Department of French and Romance Philology  








Romanic Review volume 21 (1930)

Hawkins, Richmond Laurin. (1930). Unpublished French Letters of the Eighteenth Century. Romanic Review, 21, 1-15.

Carriere, Joseph M. (1930). La Jeune Fille Violaine. Romanic Review, 21, 16-25.

Goggio, Emilio. (1930). Washington Irving and Italy. Romanic Review, 21, 26-33.

Johnston, Oliver M. (1930). Dante's Comparison Between the Seven Planets and the Seven Liberal Arts. Romanic Review, 21, 34-34.

Templin, E. H. (1930). A Gloss of a Ballad by Gongora. Romanic Review, 21, 35-41.

Berkowitz, H. C. (1930). The Memory Element in Mesonero's Memorias. Romanic Review, 21, 42-48.

Schaffer, Aaron. (1930). The Parnassians at Play. Romanic Review, 21, 49-59.

Taylor, Pauline. (1930). H. F. Muller, A Chronology of Vulgar Latin (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 60-62.

Levin, Lawrence M. (1930). O. Jespersen, An International Language (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 62-65.

Bandy, William T. (1930). Charles Baudelaire, Les Paradis artificiels. La Fanfarlo (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 65-66.

Rhodes, S. A. (1930). G. L. van Roosbroeck, Grotesques (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 66-66.

Matulka, Barbara. (1930). Concha Melendez, Amado Nervo (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 66-68.

Matulka, Barbara. (1930). W. S. Robertson, The Diary of Francisco de Miranda. Tour of the United States, 1783-84 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 68-69.

Matulka, Barbara. (1930). J. G. Mercadal, En Zigzag (Por Tierras Vascas de Espana y Francia) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 69-69.

Ratcliff, D. F. (1930). R. Blanco-Fombona, Diario de mi vida, 1904-05 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 69-71.

Austin, H. D. (1930). G. L. Passerini, La Vita di Dante (1265-1321) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 71-73.

Naughton, A. E. A. (1930). H. Hauvette, L'Ariosto et la poesie chevaleresque a Ferrare au debut du XVI^sup e^ siècle (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 73-74.

Levin, Lawrence M. (1930). F. Zaman, L'Attribution de Philomena a Chretien de Troyes (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 74-76.

Levin, Lawrence M. (1930). H. Zwanenburg, Posse et son evolution en vieux francais (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 76-77.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold, F. M. Dumont, H. R. Hays, E. H. Polinger, D. K. Rothstein, Louis H. Gray and A. J. Dickman. (1930). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 77-79.

Matulka, Barbara, Samuel Rogers, Pauline Taylor, B. Levy and E. H. Polinger. (1930). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 21, 80-80.

Bontempo, O. A. (1930). Luciano Zuccoli and Marco Praga. Romanic Review, 21, 81-81.

Bontempo, O. A. (1930). Italian Literature in 1929. Romanic Review, 21, 82-86.

Matulka, Caroline. (1930). Faculty Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 87-90.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1930). Raymond Foulche-Delbosc (1864-1929). Romanic Review, 21, 91-91.

Gerig, John L. (1930). Varia. Romanic Review, 21, 92-98.

Jordan, Leo. (1930). Essais de Sociologie linguistique. Romanic Review, 21, 99-115.

Vittorini, D. (1930). Francesca Da Rimini and the Dolce Stil Nuovo. Romanic Review, 21, 116-127.

Hawkins, Richmond Laurin. (1930). Unpublished French Letters of the Eighteenth Century. Romanic Review, 21, 128-131.

Avrett, Robert. (1930). A Brief Examination into the Historical Background of Martinez de la Rosa's La Conjuracion de Venecia. Romanic Review, 21, 132-136.

Gay, Lucy M. (1930). Two Notes on Les Cenci of Stendhal. Romanic Review, 21, 137-141.

Williams, E. B. (1930). The Second Person Plural in Portuguese. Romanic Review, 21, 142-144.

Steiner, Arpad. (1930). Propertius, laudator temporis acti. Romanic Review, 21, 145-145.

Tuttle, Edwin H. (1930). Spanish colmena, Portuguese colmeia. Romanic Review, 21, 145-147.

Bontempo, O. A. and John L. Gerig. (1930). M. B. Anderson, The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 148-152.

Rhodes, S. A. (1930). Some Studies on Rimbaud: M. Coulon, La Vie de Rimbaud et de son Œuvre; F. Ruchon, Jean-Arthur Rimbaud, sa Vie, son oeuvre, son Influence A. R. de Reneville, Rimbaud le Voyant A. Rimbaud, Correspondance Inedite (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 152-157.

Rovillain, E. E. (1930). D. Mornet, Histoire de la Clarte francaise (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 157-160.

Fichter, William Leopold. (1930). M. Romera-Navarro, Miguel de Unamuno, nonvelista-poeta-ensayista (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 160-162.

Flores, Pastoriza. (1930). Miguel de Unamuno, Mist (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 162-163.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1930). E. Seilliere, Romanticism (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 163-166.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1930). Jules Laforgue, Six Moral Tales, translated by Frances Newman (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 166-169.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1930). Jacques de Lacretelle, Histoire de Paola Ferrani (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 169-170.

Bontempo, O. A. (1930). Italian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 170-170.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold, F. M. Dumont, H. R. Hays, E. H. Polinger, D. K. Rothstein, Louis H. Gray and A. J. Dickman. (1930). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 171-174.

Feraru, L. (1930). Rumanian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 175-176.

Matulka, Barbara, Samuel Rogers, Pauline Taylor, B. Levy and E. H. Polinger. (1930). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 21, 177-179.

Becerra, R. A. (1930). Instituto de las Espanas. Romanic Review, 21, 180-181.

Gerig, John L. (1930). In Memoriam: Adolphe Cohn. Romanic Review, 21, 182-182.

Gerig, John L. (1930). Varia. Romanic Review, 21, 183-194.

Bayer, Henry G. (1930). French Names in Our Geography. Romanic Review, 21, 195-203.

Miller, C. R. D. (1930). American Notes in the Odes of Labindo. Romanic Review, 21, 204-208.

Hawkins, Richmond Laurin. (1930). Unpublished French Letters of the Eighteenth Century. Romanic Review, 21, 209-217.

Romera-Navarro, M. (1930). Apuntaciones sobre viejas formulas castellanas de saludo. Romanic Review, 21, 218-222.

Place, Edwin B. (1930). Causes of the Failure of Old Spanish Y and En to Survive. Romanic Review, 21, 223-227.

Fucilla, Joseph G. (1930). Some Imitations of Quevedo and Some Poems Wrongly Attributed to Him. Romanic Review, 21, 228-234.

Rotunda, D. P. (1930). Gracian Dantisco's Rules for Story-Telling. Romanic Review, 21, 235-236.

Zelson, L. G. (1930). The Title Libro de los Gatos. Romanic Review, 21, 237-237.

Rey, A. (1930). A French Source of One of Carlos Garcia's Tales. Romanic Review, 21, 238-238.

Halperin, Maurice. (1930). The Duke of Saxony and the Date ad quem of Cliges. Romanic Review, 21, 239-241.

Jordan, Leo. (1930). E. Zilsel, Die Enstehung des Geniebegriffs (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 242-246.

Brussaly, M. (1930). Some Studies on Stendhal: P. Arbelet, Stendhal epicier ou Les Infortunes de Melanie Marie-Jeanne Durry, Un Ennemi de Stendhal Jean Prevost, Le Chemin de Stendhal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 246-251.

Rhodes, S. A. (1930). Charles Baudelaire, Vers Retrouves (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 251-252.

Wade, Ira O. (1930). P. Hazard, Etudes critiques sur Manon Lescaut (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 252-256.

MacPherson, Harriet D. (1930). Mary-Margaret Barr, A Bibliography of Writings on Voltaire, 1825-1925 (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 256-257.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1930). T. E. Oliver, The Merope of George Jeffreys as a Source of Voltaire's Merope (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 257-259.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1930). Muriel Dodds, Les Recits de Voyages, Sources de l'Esprit des Lois de Montesquieu (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 259-260.

Williams, Robert H. (1930). A. Gonzalez de Amezua y Mayo, Formacion y elementos de la novela cortesana (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 260-262.

Owen, A. L. (1930). Dorothy Schons, Apuntes y Documentos Nuevos para la Biografia de Juan Ruiz de Alarcon y Mendoza (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 262-263.

Bontempo, O. A. (1930). Luigi Pirandello, Questa sera si recita a soggetto (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 263-265.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold, F. M. Dumont, H. R. Hays, E. H. Polinger, D. K. Rothstein, Louis H. Gray and A. J. Dickman. (1930). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 265-265.

Bontempo, O. A. (1930). Italian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 265-267.

Feraru, L. (1930). Rumanian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 268-272.

Matulka, Barbara, Samuel Rogers, Pauline Taylor, B. Levy and E. H. Polinger. (1930). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 21, 273-275.

Matulka, Caroline. (1930). Faculty Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 276-280.

Gerig, John L. (1930). Varia. Romanic Review, 21, 281-290.

Meillet, A. (1930). La Notion de Radical en Francais. Romanic Review, 21, 291-295.

Lyons, J. C. (1930). Conceptions of the Republic in French Literature of the Sixteenth Century: Estienne de la Boetie and Francois Hotman. Romanic Review, 21, 296-307.

Hawkins, Richmond Laurin. (1930). Unpublished French Letters of the Eighteenth Century. Romanic Review, 21, 308-314.

Rogers, Paul Patrick. (1930). The Drama of Pre-Romantic Spain. Romanic Review, 21, 315-324.

Peyre, Henri. (1930). Pascal et la Critique Contemporaine (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 325-340.

Peyre, Henri. (1930). Isabel Leavenworth, The Physics of Pascal (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 340-341.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1930). Montesquieu, Lettres Persanes, texte etabli par Elie Carcassonne (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 341-343.

Naughton, A. E. A. (1930). Fausto Nicolini, La Signora D'Epinay e l'Abate Galiani: Lettere inedite (1769-1772) (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 343-345.

Naughton, A. E. A. (1930). Louis Roule, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre et l'Harmonie de la Nature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 345-347.

Melcher, Edith. (1930). A. Lacey, Pixerecourt and the French Romantic Drama (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 347-348.

Rhodes, S. A. (1930). Andre Therive, Le Parnasse (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 348-351.

Snodgress, Paul C. (1930). Louis Reynaud, La Crise de Notre Litterature (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 351-352.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1930). M. Summers, The Vampire in Europe (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 352-354.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold. (1930). Acton Griscom, The Historia Regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 354-356.

Van Roosbroeck, Gustave Leopold, F. M. Dumont, H. R. Hays, E. H. Polinger, D. K. Rothstein, Louis H. Gray and A. J. Dickman. (1930). French Book Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 356-358.

Bontempo, O. A. (1930). T. C. Chubb, The Life of Giovanni Boccaccio (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 359-360.

Bontempo, O. A. (1930). Antonio Beltramelli, Le Strade verdi (Book Review). Romanic Review, 21, 360-361.

Bontempo, O. A. (1930). Italian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 361-362.

Becerra, R. A. (1930). Instituto de las Espanas. Romanic Review, 21, 363-363.

Feraru, L. (1930). Rumanian Book Notes. Romanic Review, 21, 364-365.

Matulka, Barbara, Samuel Rogers, Pauline Taylor, B. Levy and E. H. Polinger. (1930). Romance Language Class-Texts. Romanic Review, 21, 366-366.

Gerig, John L. (1930). Tendances Nouvelles en Histoire Litteraire. Romanic Review, 21, 367-367.

Gerig, John L. (1930). In Memoriam: Charles Alfred Downer. Romanic Review, 21, 368-368.

Gerig, John L. (1930). Varia. Romanic Review, 21, 369-369.

Bibliography by Andrew Branch & Jonathan Eskew

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