Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 7 (1916)

Ruutz-Rees, Caroline. (1916). Some Sixteenth Century Schoolmasters at Grenoble and their Delectable Vicissitudes. Romanic Review, 7, 1-41.

Morley, S. Griswold. (1916). Are the Spanish Romances Written in Quatriains? and other Questions. Romanic Review, 7, 42-82.

Harvitt, Helen J. (1916). Eustorg de Beaulieu: a Disciple of Marot. - Part VI Beaulieu as a Composer of Religious Songs. Romanic Review, 7, 83-109.

Crane, T. F. (1916). F.F. Communications (Book Review). Romanic Review, 7, 110-127.

Emerson, Oliver Farrar. (1916). English or French in the Time of Edward III? Romanic Review, 7, 127-143.

Carnahan, D. H. (1916). Some Sources of Olivier Maillard's Sermon on the Passion. Romanic Review, 7, 144-169.

Lang, Henry R. (1916). Provençal dos, Aposta, Affron. Romanic Review, 7, 170-181.

Livingston, Arthur. (1916). Venice in 1723; the Student Riots of Padua and the Execution of Gaetano Fanton in the Macaronic Poem, Strages Innocentium. Romanic Review, 7, 182-193.

Seronde, Joseph. (1916). Dante and the French Influence on the Marqués de Santillana. Romanic Review, 7, 194-210.

Baum, P. F. (1916). Roland 3220, 3220a. Romanic Review, 7, 211-220.

Hawkins, Richmond Laurin. (1916). The Books of Reference of an Adversary of Marot. Romanic Review, 7, 221-223.

Hawkins, Richmond Laurin. (1916). A Prognostication by Nostradamus in an Unpublished Letter of the Seventeenth Century. Romanic Review, 7, 224-225.

Beardsley, W. A. (1916). Assumir or à sumir in Berceo's Sacrificio, quatrain 285? Romanic Review, 7, 226-227.

Berdan, John M. (1916). The Influence of the Medieval Latin Rhetorics on the English Writers of the Early Renaissance. Romanic Review, 7, 228-228.

Cheskis, Joseph I. (1916). The Pronunciation of Old Spanish ç and final z. Romanic Review, 7, 229-234.

Rockwood, Robert E. (1916). A Spanish Patient Persecuted Wife Tale of 1329. Romanic Review, 7, 235-242.

Medary, Margaret P. (1916). Stanza-Linking in Middle English Verse. Romanic Review, 7, 243-270.

Brown, Arthur C. L. (1916). On the Origin of Stanza-Linking in English Alliterative Verse. Romanic Review, 7, 271-283.

Urena, Pedro Henriquez. (1916). El Primer Libro de Escritor Americano. Romanic Review, 7, 284-313.

Crawford, J. P. Wickersham. (1916). Notes on the Poetry of Hernando de Acuña. Romanic Review, 7, 314-327.

Crawford, J. P. Wickersham. (1916). Notes on the Sonnets in the Spanish Cancionero General de 1554. Romanic Review, 7, 328-337.

Parmelee, Katharine Ward. (1916). The Mohammedan Crescent in the Romance Countries. Romanic Review, 7, 338-344.

Lang, Henry R. (1916). A Correction. Romanic Review, 7, 345-348.

Lang, Henry R. (1916). Apropos of Provençal affron (Romanic Review, VII, 177). Romanic Review, 7, 349-349.

Tuttle, Edwin H. (1916). Etimolojic Notes. Romanic Review, 7, 350-352.

Hill, Raymond T. (1916). Herman Breuer, Humbaut: Altfranzösischer Artusromon des XVIII. Jahrhunderts (Gesellschaft für Romanische Literature. Band 35.) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 7, 353-357.

Hamilton, George L. (1916). Lucien Foulet, Le Roman de Renard (Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Fasc. 211) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 7, 357-362.

Whitmore, Charles E. (1916). Guido Zaccagnini and Amos Parducci, Rimatori Siculo-Toscani del Dugento (Book Review). Romanic Review, 7, 362-369.

De Forest, John B. (1916). Old French Borrowed Words in the Old Spanish of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, with special reference to the Cid, Berceo's Poems, the Alexandre and Fernán González. Romanic Review, 7, 369-413.

Le Duc, Alma de Lande. (1916). Gontier Col and the French Pre-Renaissance. Part First: Official and Diplomatic Career. Romanic Review, 7, 414-457.

House, Ralph E. (1916). A Study of Encina and the Egloga Interlocutoria. Romanic Review, 7, 458-474.

Parmelee, Katharine Ward. (1916). José Maria Rodrigues, Camões e a Infanta D. Maria (Book Review). Romanic Review, 7, 475-485.

Alexander, L. Herbert. (1916). Edward L. Adams, Word-Formation in Provençal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 7, 485-488.

Weeks, Raymond. (1916). Robert Edouard Pellissier. Romanic Review, 7, 488-488.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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