Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 4 (1913)

Moore, Olin. (1913). The Young King, Henry Plantagenet (1155-1183) in Provençal and Italian Literature. Romanic Review, 4, 1-26.

Gerig, John L. (1913). Barthélemy Aneau: A Study in Humanism. Romanic Review, 4, 27-57.

Crawford, J. P. Wickersham. (1913). The Seven Liberal Arts in the Vision Delectable of Alfonso de la Torre. Romanic Review, 4, 58-75.

Young, Karl. (1913). La Procession des Trois Rois at Besançon. Romanic Review, 4, 76-83.

Smith, Hugh Allison. (1913). Composition of the Chanson de Willame. Romanic Review, 4, 84-111.

Luquiens, Frederick Bliss. (1913). The Reconstruction of the Original Chanson de Roland. Romanic Review, 4, 112-117.

Kinney, Muriel. (1913). Notes on the Geography of Huon de Bordeaux. Romanic Review, 4, 118-124.

Bruce, J. Douglas. (1913). Reginald Harvey Griffith, Sir Perceval of Galles (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 125-130.

Wilkins, Ernest H. (1913). Kenneth McKenzie, Concordanza delle rime di Francesco Petrarca (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 130-133.

Livingston, Arthur. (1913). Umberto de Bin, Leopold I, Imperatore, e la sua corte nella letteratura italiana (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 133-135.

Hawkins, Richmond Laurin. (1913). Henri Longnon, Pierre de Ronsard: Essai de Biographie (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 135-138.

Hendrix, W. S. (1913). Francisco Rodriguez Marín, El Divino Herrera y la Condesa de Gelves (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 138-140.

Minckwitz, M. J. (1913). Carl Voretsch, Einführung in das Studium der französischen Literatur (2d edition) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 140-141.

Smith, Stanley A. (1913). Nunzio Maccarone, Il Latino delle Iscrizioni di Sicilia (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 141-143.

Fitz-Gerald, John D. (1913). Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo (1856-1912). Romanic Review, 4, 143-148.

Smith, Hugh Allison. (1913). Composition of the Chanson de Willame (continued). II. Reconstruction of the Text Common to Willame and Covenant-Aliscans. Romanic Review, 4, 149-165.

Loomis, Laura Hibbard. (1913). The Sword Bridge of Chrétien de Troyes and its Celtic Original. Romanic Review, 4, 166-190.

Espinosa, Aurelio M. (1913). Old Spanish fueras. Romanic Review, 4, 191-206.

Crawford, J. P. Wickersham. (1913). Suarez de Figueroa's España Defendida and Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata. Romanic Review, 4, 207-220.

Hamilton, George L. (1913). Sources of the Symbolical Lay Communion. Romanic Review, 4, 221-240.

Tuttle, Edwin H. (1913). Romanic aduolare. Romanic Review, 4, 241-242.

Ruutz-Rees, Caroline. (1913). Record of a Visit to J. C. Scaliger. Romanic Review, 4, 243-252.

Hamilton, George H. (1913). W. Y. Evans Wentz, The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 253-254.

Bacon, George W. (1913). S. L. Millard Rosenberg, La Española de Florencia Comedia Famosa de Calderón de la Barca,and Las Burlas Veras Comedia Famosa de Lope de Vega Carpio (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 254-256.

Weeks, Raymond. (1913). Emile Legouis, Défense de la Poésie française à l'Usage des Lecteurs Anglais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 256-261.

Lecompte, Irville C. (1913). Richeut, Old French Poem of the Twelfth Century, with Introduction, Notes and Glossary. Romanic Review, 4, 261-310.

House, Ralph E. (1913). The sources of Bartolomé Palau's Farsa Salamantina. Romanic Review, 4, 311-322.

Patterson, Shirley Gale. (1913). An Italian Proverb Collection. Romanic Review, 4, 323-329.

Stuart, Donald Clive. (1913). The Stage Setting of Hell and the Iconography of the Middle Ages. Romanic Review, 4, 330-342.

Wilkins, Ernest H. (1913). Discussion of the Date of the Birth of Baccaccio. Romanic Review, 4, 343-351.

De Salvio, Alfonso. (1913). Studies in the Irpino Dialect. Romanic Review, 4, 352-380.

Tuttle, Edwin H. (1913). Cogitare in Gallo-Roman; Romanic cinctu and punctu. Romanic Review, 4, 381-382.

Sheldon, E. S. (1913). W.N. Bolderston, La Vie de Saint Remi: Poème du XIIIe siècle par Richier (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 383-387.

Bushee, Alice H. (1913). Julio Cejador, Primera Parte de Guzman de Alfarache, compuesta por Mateo Aleman, and [Fritz Holle], Mateo Aleman: Guzmàn de Alfarache, by Alice H. Bushee (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 387-392.

Hill, Raymond T. (1913). Boleslas Orlowski, La Damoisele a la Mule, Conte en vers par Païen de Maisières (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 392-396.

Minckwitz, M. J. (1913). Heinrich Morf, Vom Ursprung der provenzalischen Schriftsprache (Book Review). Romanic Review, 4, 396-397.

De Perott, Joseph. (1913). The Mirrour of Knighthood. Romanic Review, 4, 397-402.

Bruce, J. Douglas. (1913). Development of the Mort Arthur Theme in Mediaeval Romance. Romanic Review, 4, 403-471.

Buffum, Douglas L. (1913). Sources of the Roman de la Violette. Romanic Review, 4, 472-478.

Johnston, Oliver M. (1913). Old French estovoir. Romanic Review, 4, 479-479.

Tuttle, Edwin H. (1913). Phonological Contributions. Romanic Review, 4, 480-480.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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