Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 15 (1924)

Livingston, Charles H. (1924). The Jongleur Gautier Le Leu: a Study in the Fabliaux. Romanic Review, 15, 1-67.

Muller, Henri François. (1924). The Passive Voice in Vulgar Latin. Romanic Review, 15, 68-93.

Krappe, Alexander Haggerty. (1924). An Italian Legend in Pierre Damian. Romanic Review, 15, 94-99.

Heaton, H. C. (1924). Lope de Vega's Parte XXVII Extravagante. Romanic Review, 15, 100-104.

Rogers, Paul Patrick. (1924). The Forms of Address in the Novelas Ejemplares of Cervantes. Romanic Review, 15, 105-120.

Williams, Ralph C. (1924). The Originality of Daniello. Romanic Review, 15, 121-122.

Taylor, Pauline. (1924). The Construction Habere-with-Infinitive in Alcuin as an Expression of the Future. Romanic Review, 15, 123-127.

Lang, Henry R. (1924). James Fitzmaurice-Kelly Spanish Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 15, 128-130.

Shaw, J. E. (1924). Geoffrey L. Bickersteth, ed., tr.,The Poems of Leopardi (Book Review). Romanic Review, 15, 130-139.

Mantz, Harold Elmer. (1924). Henry Brémond, Histoire Littéraire du Sentiment religieux en France depuis la Fin des Guerres de Religion jusqu' à nos Jours (Book Review). Romanic Review, 15, 139-153.

Mantz, Harold Elmer. (1924). Jean Bodin and the Sorcerers. Romanic Review, 15, 153-178.

Reinhard, John R. (1924). Amadas et Ydoine. Romanic Review, 15, 179-265.

Loomis, Roger Sherman. (1924). The Story of the Modena Archivolt and its Mythological Roots. Romanic Review, 15, 266-284.

Clement, N. H. (1924). A Note on Panurge. Romanic Review, 15, 285-295.

Patrick, George Z. (1924). La Chanson de Roland et le Dit des Guerriers d'Igor. Romanic Review, 15, 296-307.

De Onís, F. (1924). E. Gómez de Baquero, El Renacimiento de la Novela en el Siglo XIX (Book Review). Romanic Review, 15, 308-308.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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