., Weksler, B.B., Wang, L.Y., Schwartz, J. and Santella, R.M. Immunohistochemical detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA damage in human blood vessels of smokers and non-smokers Atherosclerosis 140, 325-331, 1998.
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36. Calderon-Garciduenas, L., Wang, L.W., Zhang, Y.J., Rodriguez-Alcaraz, A., Osnaya, N., Villarreal-Calderon, A., Santella, R.M. 8-Hydroxy-2'deoxyguanosine, a major mutagenic oxidative DNA lesion and DNA strand breaks in nasal respiratory epithelium of children exposed to urban pollution. Environ. Health Persp. 107, 469-474, 1999.
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60. Jacobson, J.S., Begg, M.D., Wang, L.W., Wang, Q., Agarwal, M., Norkus, E.P., Singh, V.N., Young, T.L., Yang, D., and Santella, R.M. Effects of a six-month intervention on DNA damage in heavy smokers. Cancer Epidemiol.Biomark.Prevent., 9: 1303-1311, 2000.
61. Bostwick, D.G., Alexander, E.E., Singh, R., Shan, A., Qian, J., Santella, R.M., Oberley, L.W., Yan, T., Zhong, W., Jiang, X., Oberley, T.D. Antioxidant enzyme expression and reactive oxygen species damage in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and cancer. Cancer89, 123-34, 2000.
62. Reinisch, W., Nahavandi, H., Santella, R.M., Zhang, Y.J., Gasche, C., Moser, G., Waldhors, T., Gangl, A., Vogelsang, H., Knobler, R. Extracorporeal photochemotherapy in patients with steroid-dependent Crohn's disease: a prospective study. Aliment. Pharmocol. Ther. 15, 1313-1322, 2001.
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66. Rundle, A., Tang, D., Zhou, J., Cho, S. and Perera, F. The association between glutathione S-transferase M1 genotype and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts in breast tissue. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 9, 1079-1085, 2000.
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69. Kessel, M., Liu, S.X., Xu, A., Santella, R. and Hei, T.K. Arsenic induces oxidative DNA damage in mammalian cells Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 234/235 301-308, 2002.
70. Carlson, N., Lechago, J., Richter, J., Sampliner, R.E., Peterson, L., Santella, R.M., Goldblum, J., Falk, G., Ertan, A. and Younes,M. Acid suppression therapy (AST) may not alter malignant progression in Barrett's metaplasia (BM) showing p53 protein accumulation Amer. J. Gastroenterlogy 97,340-345, 2002.
71. Singh, R., McEwan, M., Lamb, J.H., Santella, R.M. and Farmer, P.B. An improved liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry method for the determination of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine in DNA samples using immunoaffinity column purification. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 17; 126-134, 2003.
72. Krebs, C., Koestner, W., Nissen, M., Welge, V., Parusel,I., Malavasi, F., Leiter, E., Santella, R.M., Haag, F. and Koch-Nolte,F. Flow cytometric and immunoblot assays for cell surface ADP-ribosylation using a monoclonal antibody specific for ethenoadenosine Analytical Biochem 314: 108-115, 2003.
73. Faraglia, B., Chen,S.Y., Gammon, M.D., Zhang, Y.J., Teitelbaum, S., Neugut, A.I., Ahsan, H., Garbowski, G.C., Hibshoosh, H., Lin, D., Kadlubar, F.F., and Santella, R.M. Evaluation of 4-aminobiphenyl-DNA adducts in human breast cancer: The influence of tobacco smoke. Carcinogenesis 24, 719-725, 2003.
74. Liang, Z., Lippman, S.M., Kawabe, A., Shimada, Y., Xu, X. Identification of Benzo(a)pyrene Diol Epoxide-binding DNA Fragments Using DNA Immunoprecipitation Technique. Cancer Research 63, 1470-1474, 2003.
75. Machella, N., Regoli, F., Cambria, A., and Santella, R.M. Application of an immunoperoxidase staining \softline method for detection of 7,8-dihydro-8-oxodeoxyguanosine as a biomarker of chemical-induced oxidative stress in \softline marine organisms. Aquatic Toxicology 67, 23-32,2004.
76. Machella, N., Regoli, F., Cambria, A., and Santella, R.M. Oxidative damage to DNA:an immunohistochemical \softline approach for detection of 7,8-dihydro-8-oxodeoxyguanosine in marine organisms. Marine Environmental Res. 58, \softline 725-729, 2004.
77. Machella, N., Regoli, F., Santella, R.M. Immunofluorescent detection of 8-oxo-dG and PAH bulky adducts in \softline fish liver and mussel digestive gland. Aquatic Toxicology 71 335-343, 2005.