Romanic Review volume 17 (1926)
Prezzolini, Giuseppe. (1926). Italian Essayists and Ironists. Romanic Review, 17, 1-7.
Thorndike, Lynn. (1926). Medicine versus Law in Late Medieval and Medicean Florence. Romanic Review, 17, 8-31.
Manning, Clarence A. (1926). Napoleon and Lermontov. Romanic Review, 17, 32-40.
Gillet, Joseph E. (1926). Esteban Martín (or Martínez), Auto, como San Juan Fué Concebido (1528). Romanic Review, 17, 41-64.
Krappe, Alexander Haggerty. (1926). Notes on the Voces del Cielo. Romanic Review, 17, 65-68.
Magoun, F. P., Jr. (1926). Chaucer and the Roman de la Rose, vv. 16096-105. Romanic Review, 17, 69-70.
Spingarn, J. E. (1926). M. Magendie, La Politesse mondaine en France au XVIIe siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 71-73.
Muller, Henri François. (1926). W. Meyer-Lubke, Das Katalanische: Seine Stellung zum Spanischen und Provenzalischen (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 73-76.
De Onís, F. (1926). Lope de Rueda, J. Moreno Villa, ed.,Teatro (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 76-77.
Ruutz-Rees, Caroline. (1926). C.F. Ward, Le Livre de la Deablerie of Eloy d'Amerval (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 77-81.
Crane, T. F. (1926). F. F. Communications. Vols. XVII, 2-XVIII, I (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 81-84.
Le Duc, Alma de Lande. (1926). Faculty Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 84-85, 278-281.
Vaillant, René. (1926). French Literary News in Brief. Romanic Review, 17, 85-85, 170-171, 271-273, 369-372.
Vaillant, René. (1926). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 17, 86-87, 172-174, 274-275, 373-376.
Vaillant, René. (1926). French Book Lists. Romanic Review, 17, 88-94, 276-277.
Callcott, Frank and Robert H. Williams. (1926). El Instituto de las Españas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 95-99, 188-193, 281-283, 382-383.
Faÿ, Bernard. (1926). Les Maîtres de la Littérature française Contemporaine. Romanic Review, 17, 99-115.
Levin, Lawrence M. (1926). The Unity of Raoul de Cambrai. Romanic Review, 17, 116-127.
Adams, Nicholson B. (1926). Notes on Spanish Plays at the Beginning of the Romantic Period. Romanic Review, 17, 128-142.
Holmes, Urban T. (1926). A Possible Source for Branch I of the Roman de Renart. Romanic Review, 17, 143-148.
Ruutz-Rees, Caroline. (1926). F. Strowski, Histoire des Letters (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 149-154.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1926). B. Faÿ, Panorama de la Litterature Contemporaine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 154-157.
Will, J. S. (1926). H. Busson, Les sources et le développement du rationalisme dans la Littérature française de la Renaissance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 157-159.
Espinosa, Aurelio M. (1926). R. Menéndez Pidal, Poesía Juglaresca y Juglares (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 159-162.
De Onís, F. (1926). Current Spanish Literature, II (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 162-170.
Taylor, Pauline. (1926). Romance Linguistics in 1925 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 175-188.
Thorndike, Lynn. (1926). The De Constitutione Mundi of John Michael Albert of Carrara. Romanic Review, 17, 193-216.
De Figueiredo, Fidelino. (1926). II. - Camões as an Epic Poet. Romanic Review, 17, 217-229.
Place, Edwin B. (1926). Salas Barbadillo, Satirist. Romanic Review, 17, 230-242.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1926). Are the Modern Poets Decadent? Romanic Review, 17, 243-256.
Irwin, Leon P. (1926). An Unpublished Letter of Voltaire to Père Menou. Romanic Review, 17, 257-260.
Souriau, Maurice. (1926). René Bazin, Baltus le Lorrain (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 261-262.
Fichter, William Leopold. (1926). Ludwig Pfandl, Spanische Kultur und Sitte des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 262-264.
Bigongiari, Dino. (1926). Ruth Kelso, tr., Girolamo Fracastoro Naugerius, Sive de Poetica Dialogus (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 264-268.
Williams, Robert H. (1926). J. M. Salaverría Quevedo, Obras satíricas y festivas, Prólogo, etc. (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 268-269.
Callcott, Frank. (1926). R. Menéndez Pidal, Floresta de leyendas heroicas españolas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 269-271.
Institut des Etudes Françaises (Book Review). (1926). Romanic Review, 17, 283-283.
Italian House (Book Review). (1926). Romanic Review, 17, 283-284.
Books and Pamphlets Received (Book Review). (1926). Romanic Review, 17, 284-289.
Varia (Book Review). (1926). Romanic Review, 17, 289-291.
Feraru, L. (1926). The Development of the Rumanian Novel. Romanic Review, 17, 291-302.
Barlow, Jos W. (1926). Zorrilla's Indebtedness to Zamora. Romanic Review, 17, 303-318.
Cambiaire, C. P. (1926). The Influence of Edgar Allan Poe in France. Romanic Review, 17, 319-337.
Spell, J. R. (1926). Fernández de Lizardi: The Mexican Feijóo. Romanic Review, 17, 338-348.
Morand, P. R. (1926). Marcel Achard and the Modern Stage. Romanic Review, 17, 349-354.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1926). Voltaire as a Vaudevilliste. Romanic Review, 17, 355-358.
Bigongiari, Dino. (1926). Allan H. Gilbert, Dante's Conception of Justice (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 359-363.
Van Duyn, A. Van Ameyden. (1926). L. Pierre-Quint, Marcel Proust, sa vie, son oeuvre; E. de Clermont-Tonerre, Robert de Montesquiou et Marcel Proust (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 363-365.
Parker, C. S. (1926). Heinrich Gelzer, Guy de Maupassant (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 365-367.
Tutt, Charles. (1926). Lucciano Zùccoli, Things Greater Than He (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 367-369.
Ratcliff, D. F. (1926). Spanish Book Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 377-378.
Riccio, P. M. (1926). Italian Literary News (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 378-379.
Riccio, P. M. (1926). Italian Book Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 379-380.
Riccio, P. M. (1926). Italian Book List (Book Review). Romanic Review, 17, 380-382.
Institute of Rumanian Culture (Book Review). (1926). Romanic Review, 17, 383-384.
Varia (Book Review). (1926). Romanic Review, 17, 384-384.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew