Department of French and Romance Philology  









Romanic Review Volume 106: 1-4 Jan-Nov 2015
Remembering Assia Djebar (1936-2015)
Madeleine Dobie, Special Editor.

Madeleine Dobie. Introduction.

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Assia Djebar: In Memoriam.

André Benhaïm.
Djebar’s Odyssey.

Catherine Milkovitch-Rioux. Assia Djebar’s Mourners.

Amr Kamal. Undoing Odysseus’s Pact: Marginal Faces and Voices in the Narratives of Assia Djebar and Agnès Varda.

Anna Blase Provitola. Feminism in the “Father Book”: Complicating Emancipation Narratives in Assia Djebar’s Nowhere in my Father’s House.

Erin Twohig. Investigating a Disappearance: Multilingualism and Language Erasure in Assia Djebar’s La Disparition de la langue française.


Ronan Y. Chalmin. Britannicus, Tragédie du plaire.

Nathan D. Brown. Curious Savages: Cultural Transvestism, Identity and New France in Alain René Lesage’s Les Avantures de monsieur Robert Chevalier, dit de Beauchêne.

Audrey Cerfon. Le “Cri” de la critique: Origine et critère de l’écriture dans À la recherche du temps perdu.

Lucas Hollister. On the Uses and Abuses of Return: Reflections on Jean Rouaud’s L’imitation du bonheur and Its “Histoire critique de la fiction”.


Simon Gaunt. Marco Polo’s Le Devisement du monde. Narrative Voice, Language and Diversity. (Christine Chism)

Anna Zayaruznaya. The Monstrous New Art: Divide Forms in the Late Medieval Motet. (Eliza Zingesser)

Catherine Croizy-Naquet, Laurence Harf-Lancner, and Michelle Szkilnik (eds.). Les Manuscrits médiévaux, témoins de lectures. (Jeanette Patterson)

Karina F. Attar and Lynn Shutters (eds.). Teaching Medieval and Early Modern Cross-Cultural Encounters. (Shirin A. Khanmohamadi)

Phillip John Usher and Isabelle Fernbach (eds.). Virgilian Identities in the French Renaissance. (James Helgeson)

Wayne E. Rebhorn (trans.). Giovanni Boccaccio. The Decameron. (Tobias Foster Gittes)

Denis Bjaï and François Rouget (eds.). Les Poètes français de la Renaissance et leurs “libraires.” Actes du Colloque international de l’Université d’Orléans. (Phillip John Usher)

Jan Miernowski. La beauté de la haine. Essais de misologie littéraire. (Phillip John Usher)

Jan Miernowski (ed.). Le Sublime et le Grotesque. (Phillip John Usher)

André Benhaïm and Aymeric Glacet (eds.). Albert Camus au quotidien. (Jason Herbeck)

Christelle Reggiani. Poétiques oulipiennes. La Contrainte, le style, l’histoire. (Bauvarie Mounga)





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