Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 12 (1921)

Williams, Ralph C. (1921). The Purpose of Poetry, and Particularly the Epic, as Discussed by Critical Writers of the Sixteenth Century in Italy. Romanic Review, 12, 1-20.

Perrier, Joseph Louis. (1921). Bertran de Born, Patriot, and His Place in Dante's Inferno (concluded). Romanic Review, 12, 21-43.

Hill, Raymond T. (1921). La Vie de Sainte Euphrosine (concluded). Romanic Review, 12, 44-49.

Romera-Navarro, M. (1921). Estudio de la Comedia Himenea de Torres Naharro. Romanic Review, 12, 50-72.

Gerig, John L. (1921). Doctoral Dissertations in the Romance Languages at Columbia University. A Survey and Bibliography. Romanic Review, 12, 73-79.

Crane, T. F. (1921). The Mountain of Nida. A Postscript. Romanic Review, 12, 80-83.

Hamilton, George L. (1921). The Pedigree of a Phrase in Dante (Purg. VII, 107-8). Romanic Review, 12, 84-89.

Vexler, Feliciu. (1921). Etymologies and Etymological Notes. Romanic Review, 12, 90-92.

Rajna, Pio. (1921). La Questione del "Fiore" (Book Review). Romanic Review, 12, 93-97.

Guyer, Foster E. (1921). The Influence of Ovid on Crestien de Troyes. Romanic Review, 12, 97-134, 216-247.

Espinosa, Aurelio M. (1921). Sobre la Leyenda de los Infantes de Lara. Romanic Review, 12, 135-145.

Crawford, J. P. Wickersham. (1921). A Note on the Boy Bishop in Spain. Romanic Review, 12, 146-154.

Weeks, Raymond. (1921). The Siège de Barbastre (concluded). Romanic Review, 12, 155-167.

Hamilton, Arthur. (1921). Ramón de la Cruz, Social Reformer. Romanic Review, 12, 168-180.

Krappe, Alexander Haggerty. (1921). The Sources of Sebastiano Erizzo's Discorso dei governi civili. Romanic Review, 12, 181-184.

Cook, Albert Stanburrough. (1921). Comparisons - Dante, Inferno, I, 80; Petrarch, Montaigne, etc. Romanic Review, 12, 185-186.

Buceta, Erasmo. (1921). Proparoxitonismo y Rima Encadenada. Romanic Review, 12, 187-187.

Ruutz-Rees, Caroline. (1921). Henry Chamard, Les Origines de la poésie française de la Renaissance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 12, 188-193.

Crane, T. F. (1921). The Sources of Boccaccio's Novella of Mitridanes and Natan (Decameron X, 3). Romanic Review, 12, 193-215.

Dawson, John Charles. (1921). The Floral Games of Toulouse. Romanic Review, 12, 248-275.

Williams, Ralph C. (1921). Methods of Treatment of the Epic as Discussed by Sixteenth Century Critics. Romanic Review, 12, 276-285.

Taylor, Archer. (1921). Arthur and the Wild Hunt. Romanic Review, 12, 286-289.

Wright, Constance C. (1921). A entercer le pur Tristan. Romanic Review, 12, 290-290.

Hendrix, W. S. (1921). Carmen de Burges, Figaro (Revelaciones, Ella descubierta, Epistolario Inédito) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 12, 291-297.

Sheldon, E. S. (1921). Notes on Foerster's Edition of Ivain (continued). Romanic Review, 12, 297-317.

Muller, Henri François. (1921). When did Latin cease to be a Spoken Language in France. Romanic Review, 12, 318-334.

Hamilton, George L. (1921). The Gilded Leaden Cloaks of the Hypocrites (Inferno, XXIII, 58-66). Romanic Review, 12, 335-352.

Whitmore, Charles E. (1921). Studies in the Text of the Sicilian Poets - III. Further Studies in the Chief Sources (continued). Romanic Review, 12, 353-369.

Crawford, J. P. Wickersham. (1921). Early Spanish Wedding Plays. Romanic Review, 12, 370-383.

Espinosa, Aurelio M. (1921). Carmen de Burges, Figaro (Revelaciones, "Ella" descubierta, Epistolario Inédito) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 12, 384-384.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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