Romanic Review volume 5 (1914)
Lang, Henry R. (1914). Notes on the Metre of the Poem of the Cid. Romanic Review, 5, 1-30.
Crawford, J. P. Wickersham. (1914). Notes on the Tragedies of Lupercio Leonardo de Argensola. Romanic Review, 5, 31-44.
Moore, Olin. (1914). The Young King, Henry Plantagenet (1155-1183) in Provençal and Italian Literature. Romanic Review, 5, 45-54.
Crane, Ronald S. (1914). An Irish Analogue of the Legend of Robert the Devil. Romanic Review, 5, 55-67.
Muller, Henri François. (1914). The Use of the Plural of Reverence in the Letters of Pope Gregory I (590-604). Romanic Review, 5, 68-89.
Tatlock, John S. P. (1914). Another Parallel to the First Canto of the Inferno. Romanic Review, 5, 90-92.
Hayden, Philip M. (1914). A Note on the Ellipsis of Y before Irai. Romanic Review, 5, 93-93.
Anderson, Frederick. (1914). Old French ẹ and ę . Romanic Review, 5, 94-102.
Schinz, Albert. (1914). Charles Oulmont, La Poésie Française du Moyen-Age (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 103-105.
Schoepperle, Gertrude. (1914). Sophie Jewett, Folk-Ballads of Southern Europe, translated into English Verse (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 105-110.
Weeks, Raymond. (1914). J. Runeberg, La Bataille Loquifer I. Edition Critique (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 110-115.
Sheldon, E. S. (1914). Why Does Chrétien's Erec Treat Enide so Harshly? Romanic Review, 5, 115-126.
Hills, E. C. (1914). The Quechua Drama, Ollanta. Romanic Review, 5, 127-176.
Seronde, Joseph. (1914). The Lover in Achille Caulier's Hospital d'Amours. Romanic Review, 5, 177-185.
Henning, G. N. (1914). The French Past Definite as Perfect. Romanic Review, 5, 186-190.
Tuttle, Edwin H. (1914). Romanic retinas. Romanic Review, 5, 191-192.
Harvitt, Helen J. (1914). William Heubi, François Ier et le mouvement intellectuel en France (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 193-197.
Livingston, Arthur. (1914). Arnoldo Segarizzi, Bibliografia delle stampe populari italiane (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 197-199.
Livingston, Arthur. (1914). Ezra Pound, The Sonnets and Ballate of Guido Cavalcanti (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 199-203.
Haskins, Charles H. (1914). Nimrod the Astronomer. Romanic Review, 5, 203-212.
Hamilton, George L. (1914). Storm-Making Springs: Rings of Invisibility. Studies on the Sources of the Yvain of Chrétien de Troies (second article). Romanic Review, 5, 213-237.
Fisher, Lizette A. (1914). Dante's Idea of the Sensible Appearance of Spirits beyond the Grave. Romanic Review, 5, 238-251.
Harvitt, Helen J. (1914). Eustorg de Beaulieu: a Disciple of Marot. Romanic Review, 5, 252-275.
Weeks, Raymond. (1914). Franz Rechnitz, Prolegomena und erster Teil einer kritischen Ausgabe der Chançon de Guillelme (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 276-282.
Weeks, Raymond. (1914). H. Suchier, La Chançon de Guillelme, kritisch herausgegeben (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 282-285.
Ruutz-Rees, Caroline. (1914). Pierre Champion, Vie de Charles d'Orléans (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 285-289.
Ruutz-Rees, Caroline. (1914). Pierre Champion, François Villon, sa vie et son temps (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 289-295.
Lang, Henry R. (1914). Notes on the Metre of the Poem of the Cid (second article). Romanic Review, 5, 295-349.
Whitmore, Charles E. (1914). Fazio degli Uberti as a Lyric Poet. Romanic Review, 5, 350-356.
Gilbert, Allan H. (1914). Montaigne and the Tempest. Romanic Review, 5, 357-363.
De Perott, Joseph. (1914). Professor Fitzmaurice-Kelley and the Source of Shakespeare's Tempest. Romanic Review, 5, 364-367.
Lowes, John Livingston. (1914). The Prioress' Oath. Romanic Review, 5, 368-385.
Fitz-Gerald, John D. (1914). James Fitzmaurice-Kelley, Littérature Espagnole (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 386-389.
Fitz-Gerald, John D. (1914). James Fitzmaurice-Kelley, Bibliographie de la Littérature espagnole (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 389-391.
Fitz-Gerald, John D. (1914). James Fitzmaurice-Kelley, The Oxford Book of Spanish Verse (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 391.
Fitz-Gerald, John D. (1914). James Fitzmaurice-Kelley, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: A Memoir (Book Review). Romanic Review, 5, 391.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew