Romanic Review volume 19 (1928)
Hawkins, Richmond Laurin. (1928). The Manuscripts of the Roman de la Rose in the Libraries of Harvard and Yale Universities. Romanic Review, 19, 1-24.
Cook, H. L. (1928). French Sources of Wilde's Picture of Dorian Gray. Romanic Review, 19, 25-34.
Krappe, Alexander Haggerty. (1928). The Study of European Folklore since 1914. Romanic Review, 19, 35-40.
Wofsy, S. A. (1928). A Note on Mas Que. Romanic Review, 19, 41-48.
Towles, Oliver. (1928). R. M. Merrill, American Doctoral Dissertations in the Romance Field, 1876-1926 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 49-51.
Williams, Robert H. (1928). Caroline B. Bourland, The Short Story in Spain in the Seventeenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 51-52.
Rudwin, M. (1928). Louis Reynaud, Le Romantisme (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 52-55.
Snodgress, Paul C. (1928). Ernest Seilliee, Pour le Centenaire du Romantisme (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 55-56.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). Cargill Sprietsma, Louis Bertrand (1807-1841). Etude biographique and Euvres poetiques (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 56-58.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). Wm. F. Giese, Victor Hugo (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 58-62.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). Andre Hallays, Les Perrault (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 62-63.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). Andre Maurois, Meipe ou la Delivrance (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 63-65.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). Lesage, Notes upon a Unique Collection of his Editions Originales (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 65-66.
Muller, Henri François. (1928). Philological Book Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 66-70.
Matulka, Barbara, Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck, Thos A. Fitzgerald, O. K. Lundeberg, P. M. Riccio and Lawrence M. Levin. (1928). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 19, 70-72.
Vaillant, Rene. (1928). French Literary News in Brief. Romanic Review, 19, 73-75.
Vaillant, Rene. (1928). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 19, 76-78.
Vaillant, Rene. (1928). French Bibliography. Romanic Review, 19, 79-80.
Riccio, P. M. and H. R. Marraro. (1928). Italian Literary News in Brief (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 81-83.
Bontempo, O. A., Alexander Haggerty Krappe and Winifred Smith. (1928). Italian Book Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 83-85.
Marraro, H. R. (1928). Institute of Italian Culture (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 85-87.
Williams, Robert H., Frank Callcott and Robert H. Williams. (1928). Instituto de las Espanas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 87-88.
Le Duc, Alma de Lande. (1928). Faculty Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 88-93.
Gerig, John L. (1928). In Memoriam: Thomas Frederick Crane. Romanic Review, 19, 93-93.
C., J. P. W. (1928). In Memoriam: Hugo Albert Rennert (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 94-95.
The Editors. (1928). Varia (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 95-99.
Fay, Bernard. (1928). Doutes et Reflexions sur l'Etude de la Litterature. Romanic Review, 19, 99-114.
Lister, J. T. (1928). La Grans Proiere Nostre Dame. Romanic Review, 19, 115-129.
Gifford, G. H. (1928). Racine and Corneille during the Consulate and Empire. Romanic Review, 19, 130-140.
Berzunza, Julius. (1928). Notes on Witchcraft and Alcahueteria. Romanic Review, 19, 141-150.
Rey, A. (1928). Correspondence of the Spanish Miracles of the Virgin. Romanic Review, 19, 151-153.
Krappe, Alexander Haggerty. (1928). More on the Voces del Cielo. Romanic Review, 19, 154-156.
Schons, Dorothy. (1928). A Calderon Document. Romanic Review, 19, 157-157.
Matulka, Barbara. (1928). H. A. Deferrari, The Sentimental Moor in Spanish Literature before 1600 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 158-161.
Krappe, Alexander Haggerty. (1928). E.K. Chambers, Arthur of Britain (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 161-162.
Taintor, Mary B. (1928). V. L. Dedecek, Etude litteraire et linguistique de Li Histore de Julius Cesar de Jehan de Tuim (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 162-163.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). Ira O. Wade, The Philosope in the French Drama of the Eighteenth Century (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 163-165.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). Memoirs of Leon Daudet (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 165-167.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). H. Girard et H. Moncel, Pour et Contre le Romantisme (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 167-168.
Vaillant, Rene. (1928). French Literary News in Brief. Romanic Review, 19, 168-172.
Vaillant, Rene. (1928). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 19, 173-173.
Vaillant, Rene. (1928). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 19, 174-174.
Vaillant, Rene. (1928). French Bibliography. Romanic Review, 19, 175-175.
Prenez, Blanche. (1928). Maison Francaise (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 176-176.
Riccio, P. M. and H. R. Marraro. (1928). Italian Literary News in Brief (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 176-178.
Bontempo, O. A., Alexander Haggerty Krappe and Winifred Smith. (1928). Italian Book Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 178-180.
Marraro, H. R. (1928). Italian House (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 180-182.
Hespelt, E. Herman and Robert H. Williams. (1928). Spanish Book Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 182-183.
Matulka, Barbara, Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck, Thos A. Fitzgerald, O. K. Lundeberg, P. M. Riccio and Lawrence M. Levin. (1928). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 19, 183-183.
Callcott, Frank and Robert H. Williams. (1928). Instituto de las Espanas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 183-186.
The Editors. (1928). Varia (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 186-195.
Hawkins, Richmond Laurin. (1928). Unpublished Letters of Alexis de Tocqueville. Romanic Review, 19, 195-217.
Dickman, A. J. (1928). Le Mal, Force Dramatique chez M. Lenormand. Romanic Review, 19, 218-231.
Brooks, John. (1928). Slavery and the Slave in the Works of Lope de Vega. Romanic Review, 19, 232-243.
Thorndike, Lynn. (1928). Bisticius (or Bistichius) of Florence. Romanic Review, 19, 244-249.
Heaton, H. C. (1928). A. Restori, Saggi di Bibliografia Teatrale spagnuola (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 250-258.
Williams, E. B. (1928). J. J. Nunes, Cantigas d'Amigo dos Trovadores Galego-Portugueses (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 258-260.
Morand, P. R. (1928). G. L. van Roosbroeck, The Legend of the Decadents (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 260-262.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). Mary Duclaux, Portrait of Pascal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 262-263.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). Vicomte C. du Peloux, Repertoire general des ouvrages modernes relatifs au XVIIIe siècle francais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 263-265.
Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1928). J. De la Luz Leon, Amiel, o la incapacidad de amar (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 265-267.
Feraru, L. (1928). Rumanian Literary News and Comment (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 267-268.
Bontempo, O. A., Alexander Haggerty Krappe and Winifred Smith. (1928). Italian Book Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 268-270.
Riccio, P. M. and H. R. Marraro. (1928). Italian Literary News in Brief (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 270-273.
Marraro, H. R. (1928). Institute of Italian Culture (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 273-274.
Marraro, H. R. (1928). Italian Book Exhibit (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 274-275.
Matulka, Barbara, Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck, Thos A. Fitzgerald, O. K. Lundeberg, P. M. Riccio and Lawrence M. Levin. (1928). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 19, 275-275.
Prenez, Blanche. (1928). Maison Francaise (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 275-275.
Williams, Robert H. and Frank Callcott. (1928). Instituto de las Espanas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 275-281.
Le Duc, Alma de Lande. (1928). Faculty Notes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 281-284.
The Editors. (1928). Varia (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 284-289.
Espinosa, Aurelio M. (1928). La Sinalefa y la compensacion en la versification espanola. Romanic Review, 19, 289-301.
Goggio, Emilio. (1928). Benjamin Franklin and Italy. Romanic Review, 19, 302-308.
Bement, Newton S. (1928). Petrus Ramus and the Beginnings of Formal French Grammar. Romanic Review, 19, 309-323.
Mornet, Daniel. (1928). La veritable methode historique de la critique litteraire. Romanic Review, 19, 324-327.
Johnston, Oliver M. (1928). The Ugolino Episode. Romanic Review, 19, 328-331.
Place, Edwin B. (1928). Spanish Sources of the Diabolism of Barbey D'Aurevilly. Romanic Review, 19, 332-338.
Crawford, J. P. Wickersham. (1928). E. K. Kane, Gongorism and the Golden Age (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 339-343.
Torres-Rioseco, A. (1928). J. Hurtado, J. de la Serna, A. G. Palencia, Antologia de la Literatura espanola (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 343-344.
Levin, Lawrence M. (1928). R. Levy, The Astrological Works of Ibn Ezra (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 344-347.
Kroesch, S. (1928). A. H. Krappe, Balor with the Evil Eye (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 347-349.
Turgeon, F. K. (1928). Grace Gill-Mark, Une Femme de lettres au XVIIIe siè|cle: Anne-Marie Du Boccage (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 349-354.
Schlauch, Margaret. (1928). H. R. Patch, The Goddess Fotuna in Mediaval Literature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 354-355.
Feraru, L. (1928). Rumanian Literary News and Comment (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 355-359.
Riccio, P. M. and H. R. Marraro. (1928). Italian Literary News in Brief (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 359-360.
Marraro, H. R. (1928). Institute of Italian Culture (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 360-362.
Matulka, Barbara, Gustave Leopold Van Roosbroeck, Thos A. Fitzgerald, O. K. Lundeberg, P. M. Riccio and Lawrence M. Levin. (1928). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 19, 362-362.
Williams, Robert H. and Frank Callcott. (1928). Instituto de las Espanas (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 362-366.
Taylor, Pauline. (1928). Romance Linguistics in 1927 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 366-378.
The Editors. (1928). Varia (Book Review). Romanic Review, 19, 378-378.
Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew