R. Todd Ogden
Associate Professor of Biostatistics (Psychiatry)
Columbia University


Research interests: analysis of brain imaging data, nonparametric regression, wavelets, statistical computing, functional data analysis, change-point problems.

My Erdös number is 3. Here are the citations. Here's my academic genealogy (researched by my academic nephew James Hardin).

Follow this link for more information on research, including links to paper reprints/preprints and for information on my book on wavelets.


In fall 2003, I will teach P6104 (Introduction to Biostatistical Methods).

Web computing

Web computing is another abiding interest of mine (although I've spent very little time on it lately). Projects I've been involved with include WebStat, a basic statistics analysis package that runs over the web and a series of instructional applets for Cyberstats, an electronic textbook published by CyberGnostics Inc.

Everything else

More about me: family, hobbies, etc..

Here's the complete text of the epic poem Hiawatha Designs an Experiment.

Contact information
Mailing address:
Dept. of Biostatistics
Columbia University
722 W. 168th St., 6th floor
New York, NY 10032
(212) 342-1247
(212) 305-9408
[email protected]