Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 6 (1915)

Rajna, Pio. (1915). Osservazioni e Dubbi concernenti la Storia delle Romanze Spagnuole. Romanic Review, 6, 1-41.

Harvitt, Helen J. (1915). Eustorg de Beaulieu, a Disciple of Marot. Romanic Review, 6, 42-59, 206-218, 299-326.

Seronde, Joseph. (1915). A Study of the Relations of Some Leading French Poets of the XIVth and XVth Centuries to the Marqués de Santillana. Romanic Review, 6, 60-86.

Temple, Maud Elizabeth. (1915). Robert Ciboule and his Vie des Justes of the XVth Century. Romanic Review, 6, 87-102.

Moore, Olin. (1915). The Young King in the Récits d'un Ménestrel de Reims, and related Chronicles. Romanic Review, 6, 103-110.

Tuttle, Edwin H. (1915). Etimologic Notes: Acerbu, Acidu. Romanic Review, 6, 111-111.

Weeks, Raymond. (1915). Gaston Raynaud, La Chastelaine de Vergi (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 112-113.

Cerf, Barry. (1915). Rabelais: an Appreciation. Romanic Review, 6, 113-149.

Crawford, J. P. Wickersham. (1915). Echarse Pullas, a Popular Form of Tenzone. Romanic Review, 6, 150-164.

Galpin, Stanley Leman. (1915). Elements of Mediaeval Christian Eschatology in French Allegory of the XIIIth and XIVth Centuries. Romanic Review, 6, 165-205.

Crane, T. F. (1915). Alfons Hilka, Neue Beiträge zur Erzählungsliteratur des Mittelalters (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 219-219.

Crane, T. F. (1915). Joseph Greven, Die Exempla aus den Sermones feriales et communes des Jakob von Vitry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 219-219.

Crane, T. F. (1915). J. Th. Welter, Thesaurus Exemplorum. Fascicule V: Le Speculum Laicorum. Edition d'une collection d'exempla composée en Angleterre à la fin du XIII Siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 219-219.

Crane, T. F. (1915). Joseph klapper, Exempla aus Handschriften des Mittelalters (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 219-219.

Crane, T. F. (1915). Goswin Frenken, Die Exempla des Jakob von Vitry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 219-236.

Hamilton, George L. (1915). Edmund G. Gardner, Dante and the Mystics: A Study of the Mystical Aspect of the Divine Comedy and its Relations with some of its Mediaval Sources (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 236-239.

Imbert, Louis. (1915). El Juego del Hombre: Auto Sacramental. Romanic Review, 6, 239-282.

Phelps, Ruth Shepard. (1915). A Translation of Cene Da La Chitarra's Parodies on the Sonnets of the Months. Romanic Review, 6, 283-298.

Kenyon, Herbert A. (1915). Color Symbolism in Early Spanish Ballads. Romanic Review, 6, 327-340.

Lancaster, H. Carrington. (1915). Jodelle and Ovid. Romanic Review, 6, 341-342.

Tuttle, Edwin H. (1915). Etimologic Notes: Arbitriu, Bestia, Bestual, Italian Io > Uo. Romanic Review, 6, 343-345.

Whitmore, Charles E. (1915). Ezio Levi, Poesia di Popolo e Poesia di Corte nel Trecento, (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 346-346.

Crawford, J. P. Wickersham. (1915). Rodolfo Schevill and Adolfo Bonilla, Obras Completas de Cervantes Saavedra. Presiles y Sigismunda (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 346-348.

Livingston, Arthur. (1915). W.C. Brownell, Criticism (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 348-350.

Altrocchi, Rudolph. (1915). Murray Anthony Potter (1871-1915). Romanic Review, 6, 350-352.

Altrocchi, Rudolph. (1915). An Old Italian Version of the Legend of Saint Alexius. Romanic Review, 6, 353-363.

Berdan, John M. (1915). The Poetry of Skelton: a Renaissance Survival of Medieval Latin Influence. Romanic Review, 6, 364-377.

Espinosa, Aurelio M. (1915). Notes on the Versification of El Misterio de los Reyes Magos. Romanic Review, 6, 378-401.

Temple, Maud Elizabeth. (1915). The Fifteenth Century Idea of the Responsible State. Romanic Review, 6, 402-433.

Woodbridge, Benjamin M. (1915). Chrétien's Erec as a Cornelian Hero. Romanic Review, 6, 434-442.

Cheskis, Joseph I. (1915). On the Development of Old Spanish DZ and Z. Romanic Review, 6, 443-447.

Whitmore, Charles E. (1915). A Plea for the Sicilian Poets. Romanic Review, 6, 448-457.

Hamilton, George L. (1915). C.B. Tinker, The Salon and English Letters: Chapters on the Interrelations of Literature and Society in the Age of Johnson (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 458-461.

Weeks, Raymond. (1915). Joseph Bédier, Le Lai de l'Ombre, par Jean Renart (Book Review). Romanic Review, 6, 461-461.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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