Romanic Review volume 18 (1927)
Lapie, Paul. (1927). L'Université francaise et l'Université américaine. Romanic Review, 18, 1-8.
Entwistle, William J. (1927). The Rebirth of Catalonia. Romanic Review, 18, 9-21.
Montgomery, Lois. (1927). Confided Property. Romanic Review, 18, 22-36.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1927). The Tragic Story of Adoré Floupette, or How One Becomes a Decadent. Romanic Review, 18, 37-51.
Rey, A. (1927). Book XX of Oviedo's Historia general y natural de las Indias. Romanic Review, 18, 52-57.
Crane, T. F. (1927). F. F. Communications (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 58-59.
Crane, T. F. (1927). Instituttet for Sammenlignende Kulturforskning (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 59-64.
Livingston, Arthur. (1927). Angelo Crespi, Contemporary Thought of Italy (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 64-64.
Smith, Winifred. (1927). Alfred Mortier, Un Dramaturge populaire de la Renaissance italienne: Ruzzante (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 64-67.
Riccio, P. M. (1927). G. Prezzolini, I Maggiori (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 67-68.
De Onís, F. (1927). de N. Alonso Cortes, ed., Zorrilla, Poesías (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 68-69.
De Onís, F. (1927). Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad ae Buenos Aires. Instituto de Filología (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 69-70.
De Onís, F. (1927). Homenaje ofrecido a Menendez Pidal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 70-71.
De Onís, F., E. Herman Hespelt, Robert H. Williams and Angel Del Río. (1927). Spanish Book Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 71-75, 174-177, 352-355.
De Onís, F. (1927). Spanish Studies in the University of Porto Rico (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 75-79.
Callcott, Frank and Robert H. Williams. (1927). Instituto de las Españas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 79-80, 177-178, 275-278.
Vaillant, Rene. (1927). French Literary News in Brief. Romanic Review, 18, 80-82, 181-182, 264-266, 355-356.
Vaillant, Rene. (1927). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 18, 83-86, 183-185, 357-359.
Vaillant, Rene. (1927). French Book Lists. Romanic Review, 18, 87-89, 269.
Riccio, P. M. (1927). Italian Literary News in Brief (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 90-91.
Riccio, P. M. (1927). Italian Books Received (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 91-92.
Riccio, P. M. (1927). Italian Book List (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 92-94, 190-193.
Le Duc, Alma de Lande. (1927). Faculty Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 94-97, 272-275.
Varia (Book Review). (1927). Romanic Review, 18, 99-102.
In Memoriam Paul Lapie (Book Review). (1927). Romanic Review, 18, 102-103.
Mornet, Daniel. (1927). Philosophie de la Littérature ou Histoire de la Littérature. Romanic Review, 18, 103-113.
Thorndike, Lynn. (1927). Some Unpublished Renaissance Moralists and Philosophers of the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century. Romanic Review, 18, 114-133.
Lowe, L. F. H. (1927). Saint-Preux's Trip to Sion in the Nouvelle Héloïse. Romanic Review, 18, 134-141.
Krappe, Alexander Haggerty. (1927). A Note on the Source of Voltaire's EryphileRomanic Review, 18, 142-148.
Brown, Irving H. (1927). An Unpublished Letter by Flaubert. Romanic Review, 18, 149-152.
Crane, T. F. (1927). Giambattista Basile, Benedetto Croce, tr., Il Pentamerone (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 153-156.
Krappe, Alexander Haggerty. (1927). A.-J. Dickman, Le Rôle du surnaturel dans les Chansons de Geste (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 156-157.
Carrière, Joseph M. (1927). F.O. Call, The Spell of French Canada (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 157-158.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1927). B. Faÿ, L'Esprit révolutionnaire en France et aux Etats-Unis à la fin du XVIII siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 158-160.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1927). Cleveland B. Chase, The Young Voltaire (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 160-163.
Heaton, H. C. (1927). A. Hãmel, Studien zu Lope de Vegas Jugenddramen (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 163-166.
Williams, Robert H. (1927). F. Castro Guisasola, Observaciones sobre las fuentes literarias de La Celestina (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 166-168.
Muller, Henri François. (1927). I. Lhevinne, The Language of the Glossary Sangalensis 912 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 168-169.
De Onís, F. (1927). Current Spanish Literature, III (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 169-174.
Books Received - Spanish (Book Review). (1927). Romanic Review, 18, 178-181.
Riccio, P. M. (1927). Italian Literary News in Brief (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 186-188, 360-362.
Bontempo, O. A. (1927). Italian Book Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 188-190, 270-272.
Muller, Henri François. (1927). Philological Book Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 193-194.
Varia (Book Review). (1927). Romanic Review, 18, 194-198.
In Memoriam Henry Bargy. (1927). Romanic Review, 18, 198-199.
Fletcher, Jefferson B. (1927). An Experiment in Metre for the Divine Comedy in English. Romanic Review, 18, 199-219.
Fichter, William Leopold. (1927). Color Symbolism in Lope de Vega. Romanic Review, 18, 220-231.
Matulka, Barbara. (1927). Letters of Mallarmé and Maeterlinck to Richard Hovey. Romanic Review, 18, 232-237.
Berzunza, Julius. (1927). A Digression in the Libro de Alexandre: The Story of the Elephant. Romanic Review, 18, 238-245.
Anibal, C. E. (1927). Another Note on the Voces del Cielo. Romanic Review, 18, 246-252.
Du Val, T. E. (1927). The Earliest Vaudeville on the French Stage. Romanic Review, 18, 253-254.
Krappe, Alexander Haggerty. (1927). A. Wesselski, Märchen des Mittelalters (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 255-256.
Muller, Henri François. (1927). D.S. Blondheim, Les Parlers judéo-romans et al Vetus Latina (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 256-258.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1927). J.G. Palache, Gautier and the Romantics (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 258-258.
Carrière, Joseph M. (1927). R. Doumic, Histoire de la littérature française (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 258-260.
Torres-Rioseco, A. (1927). G.L. Van Roosbroeck, An Anthology of Modern French Poetry (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 260-261.
Adams, Nicholson B. (1927). G.T. Northup, Introduction to Spanish Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 261-263.
Adams, Nicholson B. (1927). A.F.G. Bell, Contemporary Spanish Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 263-263.
Williams, Robert H. (1927). C.E.Kany, Ocho sainetes inéditos de Don Ramón de la Cruz and Five Sainetes of Ramón de la Cruz (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 263-264.
Taylor, Pauline. (1927). Romance Linguistics in 1926 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 278-292, 366-380.
Books Received - Spanish (Book Review). (1927). Romanic Review, 18, 292-293.
Varia (Book Review). (1927). Romanic Review, 18, 293-297.
De Onís, F. (1927). The Coordination of the Study of French with that of the Other Romance Languages. Romanic Review, 18, 297-305.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1927). Huysmans, The Sphinx: The Riddle of A Rebours. Romanic Review, 18, 306-328.
Rhodes, S. A. (1927). The Influence of Poe on Baudelaire. Romanic Review, 18, 329-333.
Holmes, Urban T. (1927). Renaut de Beaujeu. Romanic Review, 18, 334-338.
Heaton, H. C. (1927). A Volume of Rare Sixteenth Century Spanish Dramatic Works. Romanic Review, 18, 339-345.
Muller, Henri François. (1927). Friedrich Schürr, Das altfranzösische Epos (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 346-347.
Vexler, Feliciu. (1927). Anna J. Cooper, Le Pèlerinage de Charlemagne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 347-348.
Morand, P. R. (1927). A.H. Schutz, The Peasant Vocabulary in the Works of George Sand (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 348-350.
Parker, C. S. (1927). J. Delteil, The Poilus (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 350-351.
Adams, Nicholson B. (1927). Garcia Gutiérrez, Venganza catalana. Juan Lorenzo (Book Review). Romanic Review, 18, 351-352.
Matulka, Barbara and P. M. Riccio. (1927). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 18, 362-365.
Books and Pamphlets Received (Book Review). (1927). Romanic Review, 18, 380-387.
Varia (Book Review). (1927). Romanic Review, 18, 387-387.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew