Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 13 (1922)

Fabre, C. (1922). Deux Poèmes de Peyre Cathala. Romanic Review, 13, 1-17, 214-227, 359-374.

Haskins, Charles H. (1922). Some Early Treatises on Falconry. Romanic Review, 13, 18-27.

Ruutz-Rees, Caroline. (1922). Renée, a Sixteenth-Century Nun. Romanic Review, 13, 28-36.

Ogle, M. B. (1922). The Orchard Scene in Tydorel and Sir Gowther. Romanic Review, 13, 37-43.

Farnham, C. Evangeline. (1922). American Travelers in Spain. The Spanish Inns, 1777-1867. Romanic Review, 13, 44-64, 252-262, 305-330.

Sloan, Arthur St. Clair. (1922). Pronouns of Address in Don Quijote. Romanic Review, 13, 65-76.

Sheldon, E. S. (1922). Two Strings to One's Bow. Romanic Review, 13, 77-79.

Buceta, Erasmo. (1922). Una Traducción de Lope de Vega Hecha por Southey. Romanic Review, 13, 80-83.

House, Roy Temple. (1922). Lope de Vega and Un Drama Nuevo. Romanic Review, 13, 84-87.

Espinosa, Aurelio M. (1922). T. Navarro Tomás, Manual de Pronunciación Espanola (Book Review). Romanic Review, 13, 88-91.

Whitmore, Charles E. (1922). Aluigi Cossio, The Canzoniere of Dante: A Contribution to its Critical Edition (Book Review). Romanic Review, 13, 91-91.

Whitmore, Charles E. (1922). M. Barbi, Le Opere di Dante: Testo Critico della Societá Dantesca Italiana (Book Review). Romanic Review, 13, 91-97.

Dawson, John Charles. (1922). The Floral Games of Toulose (continued). Romanic Review, 13, 97-114.

Emerson, Oliver Farrar. (1922). Chaucer and Medieval Hunting. Romanic Review, 13, 115-150.

Leavitt, Sturgis E. (1922). A Bibliography of Peruvian Literature (1821-1919). Romanic Review, 13, 151-194.

Harvitt, Hélène J. (1922). Paris et les Parisiens au Seizième Siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 13, 195-197.

Sylvania, Lena E. V. (1922). Doña Maria de Zayas y Sotomayor. Romanic Review, 13, 197-213.

Gillet, Joseph E. (1922). La Aparicion que Hizo Jesu Christo a los Discipulos que Yvan a Emaus An Early Sixteenth Century Play. Romanic Review, 13, 228-251.

Smith, Winifred. (1922). Two Commedie dell'Arte on the Measure for Measure Story. Romanic Review, 13, 263-275.

Crane, T. F. (1922). F.F. Communications, Nos. 32-41 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 13, 276-278.

Crane, T. F. (1922). Norske Eventyr, Norske Folkeminne. Utgiovne av den Norske Historiske Kildeskriftkommission. II (Book Review). Romanic Review, 13, 278-279.

Crane, T. F. (1922). Agostinho de Campos, ed. Antologia Portuguesa (Book Review). Romanic Review, 13, 279-284.

Altrocchi, Rudolph. (1922). Obituary. Francesco Flamini (1868-1922). Romanic Review, 13, 284-284.

Schoepperle, Gertrude. (1922). The Old French Lai De Nabaret. Romanic Review, 13, 285-291.

Livingston, Charles H. (1922). Li Dis Raoul Hosdaing. Romanic Review, 13, 292-304.

Young, Mary Vance. (1922). Alessandro Manzoni-Beccaria, Romanticist. Romanic Review, 13, 331-358.

Whitmore, Charles E. (1922). E. G. Parodi, Il Fiore e il Detto d'Amore (Book Review). Romanic Review, 13, 375-389.

Harvitt, Helen J. (1922). R. Doucet, Etude sur le Gouvernement de Francois Ier (Book Review). Romanic Review, 13, 389-390.

Harvitt, Hélène J. (1922). F. Lachèvre, Bibliographie des Recueils collectifs de Poésies du XVIe Siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 13, 390-390.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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